wandersoncferreira / mamulengo

Lightweight database based on datascript with durable store and time travel for Clojure(Script)
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Datascript report vs custom mamulengo report #55

Open wandersoncferreira opened 4 years ago

wandersoncferreira commented 4 years ago

Right now, when you (m/transact! ...) some data, the return value is a TxReport{:db-before #datascript/DB {:schema {}, :datoms []}, :db-after #datascript/DB {:schema {}, :datoms [[1 :entity/name "foo" 536870913]... from datascript with a small modificatio, I added the timestamp of the persistent transaction to the report.

I was thinking if it makes sense to continue to return the datascript original version or if would be better to wrap this object to a custom MamulengoTxReport which extends the original one.

I thought about that only to allow more organized room for improvements in this report.