wandenberg / nginx-push-stream-module

A pure stream http push technology for your Nginx setup. Comet made easy and really scalable.
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Filter some subscribers when sending a message #43

Open wandenberg opened 12 years ago

wandenberg commented 12 years ago

Add a way to publish a message to a specific user using filters, like in the example bellow.

The publish could look like /publish?Channel=B&filter=[{key=userid, val=12345}]&limit=1

Only first user matching userid=12345 on B channel would get the message.

RyanChiu commented 11 years ago

wondering if this feature has been added? Or if I want to send messages like trade information to specific uses. Should i have them each listen to a different channel? How can I protect the chanel?(I would imagine client sends back a session id to authenticate, but can publisher be configured to call a php script?

RyanChiu commented 11 years ago

or we use session id as channel id?

wandenberg commented 11 years ago


this feature isn't implemented yet. You can connect the subscribers to a general channel to receive common messages and to a second channel to receive "private" messages, using a single connection, take a look on docs for this. About protection, the module don't care about it. Some solutions I saw being used are:

RyanChiu commented 11 years ago

Sorry I couldn't figure the documentation:) I am guessing I can just do addChannel(public) and addChannel(private_ch) to subscribe to two channels? (underlying I am guessing you are using one long poll connection). BTW, another question, I am using pushstream.js. But the default behavior seems to not send back last message. What's the best practice here? I first make a normal http request to get, say, last 5 messages and then register listeners through pushstream.js? Thanks so much for such a great tool! I am sending my donation right awy!

RyanChiu commented 11 years ago

never mind. figured out if i turn push_stream_store_messages on then i got the last couple of messages.

wandenberg commented 11 years ago


yes, you have to set the store_messages to on and set how many old messages you want, if using stream connections, or set the seconds ago if using long polling, something like that:

pushstream = new PushStream(your_config);
pushstream.addChannel(public, {backtrack:5});
pushstream.addChannel(private_ch, {backtrack:10});

//long polling
pushstream = new PushStream({
secondsAgo: 10,

The modes pushstream.js uses to connect can be set on the options "modes", the default is try in order, eventsource, websocket, stream and longpolling.