wanam / YouTubeAdAway

Xposed module to block YouTube ads on the official YouTube Android App
GNU General Public License v3.0
675 stars 56 forks source link

Amazon Ad with Youtube 12.39.60 #31

Closed sutobe closed 6 years ago

sutobe commented 6 years ago


since ~2 days I am getting an ad from Amazon when I want to watch the first video after opening Youtube.

HTC 10, Nougat 7.0, Rooted, Xposed v88.1.

Using Youtube Adaway module.

Also having MinMinGuard and Adaway app running, both of them also can't make the Amazon ad stop showing.

I cleared Youtube Cache and Data, turned off every other module in Xposed and saved the logfile as mentioned in your (Wanam's) initial post in the xda forums.

Also tried protocolling the DNS requests with Adaway but it didn't give me any good results, meaning I have no idea which might've been the Amazon ad.

I made a couple of screenshots, also here's the xposed log

Is there anything else you need?


10-13 12:42:28.207 I/Xposed ( 976): ----------------- 10-13 12:42:28.207 I/Xposed ( 976): Starting Xposed version 88.1, compiled for SDK 24 10-13 12:42:28.207 I/Xposed ( 976): Device: HTC 10 (HTC), Android version 7.0 (SDK 24) 10-13 12:42:28.207 I/Xposed ( 976): ROM: NRD90M release-keys 10-13 12:42:28.207 I/Xposed ( 976): Build fingerprint: htc/pmeuhl_00401/htc_pmeuhl:7.0/NRD90M/857212.41:user/release-keys 10-13 12:42:28.207 I/Xposed ( 976): Platform: arm64-v8a, 64-bit binary, system server: yes 10-13 12:42:28.207 I/Xposed ( 976): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: yes 10-13 12:42:28.264 I/Xposed ( 976): ----------------- 10-13 12:42:28.264 I/Xposed ( 976): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH 10-13 12:42:29.496 I/Xposed ( 976): Detected ART runtime 10-13 12:42:29.513 I/Xposed ( 976): Found Xposed class 'de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge', now initializing 10-13 12:42:30.550 I/Xposed ( 976): Loading modules from /data/app/ma.wanam.youtubeadaway-1/base.apk 10-13 12:42:30.565 I/Xposed ( 976): Loading class ma.wanam.youtubeadaway.Xposed 10-13 12:42:30.566 I/Xposed ( 976): Loading class ma.wanam.youtubeadaway.ResXposed 10-13 12:42:38.349 I/Xposed ( 990): ----------------- 10-13 12:42:38.349 I/Xposed ( 990): Starting Xposed version 88.1, compiled for SDK 24 10-13 12:42:38.349 I/Xposed ( 990): Device: HTC 10 (HTC), Android version 7.0 (SDK 24) 10-13 12:42:38.349 I/Xposed ( 990): ROM: NRD90M release-keys 10-13 12:42:38.349 I/Xposed ( 990): Build fingerprint: htc/pmeuhl_00401/htc_pmeuhl:7.0/NRD90M/857212.41:user/release-keys 10-13 12:42:38.349 I/Xposed ( 990): Platform: arm64-v8a, 32-bit binary, system server: no 10-13 12:42:38.350 I/Xposed ( 990): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: yes 10-13 12:42:38.359 I/Xposed ( 990): ----------------- 10-13 12:42:38.359 I/Xposed ( 990): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH 10-13 12:42:38.937 I/Xposed ( 990): Detected ART runtime 10-13 12:42:38.953 I/Xposed ( 990): Found Xposed class 'de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge', now initializing 10-13 12:42:39.897 I/Xposed ( 990): Loading modules from /data/app/ma.wanam.youtubeadaway-1/base.apk 10-13 12:42:39.910 I/Xposed ( 990): Loading class ma.wanam.youtubeadaway.Xposed 10-13 12:42:39.911 I/Xposed ( 990): Loading class ma.wanam.youtubeadaway.ResXposed

screenshot_20171013-124432 screenshot_20171013-124441 screenshot_20171013-124511 screenshot_20171013-124523 screenshot_20171013-124659 screenshot_20171013-124853 screenshot_20171013-124901 screenshot_20171013-125132

Nergal-di-Cuthah commented 6 years ago

Try the youtube listed in changelog (12.32.60) see if it blocks the ad

sutobe commented 6 years ago

I had no ads in 12.32.60

Nergal-di-Cuthah commented 6 years ago

There's your answer then :)

sutobe commented 6 years ago

so this means I don't have to report new ads and I can expect an update?


timea-techgirl commented 6 years ago

I have the same issue in the latest version 12.39.60

sutobe commented 6 years ago

I rolled back to 12.32.60 now I am gettin ads there as well. My brother (same phone as I, HTC 10 7.0 v88.1 xposed adblock, youtube adblock, no minminguard but adblock reborn which does nothing on my phone) has no issues whatsoever and is on the latest youtube app. I cleared caches, cleared data, cleared play and search history, cleared android/data/youtube folders. Nothing.

The only thin that seems to work is logging out from my youtube account on the phone! My brother doesnt need to do that. Why isnt he getting ads but I do? Wer're on the same Wifi as well (doesnt matter tbh)

29988122 commented 6 years ago

I can confirm that I also start getting ads even with 12.32.60

It said successfully hooked, but still got ads. https://pastebin.com/NCW7gxHP

Thanks for keep updating!

tyteen4a03 commented 6 years ago

Can confirm ads on 12.32.60 as well on Galaxy S7 Edge Helios v7.23.1 w/ Xposed Systemless. Logs are available if necessary.

gmipf commented 6 years ago

I can confirm, since today i get the Amazon ad. Until today everything was ok. Youtube App is v12.42.59

wanam commented 6 years ago

Sorry for late reply, busy with real life. @sutobe your logs seems incomplete, i don't see the hooks messages, did you disable the module logs? @29988122 Please try the new update of the module 3.7.0, with no other Youtube modules (name.mikanoshi.yourtubeplus), to make sure it's not interfering. @gmipf Please post a screenshot of the ad if you can reproduce it, and post your xposed logs.

Rolling back to older YouTube versions won't help much, please keep reporting issues against the latest update of the module and YT app.

I also pushed the latest version of my sources, feel free to contribute if you can debug those ads.

sutobe commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your reply and the update. Can you describe how I can perform a logging process with all the information you need?

Meanwhile I tested the module update with the same Youtube Version you have.

Got a Domino's Pizza and a Cleaning product ad before the clip would play in the same style as the Amazon ad (screenshot in the initial post) so I guess the update isn't entirely working. couldn't make a screenshot. But I managed to do that for the also now Osteoporosis Precautin ad and ad for the Ark Survival PC game

screenshot_20171112-000355 screenshot_20171112-001318

sutobe commented 6 years ago

Now a clip of Star Wars BF2 Gameplay wouldn't start with the module turned on, this is the link to the video https://youtu.be/AQRMMuBBPVo

I could start it by turning the module off, let it play, turning it on again, but then I still had to wildly tap on the play button to start it. Then mid clip when there was a scheduled ad point (yellow marking) the screen turned dark, video stopped and it was over. To get it working again I have to go back so it will shrink the playback window which I then have to tap again to get back to the clip, skipping the scheduled ad. Never had this before, that's something new.

Made a screen record of it, going to post it in the following post

Videos related to Star Wars seem to be more likely to get an ad before the video will start since I rarely get ads with videos that have nothing to do with SW. Didn't pay attention if this is happening more often on certain channels tbh.

Then I had a "watch now" suggestion in a video which came back at a certain point in the video, so I could skip back and it would show every time. Not sure but I think Youtube Adaway was able to stop those suggestions to show, am I right?


Also tried to pull a new xposed log and made sure verbose logging is turned on, even though I don't know if this made any difference, but here you go (if you need anything else from me please describe how I can accomplish that and I'm happy to help. Do you need a LogCat??):

11-11 22:16:59.929 I/Xposed ( 976): ----------------- 11-11 22:16:59.929 I/Xposed ( 976): Starting Xposed version 88.2, compiled for SDK 24 11-11 22:16:59.929 I/Xposed ( 976): Device: HTC 10 (HTC), Android version 7.0 (SDK 24) 11-11 22:16:59.929 I/Xposed ( 976): ROM: NRD90M release-keys 11-11 22:16:59.929 I/Xposed ( 976): Build fingerprint: htc/pmeuhl_00401/htc_pmeuhl:7.0/NRD90M/857212.41:user/release-keys 11-11 22:16:59.929 I/Xposed ( 976): Platform: arm64-v8a, 64-bit binary, system server: yes 11-11 22:16:59.929 I/Xposed ( 976): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: yes 11-11 22:16:59.986 I/Xposed ( 976): ----------------- 11-11 22:16:59.986 I/Xposed ( 976): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH 11-11 22:17:01.328 I/Xposed ( 976): Detected ART runtime 11-11 22:17:01.343 I/Xposed ( 976): Found Xposed class 'de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge', now initializing 11-11 22:17:02.550 I/Xposed ( 976): Loading modules from /data/app/ma.wanam.youtubeadaway-2/base.apk 11-11 22:17:02.572 I/Xposed ( 976): Loading class ma.wanam.youtubeadaway.Xposed 11-11 22:17:02.573 I/Xposed ( 976): Loading class ma.wanam.youtubeadaway.ResXposed 11-11 22:17:09.925 I/Xposed ( 990): ----------------- 11-11 22:17:09.925 I/Xposed ( 990): Starting Xposed version 88.2, compiled for SDK 24 11-11 22:17:09.925 I/Xposed ( 990): Device: HTC 10 (HTC), Android version 7.0 (SDK 24) 11-11 22:17:09.925 I/Xposed ( 990): ROM: NRD90M release-keys 11-11 22:17:09.925 I/Xposed ( 990): Build fingerprint: htc/pmeuhl_00401/htc_pmeuhl:7.0/NRD90M/857212.41:user/release-keys 11-11 22:17:09.926 I/Xposed ( 990): Platform: arm64-v8a, 32-bit binary, system server: no 11-11 22:17:09.926 I/Xposed ( 990): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: yes 11-11 22:17:09.935 I/Xposed ( 990): ----------------- 11-11 22:17:09.936 I/Xposed ( 990): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH 11-11 22:17:10.478 I/Xposed ( 990): Detected ART runtime 11-11 22:17:10.492 I/Xposed ( 990): Found Xposed class 'de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge', now initializing 11-11 22:17:11.571 I/Xposed ( 990): Loading modules from /data/app/ma.wanam.youtubeadaway-2/base.apk 11-11 22:17:11.583 I/Xposed ( 990): Loading class ma.wanam.youtubeadaway.Xposed 11-11 22:17:11.584 I/Xposed ( 990): Loading class ma.wanam.youtubeadaway.ResXposed 11-11 22:18:04.805 I/Xposed ( 4945): YouTube: com.google.android.youtube 12.43.52 loaded!

sutobe commented 6 years ago

Here's the screen record of that SW BF2 clip.


The video needs a fair while to begin playing at the start. I skipped this and forwarded to the first yellow scheduled ad marker, which will turn the screen black and stop the probably occuring ad. when this happens I have to go back and then ap again on the minimized video window to persuade youtube to keep on playing the video. This is the only video so far where I experienced this!

sutobe commented 6 years ago

Same ol' with the latest module v3.8.0 and latest youtube (which I had to manually install from apkmirror because it wouldnt update for me via Playstore) 12.49.55

cleared cache and app settings, did serveral restarts.

ngosang commented 6 years ago

I compiled YoutubeAdAway 3.8.0 form source. Please test the APK and share your results.

EDIT: Official download => http://repo.xposed.info/module/ma.wanam.youtubeadaway

wanam commented 6 years ago

@ngosang why would you do that? The 3.8.0 update is already on the xposed repo.

ngosang commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I didn't see. I edited my comment with your build.