wanam / YouTubeAdAway

Xposed module to block YouTube ads on the official YouTube Android App
GNU General Public License v3.0
673 stars 56 forks source link

Fixed Crash For New Version,Try. #110

Closed ohyeah521 closed 1 year ago

ohyeah521 commented 5 years ago

@wanam First of all, thank you for your work, I am using some of your code and borrowing your thoughts. Due to the new version of YouTube, the project code is no longer working properly. Therefore, after reverse analysis, I re-implemented the function of advertising. I also remove the advertisement during the video playback. The code is not open source for the time being, so as not to be targeted by Google. If you have any questions about open source agreements or other issues, please contact me, my email is: 977792 [@]gmail.com

Download myapk, try this: https://github.com/ohyeah521/NoAds-For-YouTube/releases

rambomhtri commented 5 years ago

Working like a charm in Oreo 8.1.0 using YouTube 14.18.56. Thanks!

What do you mean by "I did not remove the advertisement during the video playback". I'm not getting any kind of ads, no static, nor in-video game, nothing.

Sorry, first bug: I'm using the playback module as well, and since I've installed your app, there's no YouTube notification and the playback doesn't work. When you exit YouTube or lock the phone, the video stops.

ohyeah521 commented 5 years ago

@rambomhtri Wrong, I mean, this plugin supports the removal of dynamic ads during video playback.

rambomhtri commented 5 years ago

@rambomhtri Wrong, I mean, this plugin supports the removal of dynamic ads during video playback.

I don't think you understood. I've also installed the YouTube Background playback, which lets you switch to another app or lock the phone while a video is playing, and the video won't stop. Well, background playback, it's quite self-defining. After the installation of your apk, whenever I "minimize" YouTube or lock the phone, the video stops, so basically background playback doesn't work since I installed your app.