walt-id / waltid-walletkit

Toolkit for SSI and NFT/SBT wallets
Apache License 2.0
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Credential issuance fails when started from the issuer portal #15

Closed ohylli closed 2 years ago

ohylli commented 2 years ago

The issuance flow seems not to work when it is started from the issuer portal:

  1. I log in to the issuer
  2. I choose university diploma and and then confirm
  3. I am redirected to the wallet and log in.
  4. I am asked to confirm "Empty presentation requested" and I accept and see the following error in chrome dveloper tools
xhr.js:210 POST https://wallet.waltid.org/api/wallet/siopv2/fulfillPassiveIssuance?sessionId=78fbedcf-a0ab-4a58-b40c-0b8c752b8b10 500
vue.runtime.esm.js:1897 Error: Request failed with status code 500

This happens both with the version hosted by walt.id and if I run the demo locally. When ran locally I see the following in the backend console output:

[JettyServerThreadPool-28] ERROR OIDC4VPService - Got error response from SIOP endpoint: 404: Not found

When using the newer way of requesting the issuance from the walled the issuing works but I assume the old way should also work. It has worked for me before though I was then using a version that did not yet have the feature where the wallet could request issuance.

severinstampler commented 2 years ago

problem solved with https://github.com/walt-id/waltid-wallet-backend/commit/ceb504fd8b01c323f8183b5391f41d2966ee93cc