wandenberg / nginx-selective-cache-purge-module

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selective_cache_purge_redis_database per server? #19

Open livid opened 5 years ago

livid commented 5 years ago

Is it possible to specify different selective_cache_purge_redis_database per server?

Why I needed this is that one of the servers has too many cached items, it slows everything down. If it is possible to use selective_cache_purge_redis_database per server, purging on other servers with fewer cached items could become faster.

Currently when I set different selective_cache_purge_redis_database for different server, I get this error message:

nginx: [emerg] "selective_cache_purge_redis_database" directive is duplicate in ...
wandenberg commented 5 years ago

Not in the current version. It would require some refactoring on both ends, composing the index on Redis an on the purge location. One quick/temporary solution using the current code is splitting your Nginx instance with multiple servers to 1 + n instances, one instance to each server and Redis database and another instance doing the routing to the servers based on the domain/port. I know that is probably not the answer you want to, but will allow you to solve the issue without having to change the module code.