wandenberg / nginx-push-stream-module

A pure stream http push technology for your Nginx setup. Comet made easy and really scalable.
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Trouble getting stored messages since X seconds ago #178

Closed simion closed 9 years ago

simion commented 9 years ago

Hello, and thanks for this great module.

I'm having some trouble getting stored message.

The only situation when I could get stored messages was using backtrack on websocket connection (when adding channel), but it's not useful for me.

I do not need to get latest X messages, I need to get all messages since 4 hours ago. It's a realtime dashboard, and when i load it I need the data 4 hours old. I can drop websocket in favor on eventsource, since i only send messages from server to clients, there's no need of two-way communication.

Here's the JS config:

    realtime.pushstream.stream = new PushStream({
                    modes: "eventsource",
                    host: pushstreamConfig.host,  // internal config
                    port: pushstreamConfig.port, // internal config
                    messagesPublishedAfter: 14400,  // 4 hours, in seconds
                    messagesControlByArgument: true

And here's the nginx conf:

pid         logs/nginx.pid;
error_log   logs/nginx-main_error.log debug;

# Development Mode
master_process      off;
daemon              off;
worker_rlimit_core  2500M;
working_directory /tmp;
debug_points abort;

worker_processes    2;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;
    # use                 poll;

http {
    postpone_output 1; # only postpone a single byte, default 1460 bytes
    access_log      logs/nginx-http_access.log;

    push_stream_shared_memory_size                100m;
    push_stream_max_channel_id_length             200;

    push_stream_message_ttl                       4h;
    push_stream_timeout_with_body                 off;

    # wildcard
    push_stream_wildcard_channel_prefix         "broad_";
    push_stream_wildcard_channel_max_qtd        3;

    # for "text" i removed  \", since i only send json messages
    push_stream_message_template                "{\"id\":~id~,\"channel\":\"~channel~\",\"text\":~text~, \"tag\":\"~tag~\", \"time\":\"~time~\", \"eventid\":\"~event-id~\"}";

    push_stream_authorized_channels_only        off;

    push_stream_allowed_origins                 "*";

    server {
        listen           9080 default_server;
        server_name     localhost;

        location /channels-stats {
            push_stream_channels_path               $arg_id;

        location /pub {
            push_stream_publisher admin;
            push_stream_channels_path               $arg_id;

            push_stream_store_messages              on;

            client_max_body_size                    32k;
            client_body_buffer_size                 32k;

        location ~ /ev/(.*) {
            # activate event source mode for this location
            push_stream_subscriber eventsource;

            # positional channel path
            push_stream_channels_path                   $1;
            if ($arg_tests = "on") {
              push_stream_channels_path                 "test_$1";

            if ($arg_qs = "on") {
              push_stream_last_received_message_time "$arg_time";
              push_stream_last_received_message_tag  "$arg_tag";
              push_stream_last_event_id              "$arg_eventid";
            push_stream_store_messages              on;
            default_type application/json;


What am I doing wrong?

wandenberg commented 9 years ago


try to use the configuration on the examples section of the readme. You have to make proper use of last time and tag directives.

The file on misc/nginx.conf is most used for development, is not suitable for production. On May 11, 2015 11:50, "simion" notifications@github.com wrote:

Hello, and thanks for this great module.

I'm having some trouble getting stored message.

The only situation when I could get stored messages was using backtrack on websocket connection (when adding channel), but it's not useful for me.

I do not need to get latest X messages, I need to get all messages since 4 hours ago. It's a realtime dashboard, and when i load it I need the data 4 hours old. I can drop websocket in favor on eventsource, since i only send messages from server to clients, there's no need of two-way communication.

Here's the JS config:

realtime.pushstream.stream = new PushStream({
                modes: "eventsource",
                host: pushstreamConfig.host,  // internal config
                port: pushstreamConfig.port, // internal config
                messagesPublishedAfter: 14400,  // 4 hours, in seconds
                messagesControlByArgument: true

And here's the nginx conf:

pid logs/nginx.pid; error_log logs/nginx-main_error.log debug;

Development Mode

master_process off; daemon off; worker_rlimit_core 2500M; working_directory /tmp; debug_points abort; env MOCKEAGAIN_VERBOSE; env MOCKEAGAIN_WRITE_TIMEOUT_PATTERN;



worker_processes 2;

events { worker_connections 1024;

use poll;


http { postpone_output 1; # only postpone a single byte, default 1460 bytes access_log logs/nginx-http_access.log;

push_stream_shared_memory_size                100m;
push_stream_max_channel_id_length             200;

push_stream_message_ttl                       4h;
push_stream_timeout_with_body                 off;

# wildcard
push_stream_wildcard_channel_prefix         "broad_";
push_stream_wildcard_channel_max_qtd        3;

# for "text" i removed  \", since i only send json messages
push_stream_message_template                "{\"id\":~id~,\"channel\":\"~channel~\",\"text\":~text~, \"tag\":\"~tag~\", \"time\":\"~time~\", \"eventid\":\"~event-id~\"}";

push_stream_authorized_channels_only        off;

push_stream_allowed_origins                 "*";

server {
    listen           9080 default_server;
    server_name     localhost;

    location /channels-stats {
        push_stream_channels_path               $arg_id;

    location /pub {
        push_stream_publisher admin;
        push_stream_channels_path               $arg_id;

        push_stream_store_messages              on;

        client_max_body_size                    32k;
        client_body_buffer_size                 32k;

    location ~ /ev/(.*) {
        # activate event source mode for this location
        push_stream_subscriber eventsource;

        # positional channel path
        push_stream_channels_path                   $1;
        if ($arg_tests = "on") {
          push_stream_channels_path                 "test_$1";

        if ($arg_qs = "on") {
          push_stream_last_received_message_time "$arg_time";
          push_stream_last_received_message_tag  "$arg_tag";
          push_stream_last_event_id              "$arg_eventid";
        push_stream_store_messages              on;
        default_type application/json;



What am I doing wrong?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/wandenberg/nginx-push-stream-module/issues/178.