walles / moar

Moar is a pager. It's designed to just do the right thing without any configuration.
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[suggestion] Only page when output has more lines than terminal instance has rows. #75

Closed thepeoplesbourgeois closed 2 years ago

thepeoplesbourgeois commented 2 years ago

I had run an update command on one of my packages, and in pulling its Git commits since I'd last updated it, each one-line git log message was opening, synchronously, within moar, despite (and quite hilariously so) that the informative boundaries displayed by moar inhabited more screen space than each one-line message did.

It's a very nice pager so far, but perhaps it could do that thing more and less tend to do when the document has less than one full page's worth of content, and fall back to cat with color output in those cases?

walles commented 2 years ago

Hey @thepeoplesbourgeois!

What exact command line did you use to get this behaviour?

walles commented 2 years ago

Also, a screenshot of the full terminal window with moar showing one-line messages would be helpful!

I understand what feature you are after, but I first want to understand what problem it is you're trying to solve.

That's why I want your command line and a screenshot.

EricSOLUTE commented 2 years ago

I totally agree with this suggestion.

To reproduce, git branch is probably the easiest. Hopefully you don't have more than a page of branches.

git config --global --list should also have less than a page of output.

Setting git config --global --add core.pager 'less -F -X -R --mouse' is what I would like it to do.

walles commented 2 years ago

@EricSOLUTE what you describe sounds unrelated to what @thepeoplesbourgeois wrote in the description of this ticket:

each one-line git log message was opening, synchronously, within moar

Doing git branch doesn't show any log messages, and it opens moar only once.

@thepeoplesbourgeois how's that example command line and screenshot of your complete terminal window (including the window border!!) coming along?

walles commented 2 years ago

No response, closing.

@thepeoplesbourgeois, if you can provide...

... then please provide those here and reopen.

@EricSOLUTE feel free to open a new separate ticket for your issue, it seems unrelated to this one.