walterholohan / react-native-crisp-chat-sdk

React-Native bridge for Crisp Chat iOS and Android SDK's
MIT License
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feat/configure-method add: Crisp configure method #119

Closed brpinto closed 3 months ago

brpinto commented 4 months ago

The config-plug in expo, even if the websiteId parameter was set in app.json file was not working to set it for Android version.

"expo": {
  "plugins":  [
              "websiteId": "MY_WEBSITE_ID"

As a workaround, I added the configure function from Crisp, already existing on other SDK, in order to be able to do it manually if needed.

baptistejamin commented 3 months ago

Hello :)

There is a similar PR right there

We will merge next week

baptistejamin commented 3 months ago

Hey there!

There is now a new configure method, so there is no need to use expo anymore :)