wallix / PEPS

Innovative Open source Email + File sharing
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Is this project actively being maintained? #79

Open bmiller59 opened 7 years ago

bmiller59 commented 7 years ago

Hello. I am excited about using and contributing to PEPS but after reviewing the commit history (very little in the past year) I am not sure if this repo is being actively maintained or not. The milestones in the roadmap have come and gone long ago.

Can someone clarify and indicate if there is a more active fork that has replaced this repo? Thank you.

hbbio commented 7 years ago

The README has been updated: This version and repository is not maintained anymore. But we will be releasing a much enhanced product in June 2017.

bmiller59 commented 7 years ago

Thank you for updating the README. Is the roadmap (e.g. anticipated features) accurate in the README so we be aware of what is going to be added?

I also ask because I am seeking a project like this one to start contributing to. Is the new repo also coded in opa?

Thanks for such an interesting project. Looking forward to the new version.

hbbio commented 7 years ago

Yes the roadmap is still the same but the technical architecture has been moved to micro services.

roshanjonah commented 7 years ago

Hi there, Would you say it would be easy to upgrade to the new version once it is released or will you not support an upgrade from this version?

biernacki commented 7 years ago

@hbbio Any news regarding the new version? The anticipation is killing me ;)

asif999 commented 7 years ago

Will the new product be licensed as GPL or will it be commercial? just want to know if I should wait or move on :)