wandreopoulos / deeplasmid

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Dockerfile to rebuilding the Docker image #13

Open nandan75 opened 3 months ago

nandan75 commented 3 months ago


I have run your tool as a docker image on my local mac. It runs beautifully. Thanks.

However I need to run it on an HPC as a singularity container (cannot use docker) I encountered a python library related dependency issue when I tried to run the docker image as a singularity container image. Is there a way I can get access to your Dockerfile and re-build the image with any additional dependencies as required?

I am using the version https://github.com/wandreopoulos/deeplasmid?tab=readme-ov-file#deeplasmid-docker-image-for-cpu-only-on-ubuntu-20043-with-ryzen-processor

