wallix / awless

A Mighty CLI for AWS
Apache License 2.0
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awless list records merges georecords #262

Open zaquestion opened 5 years ago

zaquestion commented 5 years ago

It seems like awless is unaware of geolocation, even when the column is explicitly included. querying for a record with geo entries yields a single record and it seems to be semi-random which one actually gets shown.


$ awless list records --filter name=snapshot.glympse.com --columns type,name,zone,alias,geolocation
| TYPE ▲ |         NAME          |     ZONE     |                                     ALIAS                                      | GEOLOCATION |
| A      | snapshot.glympse.com. | glympse.com. | dualstack.p-s1-web-snapshot-service-1541530819.eu-central-1.elb.amazonaws.com. |             

Expected (something like)

$ awless list records --filter name=snapshot.glympse.com --columns type,name,zone,alias,geolocation
| TYPE ▲ |         NAME          |     ZONE     |                                     ALIAS                                      | GEOLOCATION |
| A      | snapshot.glympse.com. | glympse.com. | dualstack.p-s1-web-snapshot-service-1541530819.eu-central-1.elb.amazonaws.com. |      EU     |
| A      | snapshot.glympse.com. | glympse.com. | dualstack.p-n0-web-snapshot-service-465391880.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com.     |       *     |

Poked around the code and happy to contribute, but having some trouble finding the area of code to edit. Direction would be appreciated.