When fulfilling a presentation request from the verifier portal on an external device using the cross-device presentation request (QR code), the wallet on the external device redirects to the success page of the verifier portal, which is not the expected behaviour.
For a cross-device presentation, that wallet should redirect to an internal success page, or back to the main page.
For the same-device flow, the wallet should redirect back to the success page of the verifier portal.
When generating the presentation request and the underlying session, the verifier should respond with two URLs, one for the cross-device flow and one (optional) or multiple (for each supported web wallet) for the same-device flow. The base URLs of the supported known wallets for the same device flow could be a configuration option of the verifier portal backend, or given as a request property in the verify API call.
When fulfilling a presentation request from the verifier portal on an external device using the cross-device presentation request (QR code), the wallet on the external device redirects to the success page of the verifier portal, which is not the expected behaviour. For a cross-device presentation, that wallet should redirect to an internal success page, or back to the main page. For the same-device flow, the wallet should redirect back to the success page of the verifier portal.
Idea: When generating the presentation request and the underlying session, the verifier should respond with two URLs, one for the cross-device flow and one (optional) or multiple (for each supported web wallet) for the same-device flow. The base URLs of the supported known wallets for the same device flow could be a configuration option of the verifier portal backend, or given as a request property in the verify API call.