waltz-controls / waltz-grid-widget

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Error when trying to render GridWidget from 3rd party component #2

Closed Ingvord closed 4 years ago

Ingvord commented 4 years ago


I have tried to integrate GridWidget into Waltz, PR-257

And got the following error:

Error: "Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: object. You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports."
    React 20
    init grid_widget.jsx:16
    result webix.js:3150
    t webix.js:3094
    _view webix.js:3031
    _ui_creator webix.js:2929
    ui webix.js:2897
    addView webix.js:20654
    addView webix.js:22465
    showProfileWidget dashboard.js:130
    createProfile dashboard.js:149
    click dashboard_widget.js:87
    <anonymous> webix.js:3197
    callEvent webix.js:670
    callEvent webix.js:733
    <anonymous> webix.js:3479
    js main.js:44
    __tryOrUnsub Subscriber.ts:266
    next Subscriber.ts:208
    _next Subscriber.ts:140
    next Subscriber.ts:100
    _next map.ts:90
    next Subscriber.ts:100
    handler fromEvent.ts:202

I guess it will solve the problem if GridWidget will be a class and exported as a named variable.

Could you please fix that and publish a new version?


Ingvord commented 4 years ago

Fixed in 1.0.1-rc3