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✨ Added a blackbox AI #121

Closed HellFiveOsborn closed 1 week ago

vanpelt commented 1 month ago

Hey @HellFiveOsborn thanks for the big PR. Unfortunately it's now caused a number of conflicts. Additionally I'm not familiar with Blackbox AI. Can you share more context about why we would want to support this?

admsev commented 1 month ago

@gooroodev please review

gooroodev commented 1 month ago

@admsev, thanks for the nudge!

Summary of Changes

  1. Backend Changes:

    • Added blackbox.py file in the backend to handle interactions with the Blackbox AI service.
    • Updated evaluate_weave.py, prompt_to_img.py, and server.py to integrate Blackbox AI.
    • Introduced new functions to convert data between OpenAI and Blackbox formats and to stream responses from Blackbox.
  2. Frontend Changes:

    • Updated openai.ts to include Blackbox AI in the model options and adapt the prompt handling for Blackbox.
    • Added a new component CodeViewerFull.tsx for viewing code in fullscreen.
    • Modified CodeViewer.tsx to include the fullscreen viewing option.
    • Updated Examples.tsx and Settings.tsx to include Blackbox AI in the examples and settings.
    • Enhanced Builder.tsx to handle Blackbox AI responses and maintain session history.

Issues, Bugs, and Typos

  1. General:

    • Inconsistent Quotes: Both single and double quotes are used inconsistently. It's better to standardize on one for consistency.
    • Console Logs: There are several console.log and console.debug statements that may not be needed in the production code.
  2. Specific Issues:

    • blackbox.py:

      • json.loads(json.dumps(data)) is redundant. You can directly use data.
      • The generator function inside blackbox_stream_generator should be refactored to avoid nested functions and improve readability.
      • The openai_to_blackbox function has unnecessary complexity in handling image URLs and base64 decoding.
    • evaluate_weave.py and prompt_to_img.py:

      • No major issues found.
    • server.py:

      • The create_blackbox_completion call in the chat_completions function should handle exceptions to avoid crashing the server.
    • openai.ts:

      • The systemPrompt string has inconsistent formatting and unnecessary complexity.
      • The createOrRefine function has some redundant code that could be refactored.
    • Builder.tsx:

      • The onSubmit function has nested state updates that could be refactored for clarity.
      • The streamResponse function could be simplified to avoid deep nesting.

Proposed Improvements

  1. In blackbox.py:

    async def create_blackbox_completion(data: dict) -> AsyncStream[ChatCompletionChunk]:
       data = {
           "userSystemPrompt": data[0]["content"],
  2. In server.py:

    async def chat_completions(...):
           response = await create_blackbox_completion(openai_to_blackbox(data))
           return StreamingResponse(response, media_type="text/event-stream")
       except Exception as e:
           logger.error("Error in Blackbox completion: %s", e)
           raise HTTPException(status=500, detail="Internal server error")
  3. In openai.ts:

    export const systemPrompt = `You are a web frontend developer specializing in $FRAMEWORK. Given a description or an image, generate HTML with $FRAMEWORK. You must support dark and light mode. It should render very well on desktop, tablet, and mobile. Keep your answers concise and just return HTML that would appear in <body>. Use placehold.co for placeholder images. If the user asks for interactivity, use modern ES6 JavaScript and native browser APIs to handle events. Do not generate SVGs; instead, use an image tag with an alt attribute of the same descriptive name, i.e., <img aria-hidden="true" alt="check" src="/icons/check.svg" />. IMPORTANT: Do not return suggestions or explanations about the code.`;
  4. In Builder.tsx:

    const onSubmit = async (e: React.FormEvent | React.KeyboardEvent) => {
       const query = queryRef.current?.value.trim() ?? '';
       if (!screenshot && !query) return;
       if (action === 'create') {
           newComponent(query, !screenshot);
       setItem(it => ({
           markdown: it.markdown + newChapter(query),
           prompts: [...(it.prompts ?? [it.prompt]), query],
           history: [
               ...(it.history ?? []),
               { role: 'user', content: query },
               { role: 'assistant', content: it.markdown + newChapter(query) }
       streamResponse(query, pureHTML, false, item.history);

General Review of Code Quality and Style

Overall, the code introduces significant new functionality with the integration of Blackbox AI and maintains a clear structure. With a few improvements, the code can be made more robust and maintainable.

Yours, Gooroo.dev. I'd love a reaction or reply to know your thoughts.