wandb / terraform-google-wandb

A Terraform module for deploying Weights & Biases on GCP.
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Implement autoscaling in Kubernetes for Terraform Managed Clusters - Google #142

Open amanpruthi opened 2 months ago

amanpruthi commented 2 months ago

Optimize container orchestration to be ready for Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) by rolling out Kubernetes autoscaling. We need to figure out how to get our Terraform-managed clusters to support autoscaling. This requires some investigative work, a strategic plan, and implementation of necessary changes to enable the pods to dynamically scale up and down based on load.

Action items Conduct a feasibility study on integrating autoscaling with our current Terraform-managed Kubernetes clusters. Identify any current limitations or required updates in our Terraform configurations to support autoscaling. Develop a plan outlining steps to integrate autoscaling (if its an involved process. Implement the changes in a controlled environment for testing. Document the process and update system documentation accordingly. Roll out the changes to production once validated.