walokra / sailimgur

Imgur app for Sailfish OS.
GNU General Public License v3.0
10 stars 5 forks source link

Is this project alive? #22

Closed ichthyosaurus closed 3 years ago

ichthyosaurus commented 3 years ago

Are you still interested in this project?

I'd like to (sooner or later, currently probably rather later) merge the changes I made in my patch back upstream. The patch is available on OpenRepos.

If you're not interested in the project any more: would it be ok for you if I create a fork under same name? (Or a new name?)

walokra commented 3 years ago

This project is alive but isn't actively maintained as I don't currently have an Sailfish OS device (old Jolla device in the drawers though).

But having said that, pull requests and patches are welcome.

Could you point me to your openrepos patch or even better make a pull request to this repository?

I'll check my Sailfish OS development environment in the mean time.

ichthyosaurus commented 3 years ago

That is nice to hear :)!

My patch is available here: https://openrepos.net/content/ichthyosaurus/patch-various-changes-harbour-sailimgur

It's not very nice code though, and I wanted to cleanly rewrite it before creating a PR. I'm still planning on doing that soon:tm:, when I finally find some free time to catch up on all my projects.

walokra commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the patch, I managed to apply it and quickly test it with anonymous user.

Nice refactoring on some parts and simplifying the code. I'll do some more testing when I've more time and create a new version with the changes.

ichthyosaurus commented 3 years ago

There's one bug that I'm aware of: after downloading an image from a gallery, the download buttons of all currently shown images switch to "downloaded" mode. I'm not sure anymore why this was the case. I think it would have needed a change on the C++ side to make the signal more specific.

ichthyosaurus commented 3 years ago

It also closes #18.

walokra commented 3 years ago

The changes have now been merged (excluding image details part and changing the download icon). New version has been released to OpenRepos and to Jolla Store.