wandb / openui

OpenUI let's you describe UI using your imagination, then see it rendered live.
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Use of Poetry #93

Open TerminatedProcess opened 1 month ago

TerminatedProcess commented 1 month ago

Not really an issue, but I typically use pyenv, and poetry for a virtual environment so I was like cool, there's a python-version and pyproject.toml files in the .backend. But python-version contains "openui" as a version which I can't find with pyenv. Attempting to create a virtual environment with poetry generates an error "[tool.poetry] section not found in /home/dev/pythondev/openui/backend/pyproject.toml" which is true. Am i barking up the wrong tree with my assumptions or is this some new form of poetry that I've never seen before. Anything you can mention would just be instructional.

vanpelt commented 1 month ago

Gotcha, I'm not using poetry currently (but welcome a contribution). I created a pyenv-virtualenv named OpenUI that points to Python 3.11 I believe.

I'll look into Poetry or i've heard of some other new tools that are cool for this but im forgetting their name.

vanpelt commented 1 month ago

PDM Was the other option i was thinking of, but Poetry seems like the clear winner by stars on GitHub.

TerminatedProcess commented 3 days ago

I thing I did for fun was write some shell script for my terminal so that when I type sw (save workspace) it saves a txt file with the current directory. Then when I open a terminal, it returns to that directory by default. Lastly, if poetry project is present, it will execute a poetry shell by default. I can simply open a terminal after closing it and be ready to go.