wandenberg / nginx-push-stream-module

A pure stream http push technology for your Nginx setup. Comet made easy and really scalable.
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Listen to messages locally #250

Closed andrisi closed 7 years ago

andrisi commented 7 years ago

I am sure this can be done by emulating a web client, but I wonder if there is a simpler way to listen to messages on a few channels locally, from a script on the server. To use the push stream modul as a simple message queue. I would not rely on it exclusively, but it would still be a nice way to notify server components.

wandenberg commented 7 years ago

It can be used, you only needs a EventSource or WebSocket client, or in the last option use the long polling connection. For the first two I know that are clients on Ruby. In fact I use them on the module tests.

andrisi commented 7 years ago
