wandb / weave

Weave is a toolkit for developing AI-powered applications, built by Weights & Biases.
Apache License 2.0
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chore(docs): feedback tutorial #1873

Open scottire opened 2 weeks ago

circle-job-mirror[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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socket-security[bot] commented 1 week ago

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Package New capabilities Transitives Size Publisher
pypi/accelerate@0.23.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +168 510 MB Thomwolf, lysandre, muellerzr
pypi/aiofiles@23.2.1 filesystem 0 139 kB tinchester
pypi/aiohttp@3.8.5 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +114 508 MB Andrew.Svetlov, fafhrd, webknjaz
pypi/aiosignal@1.3.1 filesystem 0 63.6 kB Andrew.Svetlov, mj
pypi/alembic@1.13.1 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell 0 6.04 MB CaselIT
pypi/altair@5.3.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network 0 7.67 MB Jake.Vanderplas, bgranger, binste, ...3 more
pypi/analytics-python@1.2.9 network Transitive: environment, eval, filesystem, shell, unsafe +57 1.06 GB segment, segmentkellylu
pypi/aniso8601@9.0.1 filesystem, unsafe Transitive: environment, eval, network, shell +86 352 MB nielsenb
pypi/annotated-types@0.5.0 None 0 51.8 kB Zac-HD, adriangb
pypi/anthropic@0.21.3 environment, eval, filesystem 0 2.21 MB bkrausz, ejlangev, jenan-anthropic, ...4 more
pypi/anyio@3.7.1 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +77 1.06 GB Thomas.Grainger, Zac-HD, agronholm, ...2 more
pypi/appnope@0.1.4 eval, filesystem 0 10.7 kB minrk
pypi/argon2-cffi-bindings@21.2.0 environment, unsafe 0 4.03 MB hynek
pypi/argon2-cffi@23.1.0 environment 0 136 kB hynek
pypi/arrow@1.3.0 environment, eval, filesystem, unsafe Transitive: network, shell +68 1.05 GB crsmithdev, jadchaar, krisfremen, ...1 more
pypi/asgiref@3.7.2 environment, eval, filesystem, network Transitive: shell, unsafe +33 1.04 GB Tim.Graham, andrewgodwin, carltongibson
pypi/async-lru@2.0.4 None 0 49.2 kB Andrew.Svetlov, hellysmile
pypi/attrs@23.1.0 environment, eval, filesystem, shell, unsafe 0 822 kB hynek
pypi/babel@2.14.0 environment, eval, filesystem, shell, unsafe Transitive: network +10 45.2 MB akx, babel, cmlenz, ...2 more
pypi/bcrypt@4.1.1 environment, filesystem, shell Transitive: eval, network, unsafe +31 1.04 GB reaperhulk
pypi/beautifulsoup4@4.12.2 environment, eval, filesystem, network, unsafe 0 1.87 MB leonard
pypi/bitsandbytes@0.41.1 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell 0 299 MB Titus-von-Koeller, timdettmers
pypi/bleach@6.1.0 environment, eval, filesystem 0 871 kB gguthe-moz, willhelm
pypi/blinker@1.7.0 unsafe 0 81 kB
pypi/boto3@1.33.2 eval, filesystem, network 0 996 kB aws
pypi/botocore@1.33.2 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +42 101 MB aws, garnaat
pypi/bs4@0.0.1 None 0 3.12 kB leonard
pypi/cachetools@5.3.2 unsafe 0 135 kB tkem
pypi/certifi@2023.7.22 filesystem, shell 0 296 kB Lukasa
pypi/cffi@1.16.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 2.15 MB Armin.Rigo, alexgaynor, fijal, ...5 more
pypi/charset-normalizer@3.3.0 environment, eval, filesystem 0 757 kB Ousret
pypi/chroma-hnswlib@0.7.3 environment, filesystem, unsafe 0 9.9 MB hammad, jeff_chroma
pypi/chromadb@0.4.18 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +2 17.5 MB anton_chroma, jeff_chroma
pypi/click@8.1.7 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell +2 1.12 MB
pypi/cloudpickle@3.0.0 environment, unsafe 0 69.9 kB Kyle.Kelley, antoine, holdenk, ...6 more
pypi/cmake@3.27.6 environment, filesystem, shell, unsafe Transitive: eval, network +176 1.11 GB henryiii, jcfr, mayeut, ...1 more
pypi/coloredlogs@15.0.1 environment, filesystem, network, shell +2 592 kB xolox
pypi/comm@0.2.2 filesystem 0 21.3 kB jasongrout, martinRenou, mbussonn
pypi/contourpy@1.2.1 environment, eval, filesystem, shell, unsafe 0 16.4 MB ianthomas23
pypi/cryptography@41.0.5 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +301 1.62 GB reaperhulk
pypi/cycler@0.12.1 Transitive: environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +53 1.05 GB QuLogic, matthew.brett, mdboom2
pypi/dataclasses-json@0.6.1 None 0 113 kB lidatong
pypi/datasets@2.14.6 environment, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe Transitive: eval +372 24.9 GB Thomwolf, albertvillanova, lhoestq, ...1 more
pypi/debugpy@1.8.1 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 24.3 MB int19h, kanadig, microsoft
pypi/defusedxml@0.7.1 environment, filesystem, network, shell 0 378 kB tiran
pypi/deprecated@1.2.14 Transitive: environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +53 1.05 GB tantale
pypi/dill@0.3.7 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +4 2.34 MB mmckerns
pypi/distro@1.8.0 environment, eval, filesystem, shell 0 237 kB HorlogeSkynet, nir0s, sping
pypi/docker-pycreds@0.4.0 environment, eval, filesystem, shell 0 27.9 kB docker, j0ffrey
pypi/docker@7.0.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell Transitive: unsafe +52 375 MB aiordache, ccrone, dev-tooling-team, ...4 more
pypi/emoji@2.8.0 environment, filesystem 0 3.25 MB TahirJalilov, carpedm20
pypi/entrypoints@0.4 None 0 39.3 kB takowl
pypi/exceptiongroup@1.1.3 environment, eval Transitive: filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +4 7.05 MB
pypi/faiss-cpu@1.7.4 environment, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 75.1 MB kyamagu
pypi/fastapi@0.104.1 environment, filesystem, network, shell 0 20.4 MB tiangolo
pypi/fastjsonschema@2.19.1 eval, filesystem, network Transitive: environment, shell, unsafe +260 1.17 GB horejsek
pypi/filelock@3.12.4 unsafe 0 52.7 kB benediktschmitt
pypi/filetype@1.2.0 filesystem 0 2.34 MB h2non
pypi/flatbuffers@23.5.26 None 0 92.8 kB Robert.Winslow, dbaileychess, wvo
pypi/fonttools@4.51.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 23.3 MB anthrotype, davelab6, just, ...3 more
pypi/fqdn@1.5.1 Transitive: shell +2 102 kB gxg
pypi/frozenlist@1.4.0 environment, filesystem, unsafe 0 946 kB Andrew.Svetlov, mj, webknjaz
pypi/fsspec@2023.9.2 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +398 2.04 GB mdurant, tomaugspurger
pypi/gitdb@4.0.10 environment, filesystem 0 544 kB ByronBates, mtrier
pypi/gitpython@3.1.37 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell Transitive: unsafe +65 1.15 GB ByronBates, mtrier
pypi/google-api-core@2.18.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell 0 862 kB gcloudpypi, google_opensource
pypi/google-auth@2.29.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 1.5 MB gcloudpypi, google_opensource
pypi/google-cloud-storage@2.16.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +4 7.32 MB gcloudpypi, google_opensource
pypi/google-crc32c@1.5.0 environment, filesystem Transitive: eval, network, shell, unsafe +4 6.97 MB gcloudpypi, google_opensource
pypi/google-resumable-media@2.7.0 filesystem, network 0 2.65 MB gcloudpypi, google_opensource
pypi/googleapis-common-protos@1.61.0 environment 0 605 kB gcloudpypi, google_opensource
pypi/gql@3.5.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network Transitive: shell, unsafe +113 1.17 GB leszek.hanusz, mvanlonden, syrusakbary
pypi/graphene@3.3 eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe Transitive: environment +320 1.46 GB jkimbo, mvanlonden, syrusakbary
pypi/graphql-core@3.2.3 environment, eval, filesystem, network, unsafe 0 4.62 MB cito, jkimbo, syrusakbary
pypi/graphql-relay@3.2.0 eval, filesystem, network 0 217 kB cito, mvanlonden, syrusakbary
pypi/greenlet@3.0.0 environment, filesystem, shell, unsafe Transitive: eval, network +51 1.05 GB JaredKuolt, ambroff, bob, ...6 more
pypi/grpcio@1.59.3 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +46 513 MB google_opensource, grpc-packages
pypi/gunicorn@21.2.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell Transitive: unsafe +257 1.82 GB benoitc, tilgovi
pypi/h11@0.14.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell 0 339 kB njs, pgjones
pypi/httpcore@1.0.2 environment, network 0 475 kB tomchristie
pypi/httptools@0.6.1 filesystem, unsafe Transitive: environment, eval, network, shell +58 609 MB Elvis.Pranskevichus, edgedb-ci, yselivanov
pypi/httpx@0.25.2 environment, filesystem, network, unsafe 0 631 kB florimondmanca, tomchristie, yeraydiazdiaz
pypi/huggingface-hub@0.22.2 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 1.51 MB Thomwolf, Wauplin, chaumond, ...1 more
pypi/humanfriendly@10.0 environment, eval, filesystem, shell Transitive: network +5 2.59 MB xolox
pypi/idna@3.4 filesystem, network 0 1.06 MB kjd
pypi/importlib-metadata@6.8.0 environment, filesystem, unsafe Transitive: eval, network, shell +93 1.06 GB barry, brettcannon, jaraco
pypi/importlib-resources@6.1.1 filesystem Transitive: environment, eval, network, shell, unsafe +88 1.05 GB barry, brettcannon, jaraco
pypi/ipykernel@6.29.4 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 679 kB Kyle.Kelley, Sylvain.Corlay, bgranger, ...5 more
pypi/ipython@8.23.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 9.3 MB bgranger, fperez, ivanov, ...2 more
pypi/isoduration@20.11.0 filesystem 0 38 kB victorm
pypi/itsdangerous@2.1.2 unsafe 0 119 kB
pypi/jedi@0.19.1 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +94 1.15 GB David.Halter
pypi/jinja2@3.1.2 environment, eval, filesystem, unsafe 0 986 kB
pypi/jmespath@1.0.1 environment, eval, filesystem 0 108 kB aws, jamesls
pypi/joblib@1.3.2 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 11.6 MB GaelVaroquaux, lesteve, ogrisel, ...1 more
pypi/json5@0.9.24 filesystem 0 186 kB dpranke
pypi/jsonpatch@1.33 filesystem 0 108 kB skoegl
pypi/jsonpointer@2.4 None 0 36.1 kB skoegl
pypi/jsonschema-specifications@2023.12.1 environment, filesystem 0 63.5 kB
pypi/jsonschema@4.21.1 environment, filesystem, network, shell 0 3.03 MB
pypi/jupyter-client@8.6.1 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 1.19 MB Kyle.Kelley, MSeal, Sylvain.Corlay, ...9 more
pypi/jupyter-core@5.7.2 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell 0 409 kB Kyle.Kelley, MSeal, bgranger, ...10 more
pypi/jupyter-events@0.10.0 environment 0 169 kB zsailer
pypi/jupyter-lsp@2.2.4 environment, filesystem, network, shell 0 208 kB krassowski
pypi/jupyter-server-terminals@0.5.3 environment, filesystem, network 0 118 kB zsailer
pypi/jupyter-server@2.13.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell 0 2.8 MB Sylvain.Corlay, darian, datalayer, ...5 more
pypi/jupyterlab-pygments@0.3.0 eval, network 0 694 kB
pypi/jupyterlab-server@2.25.4 environment, filesystem, network, shell 0 350 kB
pypi/jupyterlab@4.1.5 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell 0 37.4 MB
pypi/kiwisolver@1.4.5 environment, shell, unsafe 0 8.47 MB mdartiailh, sccolbert
pypi/kubernetes@28.1.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell Transitive: unsafe +100 1.11 GB kubernetes
pypi/langchain-anthropic@0.1.4 environment 0 40.7 kB baskaryan, efriis
pypi/langchain-community@0.0.31 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 6.43 MB hwchase17
pypi/langchain-core@0.1.39 environment, eval, filesystem, network 0 1.16 MB hwchase17
pypi/langchain-openai@0.1.1 environment 0 124 kB efriis
pypi/langchain-text-splitters@0.0.1 network 0 70.6 kB baskaryan
pypi/langchain@0.1.13 environment, eval, filesystem, network 0 1.99 MB baskaryan, efriis, hwchase17
pypi/langdetect@1.0.9 filesystem 0 2.31 MB Michal.Danilk
pypi/langsmith@0.1.37 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell 0 375 kB wfhinthorn
pypi/lit@17.0.2 environment, eval, filesystem, shell 0 560 kB ddunbar, serge_sans_paille, tstellar
pypi/lxml@4.9.3 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 27.7 MB faassen, scoder, zope.wineggbuilder
pypi/mako@1.3.3 environment, eval, filesystem, network 0 1.9 MB CaselIT, bourke
pypi/markdown@3.6 environment, eval, filesystem Transitive: network, shell, unsafe +64 56 MB facelessuser, qaramazov, waylan
pypi/markupsafe@2.1.3 environment, unsafe 0 142 kB
pypi/marshmallow@3.20.1 environment, eval, filesystem Transitive: network, shell, unsafe +161 1.09 GB lafrech, sloria
pypi/matplotlib-inline@0.1.6 network 0 24.8 kB Sylvain.Corlay, fperez, martinRenou, ...1 more
pypi/matplotlib@3.8.4 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 67.2 MB ivanov, matthew.brett, mdboom2
pypi/mdurl@0.1.2 None 0 25.7 kB hukkin
pypi/mistune@3.0.2 filesystem 0 431 kB lepture
pypi/mlflow@2.11.3 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 71.4 MB B-Step62, andrewmchen, benwilson, ...10 more
pypi/mmh3@4.0.1 filesystem, unsafe Transitive: environment, eval, network, shell +31 1.04 GB Hajime.Senuma
pypi/mpmath@1.3.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, unsafe Transitive: shell +134 1.19 GB fredrik
pypi/multidict@6.0.4 environment, filesystem, unsafe 0 621 kB Andrew.Svetlov, webknjaz
pypi/multiprocess@0.70.15 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 8.66 MB mmckerns
pypi/mypy-extensions@1.0.0 None 0 11.5 kB guido, hauntsaninja, ilevkivskyi, ...2 more
pypi/nbconvert@7.16.3 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell 0 2.36 MB Kyle.Kelley, MSeal, Sylvain.Corlay, ...11 more
pypi/nbformat@5.10.3 environment, filesystem, network, shell 0 636 kB Kyle.Kelley, MSeal, Sylvain.Corlay, ...10 more
pypi/networkx@3.1 environment, eval, filesystem, shell, unsafe Transitive: network +120 1.11 GB MridulS, dschult, hagberg, ...2 more
pypi/nltk@3.8.1 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +52 150 MB alvations, iliakur, stevenbird, ...1 more
pypi/notebook-shim@0.2.4 environment 0 49.3 kB datalayer, jtp, zsailer
pypi/notebook@7.1.2 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell 0 14.7 MB Kyle.Kelley, RRosio, bgranger, ...15 more
pypi/numpy@1.26.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 100 MB charlesr.harris, matthew.brett, mattip, ...2 more
pypi/oauthlib@3.2.2 environment, filesystem Transitive: eval, network, shell, unsafe +96 1.1 GB JonathanHuot, dgouldin, ib.lundgren, ...3 more
pypi/onnxruntime@1.16.3 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 25.9 MB microsoft
pypi/openai@1.14.2 environment, eval, filesystem, shell 0 1.1 MB atty-openai, borispower, christinakim, ...13 more
pypi/opentelemetry-api@1.21.0 environment, eval, unsafe 0 312 kB LeightonC, opentelemetry
pypi/opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-common@1.21.0 environment 0 114 kB opentelemetry
pypi/opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-grpc@1.21.0 environment, filesystem 0 155 kB LeightonC, opentelemetry
pypi/opentelemetry-instrumentation-asgi@0.42b0 environment, eval, network 0 92.1 kB LeightonC, codeboten, opentelemetry
pypi/opentelemetry-instrumentation-fastapi@0.42b0 environment 0 66.4 kB LeightonC, codeboten, opentelemetry
pypi/opentelemetry-instrumentation@0.42b0 environment, filesystem, network, shell 0 102 kB LeightonC, codeboten, opentelemetry
pypi/opentelemetry-proto@1.21.0 None 0 188 kB LeightonC, codeboten, opentelemetry
pypi/opentelemetry-sdk@1.21.0 environment, filesystem, network, shell 0 864 kB LeightonC, opentelemetry
pypi/opentelemetry-semantic-conventions@0.42b0 environment 0 124 kB LeightonC, opentelemetry
pypi/opentelemetry-util-http@0.42b0 environment, eval, network 0 31.6 kB LeightonC, opentelemetry
pypi/orjson@3.10.0 environment, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 21.3 MB ijl
pypi/overrides@7.4.0 filesystem Transitive: environment, eval, shell, unsafe +3 669 kB mkorpela, robotframework
pypi/packaging@23.2 environment, eval, filesystem, shell 0 2.39 MB brettcannon, dstufft, pf_moore, ...1 more
pypi/pandas@2.1.1 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 59.1 MB MarcoGorelli, datapythonista, jbrockmendel, ...8 more
pypi/pandocfilters@1.5.1 environment, filesystem 0 38.9 kB ickc, jgm
pypi/parso@0.8.3 environment, eval, filesystem, shell, unsafe Transitive: network +34 1.04 GB David.Halter
pypi/pathtools@0.1.2 filesystem 0 45.7 kB gorakhargosh
pypi/pdf2image@1.16.3 environment, filesystem, shell 0 48.9 kB Belval
pypi/pdfminer@20191125 environment, filesystem, network 0 12.7 MB euske
pypi/pexpect@4.9.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 659 kB Red_M, jquast, luyer, ...2 more
pypi/pillow@10.0.1 environment, eval, filesystem, shell, unsafe Transitive: network +158 1.2 GB aclark, hugovk, radarhere, ...1 more
pypi/platformdirs@4.2.0 environment, shell 0 117 kB Julian, Ofekmeister, ronny
pypi/polars@0.20.19 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 90.6 MB ritchie46, stinodego
pypi/posthog@3.0.2 network Transitive: environment, eval, filesystem, shell, unsafe +145 1.28 GB Twixes, fraserhopper, marius-at-posthog, ...2 more
pypi/prometheus-client@0.20.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network Transitive: shell, unsafe +2 27.9 MB beorn7, csmarchbanks
pypi/prompt-toolkit@3.0.43 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell 0 1.78 MB jonathan.slenders
pypi/proto-plus@1.23.0 environment, eval, filesystem, unsafe 0 267 kB gcloudpypi, google_opensource
pypi/protobuf@4.24.4 environment, eval, filesystem, unsafe 0 2.6 MB protobuf-packages
pypi/psutil@5.9.5 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +76 1.33 GB billiejoex, giampaolo.rodola
pypi/ptyprocess@0.7.0 environment, filesystem 0 144 kB Red_M, luyer, takowl
pypi/pulsar-client@3.3.0 environment, unsafe Transitive: eval, filesystem, shell +36 273 MB BewareMyPower, Jas0n918, Tboy, ...19 more
pypi/pyarrow@15.0.2 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 128 MB Charles.Cloud, cutlerb, jorgecarleitao, ...6 more
pypi/pyasn1-modules@0.3.0 environment, network 0 1.43 MB droideck, etingof, ilya, ...1 more
pypi/pyasn1@0.5.1 filesystem, unsafe 0 864 kB droideck, etingof, ilya, ...1 more
pypi/pycparser@2.21 environment, eval, filesystem, shell, unsafe 0 876 kB eliben
pypi/pycryptodome@3.19.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, unsafe 0 9.79 MB Legrandin
pypi/pydantic-core@2.10.1 environment, eval, filesystem, shell, unsafe 0 8.51 MB samuelcolvin
pypi/pydantic@2.4.2 environment, eval, filesystem, shell, unsafe 0 3.5 MB samuelcolvin
pypi/pydeck@0.8.1b1 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell 0 32 MB Jesus89, donmccurdy, dubersaj
pypi/pygments@2.17.2 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 43.6 MB Anteru, gbrandl, mitsuhiko
pypi/pyparsing@3.1.2 environment, eval, filesystem, unsafe +2 2.62 MB ptmcg
pypi/pypdf@3.16.4 environment, filesystem Transitive: eval, network, shell, unsafe +106 1.17 GB Martin.Thoma, mfenniak
pypi/pypika@0.48.9 eval, filesystem, network 0 320 kB kayak_bandit, twheys
pypi/python-dateutil@2.8.2 environment, eval, filesystem, shell, unsafe 0 1.09 MB dateutilbot, jarondl, pganssle, ...1 more
pypi/python-dotenv@1.0.0 environment, eval, filesystem, shell 0 154 kB bbc, theskumar
pypi/python-iso639@2023.6.15 network Transitive: environment, eval, filesystem, shell, unsafe +34 118 MB jacksonllee
pypi/python-magic@0.4.27 environment, eval, filesystem 0 48.3 kB ahupp
pypi/pyyaml@6.0.1 environment, eval, filesystem, network 0 3.4 MB ingy, nitzmahone, tinita
pypi/pyzmq@25.1.2 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 8.01 MB bgranger, minrk
pypi/querystring-parser@1.2.4 environment, eval, network 0 23.8 kB Tomasz.Najdek, berni, paulmelnikow
pypi/rapidfuzz@3.4.0 environment, eval, filesystem, shell, unsafe 0 20.9 MB maxbachmann
pypi/referencing@0.34.0 environment, filesystem 0 327 kB
pypi/regex@2023.10.3 eval, filesystem, unsafe 0 3.48 MB mrabarnett
pypi/requests-oauthlib@1.3.1 environment, filesystem, network, shell 0 217 kB JonathanHuot, Lukasa, graffatcolmingov, ...4 more
pypi/requests@2.31.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +3 1.3 MB Lukasa, graffatcolmingov, nateprewitt
pypi/rfc3339-validator@0.1.4 filesystem 0 14.7 kB naimetti
pypi/rfc3986-validator@0.1.1 environment, filesystem 0 21.8 kB naimetti
pypi/rpds-py@0.18.0 environment, filesystem, unsafe 0 5.98 MB Julian
pypi/rsa@4.9 environment, filesystem 0 112 kB sybrenstuvel
pypi/s3transfer@0.8.1 environment, filesystem, network 0 777 kB aws
pypi/safetensors@0.4.2 filesystem, unsafe Transitive: environment, eval, network, shell +417 30.6 GB McPotato, Nicolas.Patry, Wauplin, ...1 more
pypi/scikit-learn@1.3.1 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +182 2.11 GB GaelVaroquaux, adrin, glemaitre, ...5 more
pypi/scipy@1.11.3 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 196 MB matthew.brett, pv, rgommers, ...3 more
pypi/send2trash@1.8.2 environment, filesystem, network Transitive: eval, shell, unsafe +22 362 MB arsenetar, hsoft
pypi/sentence-transformers@2.2.2 environment, filesystem, network 0 371 kB nreimers, tomaarsen
pypi/sentencepiece@0.1.99 eval, filesystem, shell, unsafe 0 11.5 MB taku910
pypi/sentry-sdk@1.31.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +533 4.67 GB getsentry, mitsuhiko
pypi/smmap@5.0.1 filesystem 0 77.4 kB ByronBates
pypi/sniffio@1.3.0 None 0 48.1 kB
pypi/soupsieve@2.5 eval, filesystem, unsafe 0 512 kB facelessuser
pypi/sqlalchemy@2.0.21 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 60.6 MB CaselIT
pypi/sqlparse@0.4.4 filesystem, shell Transitive: environment, eval, network, unsafe +53 1.05 GB aalbrecht
pypi/starlette@0.27.0 environment, filesystem, network 0 242 kB tomchristie
pypi/streamlit@1.33.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 22.8 MB jroes-streamlit, kmcgrady, treuille, ...1 more
pypi/sympy@1.12 environment, eval, filesystem, shell, unsafe 0 27.5 MB Aaron.Meurer, certik, oscarbenjamin
pypi/tabulate@0.9.0 environment, eval, filesystem, shell 0 380 kB Sergey
pypi/tenacity@8.2.3 eval, unsafe Transitive: environment, filesystem, network, shell +227 1.31 GB jd, sileht
pypi/terminado@0.18.1 environment, eval, filesystem, network 0 122 kB darian, jasongrout, takowl
pypi/threadpoolctl@3.2.0 environment, eval, shell 0 129 kB jeremiedbb, ogrisel, tommoral
pypi/tiktoken@0.6.0 environment, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe Transitive: eval +30 692 MB hauntsaninja
pypi/tinycss2@1.2.1 environment Transitive: eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +60 1.06 GB SimonSapin, gentooboontoo, liZe
pypi/tokenizers@0.15.2 environment, filesystem, network, unsafe Transitive: eval, shell +160 1.28 GB ArthurZucker, McPotato, Nicolas.Patry, ...1 more
pypi/toolz@0.12.1 environment, eval, filesystem, shell, unsafe 0 275 kB eigenhombre, eriknw, mrocklin
pypi/torch@2.0.1 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +67 2.41 GB atalman, facebook, malfet, ...2 more
pypi/torchaudio@2.0.2 environment, eval, filesystem, network 0 14.2 MB atalman, cpuhrsch, ezyang, ...3 more
pypi/torchvision@0.15.2 environment, eval, filesystem, network, unsafe 0 97.6 MB atalman, ezyang, facebook, ...3 more
pypi/tornado@6.4 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 1.92 MB Ben.Darnell, emptysquare
pypi/tqdm@4.66.1 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell Transitive: unsafe +16 12.4 MB casper.dcl, tqdm
pypi/traitlets@5.14.2 environment, eval, filesystem, shell, unsafe 0 717 kB Jonathan.Frederic, Kyle.Kelley, Sylvain.Corlay, ...9 more
pypi/transformers@4.39.3 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 40.6 MB ArthurZucker, Thomwolf, amysartran, ...1 more
pypi/typer@0.9.0 environment, filesystem, shell Transitive: eval, network, unsafe +164 1.26 GB tiangolo
pypi/types-python-dateutil@ None 0 28.3 kB typeshed_bot
pypi/typing-extensions@4.8.0 environment, eval, filesystem, shell, unsafe 0 345 kB JelleZijlstra, guido, hauntsaninja, ...3 more
pypi/typing-inspect@0.9.0 eval Transitive: environment, shell, unsafe +3 627 kB ilevkivskyi
pypi/tzdata@2023.3 filesystem 0 583 kB belopolsky, pganssle
pypi/unstructured@0.10.26 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell Transitive: unsafe +619 13.8 GB unstructured_technologies
pypi/uri-template@1.3.0 filesystem Transitive: environment, eval, network, shell, unsafe +115 1.16 GB plinss
pypi/urllib3@1.26.18 environment, eval, filesystem, network, unsafe Transitive: shell +225 1.64 GB SethMichaelLarson, shazow
pypi/uvloop@0.19.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +124 1.68 GB Elvis.Pranskevichus, edgedb-ci, magicstack-ci, ...1 more
pypi/wandb@0.16.4 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe +124 3.28 GB KyleWandb, benwandb, dannygoldstein, ...4 more
pypi/watchfiles@0.21.0 environment, filesystem, shell 0 7.17 MB samuelcolvin
pypi/wcwidth@0.2.13 environment, filesystem, network, shell Transitive: eval, unsafe +90 1.05 GB jquast
pypi/webcolors@1.13 environment, filesystem, network Transitive: eval, shell, unsafe +82 1.09 GB ubernostrum
pypi/websocket-client@1.6.4 environment, eval, filesystem, network Transitive: shell, unsafe +114 1.16 GB engin33r, liris, ukwksk
pypi/websockets@12.0 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 543 kB aaugustin
pypi/werkzeug@3.0.1 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 1.93 MB
pypi/wrapt@1.16.0 environment, unsafe 0 416 kB Graham.Dumpleton
pypi/xformers@0.0.22 environment, eval, filesystem, network, shell, unsafe 0 488 MB blefaudeux, danthe3rd, dianaml, ...2 more
pypi/xxhash@3.4.1 environment, eval, unsafe 0 2.52 MB ifduyue
pypi/yarl@1.9.2 environment, unsafe 0 1.06 MB Andrew.Svetlov, webknjaz
pypi/zipp@3.17.0 eval, filesystem, unsafe Transitive: environment, network, shell +95 1.05 GB jaraco

View full reportβ†—οΈŽ

socket-security[bot] commented 1 week ago

🚨 Potential security issues detected. Learn more about Socket for GitHub β†—οΈŽ

To accept the risk, merge this PR and you will not be notified again.

Alert Package NoteSourceCI
CVE pypi/aiohttp@3.8.5 🚫
CVE pypi/aiohttp@3.8.5 🚫
CVE pypi/gunicorn@21.2.0 🚫
CVE pypi/sqlparse@0.4.4 🚫
CVE pypi/sqlparse@0.4.4 🚫
CVE pypi/starlette@0.27.0 🚫
CVE pypi/starlette@0.27.0 🚫
CVE pypi/nltk@3.8.1 🚫
CVE pypi/cryptography@41.0.5 🚫
CVE pypi/cryptography@41.0.5 🚫
CVE pypi/fastapi@0.104.1 🚫
CVE pypi/fastapi@0.104.1 🚫
CVE pypi/wandb@0.16.4 🚫
CVE pypi/mlflow@2.11.3 🚫
CVE pypi/mlflow@2.11.3 🚫
CVE pypi/mlflow@2.11.3 🚫
CVE pypi/mlflow@2.11.3 🚫
CVE pypi/mlflow@2.11.3 🚫
CVE pypi/mlflow@2.11.3 🚫
CVE pypi/mlflow@2.11.3 🚫
CVE pypi/mlflow@2.11.3 🚫
CVE pypi/mlflow@2.11.3 🚫
CVE pypi/mlflow@2.11.3 🚫
CVE pypi/mlflow@2.11.3 🚫

View full reportβ†—οΈŽ

Next steps

What is a CVE?

Contains a high severity Common Vulnerability and Exposure (CVE).

Remove or replace dependencies that include known high severity CVEs. Consumers can use dependency overrides or npm audit fix --force to remove vulnerable dependencies.

Take a deeper look at the dependency

Take a moment to review the security alert above. Review the linked package source code to understand the potential risk. Ensure the package is not malicious before proceeding. If you're unsure how to proceed, reach out to your security team or ask the Socket team for help at support [AT] socket [DOT] dev.

Remove the package

If you happen to install a dependency that Socket reports as Known Malware you should immediately remove it and select a different dependency. For other alert types, you may may wish to investigate alternative packages or consider if there are other ways to mitigate the specific risk posed by the dependency.

Mark a package as acceptable risk

To ignore an alert, reply with a comment starting with @SocketSecurity ignore followed by a space separated list of ecosystem/package-name@version specifiers. e.g. @SocketSecurity ignore npm/foo@1.0.0 or ignore all packages with @SocketSecurity ignore-all

  • @SocketSecurity ignore pypi/aiohttp@3.8.5
  • @SocketSecurity ignore pypi/gunicorn@21.2.0
  • @SocketSecurity ignore pypi/sqlparse@0.4.4
  • @SocketSecurity ignore pypi/starlette@0.27.0
  • @SocketSecurity ignore pypi/nltk@3.8.1
  • @SocketSecurity ignore pypi/cryptography@41.0.5
  • @SocketSecurity ignore pypi/fastapi@0.104.1
  • @SocketSecurity ignore pypi/wandb@0.16.4
  • @SocketSecurity ignore pypi/mlflow@2.11.3
scottire commented 1 week ago

This looks great. If we're only saying "Weave" - we should only say "Models" for consistency. Other than that, this is ready to go in my opinion image