wandb / terraform-aws-wandb

A terraform module for deploying Weights & Biases on AWS.
Apache License 2.0
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Feature Request Operator | Console does not recognize OIDC EnvVars #290

Open vijay-wandb opened 1 week ago

vijay-wandb commented 1 week ago


The console does not recognize OIDC environment variables that have been set in the pod. The OIDC authentication works perfectly fine.

The pod:

 k get pods wandb-app-55546b8f94-mkjmw -o yaml | grep -A2 OIDC                                                                                       
    - name: OIDC_AUTH_METHOD
      value: pkce
    - name: OIDC_CLIENT_ID
      value: 31dfhltvkp1fa1o2ffvdrodmer
    - name: OIDC_ISSUER
      value: https://cognito-idp.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/eu-west-1_1jxkEny27/
    - name: OIDC_SECRET
      value: 257haib6cvupk2bmil0qku66j0u85h2eop157ie2lses6neb0lv

Looking at the console UI:


Selecting OIDC in the dropdown:


Expectation would be that the fields show the values of the environment variables and are disabled. Basically like it is for MySQL, Storage, etc.


abhinavg6 commented 6 days ago

Require some eng investigation