walsvid / Pixel2MeshPlusPlus

Pixel2Mesh++: Multi-View 3D Mesh Generation via Deformation. In ICCV2019.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Question regarding loss regularization #20

Open topinfrassi01 opened 3 years ago

topinfrassi01 commented 3 years ago


I was intrigued regarding the constants we can find in the mesh_loss function (for example the *500 on edge_loss) so I looked at your paper but I didn't find any mention of these, I assume they are regularization constants.

I have two questions regarding these constants :

def laplace_loss_2(pred1, pred2, placeholders, block_id):
    # laplace term
    lap1 = laplace_coord(pred1, placeholders, block_id)
    lap2 = laplace_coord(pred2, placeholders, block_id)
    laplace_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.subtract(lap1, lap2)), 1)) * 1500
    move_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.subtract(pred1, pred2)), 1)) * 100
    return laplace_loss + move_loss

def mesh_loss_2(pred, placeholders, block_id):
    gt_pt = placeholders['labels'][:, :3]  # gt points
    gt_nm = placeholders['labels'][:, 3:]  # gt normals

    # edge in graph
    nod1 = tf.gather(pred, placeholders['edges'][block_id - 1][:, 0])
    nod2 = tf.gather(pred, placeholders['edges'][block_id - 1][:, 1])
    edge = tf.subtract(nod1, nod2)

    # edge length loss
    edge_length = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(edge), 1)
    edge_loss = tf.reduce_mean(edge_length) * 500

    # chamfer distance
    sample_pt = sample(pred, placeholders, block_id)
    sample_pred = tf.concat([pred, sample_pt], axis=0)
    dist1, idx1, dist2, idx2 = nn_distance(gt_pt, sample_pred)
    point_loss = (tf.reduce_mean(dist1) + 0.55 * tf.reduce_mean(dist2)) * 3000

    # normal cosine loss
    normal = tf.gather(gt_nm, tf.squeeze(idx2, 0))
    normal = tf.gather(normal, placeholders['edges'][block_id - 1][:, 0])
    cosine = tf.abs(tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(unit(normal), unit(edge)), 1))
    normal_loss = tf.reduce_mean(cosine) * 0.5

    total_loss = point_loss + edge_loss + normal_loss
    return total_loss

I notice the same question was asked on the Pixel2Mesh repository here but there are no answer. Hopefully we could kill two birds with one stone with an answer here or there :)