wandenberg / nginx-push-stream-module

A pure stream http push technology for your Nginx setup. Comet made easy and really scalable.
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Number of channels were exceeded #207

Closed MaximChernomorov closed 8 years ago

MaximChernomorov commented 8 years ago

Hello, thank you for your work.

I got next problem. My conf:

server {
# nginx-push-stream-module server for push & pull

server_name  _;

listen 2100;

location ^~ /bitrix/sub {

    # we don't use callback and droppped it (XSS)
    if ( $arg_callback ) {
        return 400;

    push_stream_subscriber          long-polling;
    push_stream_allowed_origins             "*";
    push_stream_channels_path       $arg_CHANNEL_ID;
    push_stream_last_received_message_tag   $arg_tag;
    push_stream_longpolling_connection_ttl  40;
    push_stream_authorized_channels_only    on;
    push_stream_message_template '#!NGINXNMS!#{"id":~id~,"channel":"~channel~","tag":"~tag~","time":"~time~","eventid":"~event-id~","text":~text~}#!NGINXNME!#';
    location ^~ / { deny all; }

server {

server_name  _;

location ^~ /bitrix/pub/ {

    push_stream_publisher admin;
    push_stream_channels_path $arg_CHANNEL_ID;
    push_stream_store_messages on;


location ^~ / { deny all; }

As i can see at "/channels-stats" module creates channels, but never closes. So i obv keep getting "403. Number of channels were exceeded". How can i fix this ? Maybe somehow clean all channels ?

MaximChernomorov commented 8 years ago

Sorry for stupid questions, found solution by myself. Thanks for gr8 work again