wallix / awless

A Mighty CLI for AWS
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Found no documentation on how to filter s3objects by path #231

Open MSSputnik opened 5 years ago

MSSputnik commented 5 years ago

Using the command ./awless ls s3objects --filter bucket=beasics40,name=scripts lists all files in my bucket that have the word "scripts" in it what is an expected result. How do I get all files in a specific directory e.g. "scripts/" or in the root directory / ?

Additionally the error meesage when using an invalid filter is missing the filter "Name": awless ls s3objects --filter bucket=beasics40,path=scripts [error] Invalid filter key 'Path'. Expecting any of: ID, Bucket, Modified, Owner, Size, Class. (Note: filter keys/values are case insensitive) Expecting key Name to be listed.

current awless version used is v0.1.11