wang-bin / fvp

Flutter video player plugin for all desktop+mobile platforms. download prebuilt examples from github actions.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
126 stars 20 forks source link

华为平板FDR-A03L,Android5.1.1,CPU Qualcomm MSM8939,AMediaCodec奔溃,不会自动跳到FFmpeg #93

Closed yemin82 closed 1 month ago

yemin82 commented 1 month ago
Launching lib/main.dart on FDR A03L in debug mode...
You are applying Flutter's app_plugin_loader Gradle plugin imperatively using the apply script method, which is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Migrate to applying Gradle plugins with the declarative plugins block:

You are applying Flutter's main Gradle plugin imperatively using the apply script method, which is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Migrate to applying Gradle plugins with the declarative plugins block:

✓ Built build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-debug.apk
Connecting to VM Service at ws://
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:06:01.057: registerVideoPlayerPlatformsWith: {video.decoders: [AMediaCodec, FFmpeg]}
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:06:01.953: 0.27.0 (git ff3fc35) - Multimedia Development Kit. Copyright (c) 2016-2024 WangBin(QtAV author) <wbsecg1 at>
I/flutter (12232): Build for: Android21/22.0.0 ARMv8 AArch64; Clang17.0.2 ( d9f89f4d16663d5012e5c09495f3b30ece3d2362)GCC4.2.1; libc++170000 NDK26.3.11579264; 07:24:12 May 27 2024
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:06:01.957: global option: d3d11.sync.cpu = 1
I/art     (12232): Debugger is no longer active
E/HAL     (12232): hw_get_module_by_class: lib loaded: /system/lib64/hw/
E/HAL     (12232): hw_get_module_by_class: lib loaded: /system/lib64/hw/
I/Timeline(12232): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@19bcbf92 time:35921988
V/AudioManager(12232): playSoundEffect   effectType: 0
V/AudioManager(12232): querySoundEffectsEnabled...
V/AudioManager(12232): isWiredHeadsetOn...
V/AudioManager(12232): isBluetoothA2dpOn...
W/libOpenSLES(12232): Leaving Object::GetInterface (SL_RESULT_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED)
W/libOpenSLES(12232): Leaving Object::GetInterface (SL_RESULT_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED)
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:07:44.514: 757666353 player367444034336 create(
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.554: default 0x558d0fc7c0 new FrameReader...
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.555: Registered audio backends: AudioTrack OpenSL null
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.556: OpenSL extensions: ANDROID_SDK_LEVEL_22
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.557: default 0x558d3279b0 new FrameReader...
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.558: Registered audio backends: AudioTrack OpenSL null
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.559: OpenSL extensions: ANDROID_SDK_LEVEL_22
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.577: 0x558d31d5e0 player.Player()
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.579: 0x558d31d5e0 player.onEvent(1, 0x7f9475d0c0)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.581: 0x558d31d5e0 player.onStateChanged(1)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.582: 0x558d31d5e0 player.onMediaStatus(1)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.583: 0x558d31d5e0 player property: video.decoder = shader_resource=0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.584: 0x558d31d5e0 player property: avformat.strict = experimental
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.586: 0x558d31d5e0 player property: avio.protocol_whitelist = file,rtmp,http,https,tls,rtp,tcp,udp,crypto,httpproxy,data,concatf,concat,subfile
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.587: 0x558d31d5e0 player property: avformat.rtsp_transport = tcp
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.588: 0x558d31d5e0 player.setDecoders(video, [AMediaCodec, FFmpeg])
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.590: video decoders: "AMediaCodec", "FFmpeg"
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.591: video decoders: "AMediaCodec", "FFmpeg"
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.592: 0x558d31d5e0 player.setMedia(
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.594: default FrameReader0x558d0fc7c0 state: 0=>0=>0, 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.595: default0x558d0fc7c0 stop, current state: 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.597: default FrameReader0x558d0fc7c0 state: 0=>0=>0, 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.598: default0x558d0fc7c0 stop, current state: 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.599: 0x558d31d5e0 player.prepare(0, ..., 1282)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.600: 0x558c919480 MediaControl.prepare(0, ...)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.601: default 0x558d0fc7c0 FrameReader.start(0, ...)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.602: default 0x558d0fc7c0 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0=>0X2
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:07:45.620: 278518600 player367444034336 onMediaStatus: MediaStatus(noMedia) => MediaStatus(+loading)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.627: default FrameReader0x558d0fc7c0 state: 0=>0=>1, 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.628: default FrameReader0x558d0fc7c0 state: 0=>1=>1, 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.629: default FrameReader0x558d0fc7c0 request to pause 1, loaded: 0.
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.630: default FrameReader0x558d0fc7c0 state: 0=>1=>2, 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.631: default FrameReader0x558d0fc7c0 state requested: 2, current: 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.632: start frame reader thread: 367441068832
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.633: FFmpeg/Libav runtime 5e45c27-avbuild
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.634: Selected avutil runtime version: 58.29.100 (build: 58.29.100), license: LGPL version 2.1 or later
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.635: global option: ffmpeg.configuration = --extra-version=avbuild --disable-doc --disable-debug --disable-static --enable-shared --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-mediacodec --enable-jni --disable-vulkan --disable-v4l2-m2m --disable-indevs --enable-indev=android_camera --disable-outdevs --disable-postproc --ar=llvm-ar --ranlib=llvm-ranlib --nm=llvm-nm --strip=llvm-strip --target-os=android --arch=arm64 --enable-cross-compile --cross-prefix=aarch64-linux-android- --pkg-config=pkg-config --cc=clang --extra-ldexeflags='-Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-z,nocopyreloc -pie -fPIE ' --enable-lto --enable-pic --extra-cflags='-Wa,--noexecstack -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fstack-protector-strong -ffast-math -fstrict-aliasing --target=aarch64-none-linux-android21' --extra-ldflags='-Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now --sysroot /usr/local/lib/android/sdk/ndk/26.2.11394342/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64//sysroot -fuse-ld=lld -rtlib=compiler-rt --target=aarch64-none-linux-android21' --enabl
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.637: av_dict_set0x7f8be93c34
I/flutter (12232): mdk.WARNING: 20:07:45.639: Failed to create io for url. io: 0x0, open: 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.640: Selected avformat runtime version: 60.16.100 (build: 60.16.100), license: LGPL version 2.1 or later
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.641: av_muxer_iterate0x7f8be4ad74
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.644: default 0x558d0fc7c0 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0X2=>0X2
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.646: before avformat_open_input. io: 0x0()/pb: 0x0, url:
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.647: FFmpeg/Libav runtime 5e45c27-avbuild
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.651: [FFmpeg:hls] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.652: [FFmpeg:hls] Opening '' for reading
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.656: [FFmpeg:hls] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:45.937: after avformat_open_input. pb: 0x558d734620, iformat: 0x7f8bf7c1d0, context flags: 2097152, input format flags: 49664
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.004: unsupported avformat options:  rtsp_transport=tcp
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.006: supports 205 ffmpeg sw pixel formats. unsupported: uyyvyy411 x2rgb10be x2bgr10be p212be p212le p412be p412le gbrap14be gbrap14le
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.007: Format: hls, range: 1462 +2872417ms, bitrate: 66, size: 0
I/flutter (12232): Programs:
I/flutter (12232):  Program id 0
I/flutter (12232):  Metadata:
I/flutter (12232):   variant_bitrate: 0
I/flutter (12232):  Video:
I/flutter (12232):  track 0  stream#0, range: 1483 +0ms, frames: 0
I/flutter (12232):   codec: h264 tag: 0X1B profile: 100 level: 40, yuv420p, bpc:8, bpp:12(8,8,8), channels:(1,1,1), map: 0 1 2 0, bitrate: 0, 1920x1080, fps: 24, bframes: 2, primaries: BT709, trc: BT709, matrix: BT709, range: Limited
I/flutter (12232):   extra data(43): 00 00 01 67 64 00 28 AC D9 40 78 02 27 E5 C0 5A 80 80 80 A0 00 00 03 00 20 00 00 06 01 E3 06 32 C0 00 00 00 01 68 EB E2 4B 22 C0
I/flutter (12232):   Metadata:
I/flutter (12232):    variant_bitrate: 0
I/flutter (12232):  Audio:
I/flutter (12232):  track 0  stream#1, range: 1462 +0ms, frames: 0
I/flutter (12232):   codec: aac tag: 0XF profile: 1 level: -99, sample size: 0/0, block align: 0, frame_size: 1024, f32p stereo(2) @48000Hz, bitrate: 0
I/flutter (12232):   Metadata:
I/flutter (12232):    language: und
I/flutter (12232):    variant_bitrate: 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.009: 0x558c919480 prepared callback is invoked
E/libOpenSLES(12232): Configuration error: unknown key
W/libOpenSLES(12232): Leaving AndroidConfiguration::SetConfiguration (SL_RESULT_PARAMETER_INVALID)
W/libOpenSLES(12232): Leaving PlaybackRate::GetRateRange (SL_RESULT_PARAMETER_INVALID)
E/libEGL  (12232): validate_display:255 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
E/libEGL  (12232): validate_display:255 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
E/HAL     (12232): hw_get_module_by_class: lib loaded: /system/lib64/hw/
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.240: default 0x558d0fc7c0 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0X2=>0X4
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:07:46.241: 278518600 player367444034336 onMediaStatus: MediaStatus(+loading) => MediaStatus(+loaded)
W/AudioCapabilities(12232): Unsupported mime audio/evrc
W/AudioCapabilities(12232): Unsupported mime audio/qcelp
W/VideoCapabilities(12232): Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
W/AudioCapabilities(12232): Unsupported mime audio/qcelp
W/AudioCapabilities(12232): Unsupported mime audio/evrc
W/AudioCapabilities(12232): Unsupported mime audio/ffmpeg
W/VideoCapabilities(12232): Unsupported mime video/mpeg2
W/VideoCapabilities(12232): Unsupported mime video/mpeg2
W/VideoCapabilities(12232): Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv
W/VideoCapabilities(12232): Unsupported mime video/divx
W/VideoCapabilities(12232): Unsupported mime video/divx311
W/Utils   (12232): could not parse size range '64x64-1920X1088'
W/VideoCapabilities(12232): Unsupported mime video/divx4
W/Utils   (12232): could not parse size range '64x64-1920X1080'
W/VideoCapabilities(12232): Unsupported mime video/ffmpeg
W/VideoCapabilities(12232): Unsupported mime video/mp4v-esdp
I/VideoCapabilities(12232): Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es
V/ACodec  (12232): Now uninitialized
V/ACodec  (12232): onAllocateComponent
I/OMXClient(12232): Using client-side OMX mux.
V/ACodec  (12232): [] Now Loaded
I/MDK.AndroidSurfaceBuffer(12232): texture for SurfaceTexture constructor: 0
I/MDK.AndroidSurfaceBuffer(12232): texture in surface created thread: 0, SurfaceTexture persistent context: 0, attach once: 1
V/ACodec  (12232): onConfigureComponent
V/ACodec  (12232): Configuring CPU controlled video playback.
V/ACodec  (12232): [] storeMetaDataInBuffers succeeded
I/ACodec  (12232): [] DRC Mode: Dynamic Buffer Mode
I/ExtendedCodec(12232): Decoder will be in frame by frame mode
W/ExtendedCodec(12232): Failed to set frame packing format on component
V/ACodec  (12232): [] input format is AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
V/ACodec  (12232):   int32_t adaptive-playback = 1
V/ACodec  (12232):   string mime = "video/avc"
V/ACodec  (12232):   int32_t width = 1920
V/ACodec  (12232):   int32_t height = 1080
V/ACodec  (12232): }
V/ACodec  (12232): [] output format is AMessage(what = 'codc', target = 2) = {
V/ACodec  (12232):   string mime = "video/raw"
V/ACodec  (12232):   int32_t stride = 1920
V/ACodec  (12232):   int32_t slice-height = 1088
V/ACodec  (12232):   int32_t color-format = 2141391876
V/ACodec  (12232):   Rect crop(0, 0, 1919, 1079)
V/ACodec  (12232):   int32_t width = 1920
V/ACodec  (12232):   int32_t height = 1080
V/ACodec  (12232): }
V/ACodec  (12232): onStart
V/ACodec  (12232): [] Now Loaded->Idle
V/ACodec  (12232): [] Allocating 4 buffers of size 1576960 on input port
V/ACodec  (12232): gralloc usage: 0x42000000(OMX) => 0x42000000(ACodec) + 0x100(Consumer) = 0x42000100
V/ACodec  (12232): [] Allocating 11 meta buffers on output port
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877715632 (pointer = 0x7fa333e000)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877715712 (pointer = 0x7fa333e020)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877715792 (pointer = 0x7fa333e040)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877715872 (pointer = 0x7fa333e060)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877715952 (pointer = 0x7fa333e080)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877716032 (pointer = 0x7fa333e0a0)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877716112 (pointer = 0x7fa333e0c0)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877716192 (pointer = 0x7fa333e0e0)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877716272 (pointer = 0x7fa333e100)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877716352 (pointer = 0x7fa333e120)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877716432 (pointer = 0x7fa333e140)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] signalFlush
V/ACodec  (12232): [] Now Idle->Executing
V/ACodec  (12232): [] Now Executing
V/ACodec  (12232): [] We're already active, no need to resume.
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d54e0 w/ codec specific data
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=6 portMode=RESUBMIT
V/ACodec  (12232): replaced oldest buffer #10 with age 0 (0x0/0x558dc16350 stored in 0x7fa333e140)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] submitting output meta buffer ID 2877716432 for graphic buffer 0x558d0060d0
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXEmptyBufferDone 0xab7d54e0
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXFillBufferDone 2877716432 time 0 us, flags = 0x00000020
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling fillBuffer 2877716432
E/HAL     (12232): hw_get_module_by_class: lib loaded: /system/lib64/hw/
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.572: ***buffering progress 0%***
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.573: default 0x558d0fc7c0 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0X4=>0X14
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:07:46.575: 278518600 player367444034336 onMediaStatus: MediaStatus(+loaded) => MediaStatus(+loaded+buffering)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.593: ++++++++++++BUFFERING START++++++++++++
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.594:
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:07:46.601: 278518600 player367444034336 onEvent: reader.buffering -  - 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.614: default FrameReader0x558d0fc7c0 state: 0=>2=>1, 1
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.617: default FrameReader0x558d0fc7c0 update state: 0=>1
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:07:46.620: 278518600 player367444034336 onPlaybackStateChanged: PlaybackState.stopped => PlaybackState.playing
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.623: default FrameReader0x558d0fc7c0 state: 1=>1=>2, 1
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.624: default FrameReader0x558d0fc7c0 update state: 1=>2
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:07:46.626: 278518600 player367444034336 onPlaybackStateChanged: PlaybackState.playing => PlaybackState.paused
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.628: starting decode loop thread mdk.adec1@367440868784
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:07:46.629: 278518600 player367444034336 onEvent: -  - 1
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.630: audio stream#1 starting decoding loop from decoder index 0...
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.631: creating audio decoder: auto...
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.632: opening audio decoder: FFmpeg...
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.632: opening ffmpeg audio decoder: aac
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.633: starting decode loop thread mdk.vdec0@367451827264
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:07:46.634: 278518600 player367444034336 onEvent: -  - 1
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.635: video stream#0 starting decoding loop from decoder index 0...
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.636: creating video decoder: AMediaCodec...
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.636: opening video decoder: AMediaCodec...
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.637: CodecForMimeType: video/avc, profile: 8, level: -1
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.637: 367451827264 JMI: JNI Modern Interface. Version 0.1.0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.638: AVCodec.Audio[aac.] decoder: 1 Single threads
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.639: aac f32p, stereo @48000Hz
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:07:46.639: 278518600 player367444034336 onEvent: - FFmpeg - 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.640: ***buffering progress 100%***
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.641: default 0x558d0fc7c0 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0X14=>0X124
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:07:46.642: 278518600 player367444034336 onMediaStatus: MediaStatus(+loaded+buffering) => MediaStatus(+loaded+prepared+buffered)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.646: ++++++++++++BUFFERING END++++++++++++
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.646:
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:07:46.647: 278518600 player367444034336 onEvent: reader.buffering -  - 100
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.651: audio stream#1 sending 1 invalid AOT frame @1.462000s. seeking: 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.652: 0x558c919480 1st audio frame @1.462000
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.652: 0x558c919480 seek end audio frame @1.462000 seek_pos_: -1, sync_ao_ 1
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.653: Selected avfilter runtime version: 9.12.100 (build: 9.12.100), license: LGPL version 2.1 or later
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.654: AudioRenderer format: f32, stereo @48000Hz, requested: f32p, stereo @48000Hz
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.654: AudioRenderer format changed and reinitialize
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.658: OpenSL ERROR@281 (*cfg)->SetConfiguration(cfg, ((const SLchar*) "androidPerformanceMode"), &perf_mode_, sizeof(SLint32)) : 0X2
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.658:
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.659: SL_IID_PLAYBACKRATE Range0: [500, 2000]/0 cap: 400
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.660: Using audio backend: OpenSL
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.660: 0x558c919480 ao opened: 1, reopen: 1, bad ao: 0. valid: 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.663: Java_com_mediadevkit_fvp_FvpPlugin_nativeSetSurface
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.663: Rendering thread @367450296448
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.664: 0x558d786fe0 start RenderLoop
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.665: 0x558dc2abe0->PlatformSurface::Event::NativeHandle: 0x0>>>0x7ff0733594
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.665: getVideoOutContext 0x0 => 0x558e637500. vo count: 1
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.666: auto mdk::VideoPresenter::VideoPresenter()::(anonymous class)::operator()(PlatformSurface *) const: 0x0=>0x558e637500 RenderAPI.type: 1
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.667: createRenderContext of RenderAPI::Type 1 from surface 0x558dc2abe0 with extra native res 0x0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.667: ThreadLocal<bool>::Data::Data() thread: 367450296448
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.668: T *ThreadLocal<bool>::get() const allocate and initialize ThreadLocal data
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.669: ThreadLocal<UGL::opengl::Context::Config>::Data::Data() thread: 367450296448
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.669: T *ThreadLocal<UGL::opengl::Context::Config>::get() const allocate and initialize ThreadLocal data
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.670: creating internal shared offscreen context for type: EGL|OpenGL|OpenGLES
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.671: creating EGL context from window: 0x0 with shared context: 0x0 extra: 0x0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.671: select gl api resolver for EGL|OpenGL|OpenGLES
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.672: ThreadLocal<std::function<void *(const char *)>>::Data::Data() thread: 367450296448
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.673: T *ThreadLocal<std::function<void *(const char *)>>::get() const allocate and initialize ThreadLocal data
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.673: dso.load: libEGL.sotest: true
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.674: test load result 0x7fb0b5d1e8...
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.674: initialize EGL display from eglGetDisplay()
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.676: Try to create context for OpenGL ES 3
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.677: creating EGL context from window: 0x558cfffb20 with shared context: 0x558dc0b970 extra: 0x0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.677: select gl api resolver for EGL|OpenGL|OpenGLES
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.678: initialize EGL display from eglGetDisplay()
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.679: Try to create context for OpenGL ES 3
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.695: ThreadLocal<UGL::opengl::platform::GLContext *>::Data::Data() thread: 367450296448
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.696: T *ThreadLocal<UGL::opengl::platform::GLContext *>::get() const allocate and initialize ThreadLocal data
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.698: ++++++++++onContextCreated(surface 0x558dc2abe0, ctx 0x558dbd7c20)+++++++++++
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.699: getVideoOutContext 0x7ff0733594 => 0x558e89d810. vo count: 2
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.699: PlatformSurface::Event::Resize 1920x1080
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.701: 0x558d31d5f0 setVideoSurfaceSize(1920x1080, 0x7ff0733594)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.701: PlatformSurface::Event::Resize 1920x1080
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.702: 0x558d31d5f0 setVideoSurfaceSize(1920x1080, 0x7ff0733594)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.704: 0x558d31d5e0 player.setLoop(0)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.705: setLoop(0), now 0/0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.706: 0x558d31d5e0 player.setVolume(1.000000, -1)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.707: 0x558d31d5e0 player.set(2)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.707: 0x558c919480 virtual void mdk::MediaControlPush::setState(PlaybackState)@1066 requested state 2=>2, current state 2. status: 0X124
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.708: default FrameReader0x558d0fc7c0 request to pause 1, loaded: 4.
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.709: default FrameReader0x558d0fc7c0 state: 2=>2=>2, 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.710: 0x558d31d5e0, 1026, ...)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.711: 0x558c919480-MediaControl::seek(pos: 60000, flag:0X402 +FromStart). now: -1382
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.712: default 0x558d0fc7c0-FrameReader::seek(60000, 0X402)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.713: default 0x558d0fc7c0 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0X124=>0X1A4
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:07:46.714: 278518600 player367444034336 onMediaStatus: MediaStatus(+loaded+prepared+buffered) => MediaStatus(+loaded+prepared+buffered)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.716: 0x558d0fc7c0 default FrameReaderImpl::seekTo(60000, 0X402 #1)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.716: 0x558d31d5e0 player.set(1)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.717: 0x558c919480 virtual void mdk::MediaControlPush::setState(PlaybackState)@1066 requested state 2=>1, current state 2. status: 0X1A4
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.718: default FrameReader0x558d0fc7c0 request to pause 0, loaded: 4.
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.720: default FrameReader0x558d0fc7c0 state: 2=>2=>1, 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.721: default FrameReader0x558d0fc7c0 state requested: 1, current: 2
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.722: 0x558dbca7d8 filter graph:
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.723: +-----------+
I/flutter (12232): |    src    |default--[48000Hz fltp:stereo]--swr:default
I/flutter (12232): | (abuffer) |
I/flutter (12232): +-----------+
I/flutter (12232):
I/flutter (12232):                                           +---------------+
I/flutter (12232): swr:default--[48000Hz flt:stereo]--default|      dst      |
I/flutter (12232):                                           | (abuffersink) |
I/flutter (12232):                                           +---------------+
I/flutter (12232):
I/flutter (12232):                                            +-------------+
I/flutter (12232): src:default--[48000Hz fltp:stereo]--default|     swr     |default--[48000Hz flt:stereo]--dst:default
I/flutter (12232):                                            | (aresample) |
I/flutter (12232):                                            +-------------+
I/flutter (12232):
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.725: seekTo(60000) found video stream#0 packet at -3 in [1.483333, 5.649333] s
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.726: seekTo(60000) found audio stream#1 packet at -3 in [1.483333, 5.472333] s
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.727: >>>>>>>>1st audio frame (after seek) rendered: 1, ao: 1477, a: 1462, delta: 15 +0.021333
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.728: audio stream#1 AOT frame is sent
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.729: ***buffering progress 0%***
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.730: default 0x558d0fc7c0 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0X1A4=>0X194
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:07:46.731: 278518600 player367444034336 onMediaStatus: MediaStatus(+loaded+prepared+buffered) => MediaStatus(+loaded+prepared+buffering)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.733: ++++++++++++BUFFERING START++++++++++++
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.734:
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:07:46.735: 278518600 player367444034336 onEvent: reader.buffering -  - 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.737: ***buffering progress 100%***
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.738: default 0x558d0fc7c0 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0X194=>0X1A4
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:07:46.739: 278518600 player367444034336 onMediaStatus: MediaStatus(+loaded+prepared+buffering) => MediaStatus(+loaded+prepared+buffered)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.741: ++++++++++++BUFFERING END++++++++++++
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.742:
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:07:46.744: 278518600 player367444034336 onEvent: reader.buffering -  - 100
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.745: virtual int64_t mdk::PacketIOWrapper::seek(int64_t, SeekFlag)@596 seek target(from 1462): 60000ms, flags: +FromStart. now: 5.566667
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.746: default 0x558d0fc7c0 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0X1A4=>0X1A4
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.747: Seek start. target time: 61462000 avseek flags: 1
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.748: Seek end
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.749: 1 packets is read after seek. read more to get target pts
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.750: [FFmpeg:hls] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.751: 0x558d31d5e0 player.setPlaybackRate(1.000000)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.753: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: audio/mpeg
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.754: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: audio/3gpp
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.755: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: audio/amr-wb
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.756: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: audio/mp4a-latm
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.757: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: audio/g711-alaw
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.758: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: audio/g711-mlaw
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.759: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: audio/vorbis
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.760: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: audio/opus
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:46.761: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: audio/raw
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d5530 w/ time 63566666 us
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=5 portMode=RESUBMIT
V/ACodec  (12232): replaced oldest buffer #9 with age 1 (0x0/0x558cf2ada0 stored in 0x7fa333e120)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] submitting output meta buffer ID 2877716352 for graphic buffer 0x558dbd72e0
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d5580 w/ time 63733333 us
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=4 portMode=RESUBMIT
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.641: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: audio/gsm
V/ACodec  (12232): replaced oldest buffer #8 with age 1 (0x0/0x558dd74510 stored in 0x7fa333e100)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] submitting output meta buffer ID 2877716272 for graphic buffer 0x558dd33f80
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d55d0 w/ time 63650000 us
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=3 portMode=RESUBMIT
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.643: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: audio/mp4a-latm
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.647: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: audio/qcelp
V/ACodec  (12232): replaced oldest buffer #7 with age 1 (0x0/0x558dc43bc0 stored in 0x7fa333e0e0)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] submitting output meta buffer ID 2877716192 for graphic buffer 0x558dddd580
I/        (12232): send start state to pg
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.649: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: audio/evrc
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d54e0 w/ time 63608333 us
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=2 portMode=RESUBMIT
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.650: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: audio/ffmpeg
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.653: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: video/avc video/avc -profile: 8
V/ACodec  (12232): replaced oldest buffer #6 with age 1 (0x0/0x558dd55dc0 stored in 0x7fa333e0c0)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] submitting output meta buffer ID 2877716112 for graphic buffer 0x558e663f00
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.656: profileLevels count: 3
V/ACodec  (12232): [] Now handling output port settings change
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.658: profile: 1 level: 2048
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXFillBufferDone 2877716432 time 0 us, flags = 0x00000000
V/ACodec  (12232): [] Calling cancelBuffer on buffer 2877716432
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXFillBufferDone 2877716352 time 0 us, flags = 0x00000000
V/ACodec  (12232): [] Calling cancelBuffer on buffer 2877716352
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.661: profile: 2 level: 2048
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXFillBufferDone 2877716272 time 0 us, flags = 0x00000000
V/ACodec  (12232): [] Calling cancelBuffer on buffer 2877716272
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXFillBufferDone 2877716192 time 0 us, flags = 0x00000000
V/ACodec  (12232): [] Calling cancelBuffer on buffer 2877716192
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXFillBufferDone 2877716112 time 0 us, flags = 0x00000000
V/ACodec  (12232): [] Calling cancelBuffer on buffer 2877716112
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.663: profile: 8 level: 2048
V/ACodec  (12232): [] Output port now disabled.
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.667:  [Match].
V/ACodec  (12232): gralloc usage: 0x42000000(OMX) => 0x42000000(ACodec) + 0x42002100(Consumer) = 0x42002100
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.670: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: video/avc video/avc -profile: 8
V/ACodec  (12232): [] Allocating 11 meta buffers on output port
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.672: ***buffering progress 0%***
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877715632 (pointer = 0x7fac331000)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.675: default 0x558d0fc7c0 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0X1A4=>0X194
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877715712 (pointer = 0x7fac331020)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877715792 (pointer = 0x7fac331040)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877715872 (pointer = 0x7fac331060)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877715952 (pointer = 0x7fac331080)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877716032 (pointer = 0x7fac3310a0)
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:07:47.676: 278518600 player367444034336 onMediaStatus: MediaStatus(+loaded+prepared+buffered) => MediaStatus(+loaded+prepared+buffering)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877716112 (pointer = 0x7fac3310c0)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877716192 (pointer = 0x7fac3310e0)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877716272 (pointer = 0x7fac331100)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877716352 (pointer = 0x7fac331120)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.680: ++++++++++++BUFFERING START++++++++++++
V/ACodec  (12232): [] allocated meta buffer with ID 2877716432 (pointer = 0x7fac331140)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] Output port now reenabled.
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.683:
V/ACodec  (12232): replaced oldest buffer #10 with age 0 (0x0/0x558dbca6a0 stored in 0x7fac331140)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] submitting output meta buffer ID 2877716432 for graphic buffer 0x558dd33f80
V/ACodec  (12232): replaced oldest buffer #9 with age 0 (0x0/0x558dc16cd0 stored in 0x7fac331120)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] submitting output meta buffer ID 2877716352 for graphic buffer 0x558e93a3f0
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:07:47.685: 278518600 player367444034336 onEvent: reader.buffering -  - 0
V/ACodec  (12232): replaced oldest buffer #8 with age 0 (0x0/0x558dcaaaa0 stored in 0x7fac331100)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] submitting output meta buffer ID 2877716272 for graphic buffer 0x558e663f00
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.689: profileLevels count: 3
V/ACodec  (12232): replaced oldest buffer #7 with age 0 (0x0/0x558e89d860 stored in 0x7fac3310e0)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] submitting output meta buffer ID 2877716192 for graphic buffer 0x558e50bb20
V/ACodec  (12232): [] Now Executing
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.690: profile: 1 level: 2048
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.691: profile: 2 level: 2048
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.692: profile: 8 level: 2048
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.693:  [Match].
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.694: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: video/mpeg2
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.695: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: video/mpeg2
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.696: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: video/mp4v-es
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXEmptyBufferDone 0xab7d5530
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d5530 w/ time 63691666 us
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=2 portMode=RESUBMIT
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.697: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: video/3gpp
V/ACodec  (12232): replaced oldest buffer #6 with age 0 (0x0/0x558dd86e70 stored in 0x7fac3310c0)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] submitting output meta buffer ID 2877716112 for graphic buffer 0x558ddcd640
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.699: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: video/x-ms-wmv
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.701: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: video/divx
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXEmptyBufferDone 0xab7d5580
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d5580 w/ time 63900000 us
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=1 portMode=RESUBMIT
V/ACodec  (12232): replaced oldest buffer #5 with age 0 (0x0/0x558dbe6c30 stored in 0x7fac3310a0)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] submitting output meta buffer ID 2877716032 for graphic buffer 0x558d2f5700
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.707: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: video/divx311
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXEmptyBufferDone 0xab7d55d0
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXEmptyBufferDone 0xab7d54e0
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d55d0 w/ time 63816666 us
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=0 portMode=RESUBMIT
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXEmptyBufferDone 0xab7d5530
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.709: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: video/divx4
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d54e0 w/ time 63775000 us
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=0 portMode=RESUBMIT
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d5530 w/ time 63858333 us
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=0 portMode=RESUBMIT
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.712: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: video/x-vnd.on2.vp8
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.713: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: video/hevc
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.714: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: video/ffmpeg
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.715: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: video/mp4v-es video/mp4v-esdp
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.716: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: video/3gpp
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXEmptyBufferDone 0xab7d5580
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.717: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: video/avc video/avc -profile: 8
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d5580 w/ time 64066666 us
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=0 portMode=RESUBMIT
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.719: profileLevels count: 16
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXEmptyBufferDone 0xab7d55d0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.720: profile: 1 level: 1
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d55d0 w/ time 63983333 us
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=0 portMode=RESUBMIT
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.721: profile: 1 level: 2
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.722: profile: 1 level: 4
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXEmptyBufferDone 0xab7d54e0
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d54e0 w/ time 63941666 us
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=0 portMode=RESUBMIT
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.723: profile: 1 level: 8
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.724: profile: 1 level: 16
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXEmptyBufferDone 0xab7d5530
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d5530 w/ time 64025000 us
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=0 portMode=RESUBMIT
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.725: profile: 1 level: 32
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.726: profile: 1 level: 64
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.728: profile: 1 level: 128
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.729: profile: 1 level: 256
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXEmptyBufferDone 0xab7d5580
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d5580 w/ time 64191666 us
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=0 portMode=RESUBMIT
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.730: profile: 1 level: 512
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXEmptyBufferDone 0xab7d55d0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.732: profile: 1 level: 1024
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d55d0 w/ time 64108333 us
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=0 portMode=RESUBMIT
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.734: profile: 1 level: 2048
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.735: profile: 1 level: 4096
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.736: profile: 1 level: 8192
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXEmptyBufferDone 0xab7d54e0
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d54e0 w/ time 64150000 us
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=0 portMode=RESUBMIT
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.738: profile: 1 level: 16384
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.739: profile: 1 level: 32768
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.740:
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.741: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: video/hevc
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.742: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: video/x-vnd.on2.vp8
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.742: MediaCodecInfo name:, mime: video/x-vnd.on2.vp9
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.743: found codecs count: 2 | 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.744: video/avc AMediaCodec_createCodecByName:
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.745: AMediaCodec *ndk::AMediaCodec_createCodecByName(const char *) via ndk: true
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.746: 0x558d204fd8mdk::NativeVideoBufferPool::NativeVideoBufferPool()
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.747: ThreadLocal<bool>::Data::Data() thread: 367451827264
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.749: T *ThreadLocal<bool>::get() const allocate and initialize ThreadLocal data
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.750: ThreadLocal<UGL::opengl::Context::Config>::Data::Data() thread: 367451827264
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.751: T *ThreadLocal<UGL::opengl::Context::Config>::get() const allocate and initialize ThreadLocal data
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.752: select gl api resolver for EGL|OpenGL|OpenGLES
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.753: ThreadLocal<std::function<void *(const char *)>>::Data::Data() thread: 367451827264
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.755: T *ThreadLocal<std::function<void *(const char *)>>::get() const allocate and initialize ThreadLocal data
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXEmptyBufferDone 0xab7d5530
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d5530 w/ time 64316666 us
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=0 portMode=RESUBMIT
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.756: ThreadLocal<bool>::Data::Data() thread: 367451827264
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.757: T *ThreadLocal<bool>::get() const allocate and initialize ThreadLocal data
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.758: No current opengl context in thread 367451827264
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.760: tunnel: 0, window: 0x558e938960/0, surface: 0xb5e/1, image: 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.762: AMediaCodec_getName(codec_.get(), &name)  ERROR@229 virtual bool mdk::MediaCodecVideoDecoder::open(): (-10002)
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.764:
I/flutter (12232): fvp.FINE: 20:07:47.765: 278518600 player367444034336 onEvent: - AMediaCodec - 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.766: decode stored recovery packets: 0
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.768: video stream#0 is seeking #1... got flush pkt. flush decoder and  drop frames until seek target 61.4580s...
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.769: 0x558c919480 1st video frame to render @-1.000000s, sync time: 1.483333
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.770: invalid video frame @-1.000000
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXFillBufferDone 2877716432 time 63566666 us, flags = 0x00000230
V/ACodec  (12232): [] output format is AMessage(what = 'codc', target = 2) = {
V/ACodec  (12232):   string mime = "video/raw"
V/ACodec  (12232):   int32_t stride = 1920
V/ACodec  (12232):   int32_t slice-height = 1088
V/ACodec  (12232):   int32_t color-format = 2141391876
V/ACodec  (12232):   Rect crop(0, 0, 1919, 1079)
V/ACodec  (12232):   int32_t width = 1920
V/ACodec  (12232):   int32_t height = 1088
V/ACodec  (12232):   int32_t what = 1869968451
V/ACodec  (12232): }
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.774: seeking media's position is 60000=====
I/flutter (12232): mdk.INFO: 20:07:47.775: seeking media's position is 60000=====
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXEmptyBufferDone 0xab7d5580
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d5580 w/ time 64233333 us
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=0 portMode=RESUBMIT
E/libEGL  (12232): validate_display:255 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
E/libEGL  (12232): validate_display:255 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXFillBufferDone 2877716192 time 63608333 us, flags = 0x00000010
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXEmptyBufferDone 0xab7d55d0
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d55d0 w/ time 64275000 us
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=0 portMode=RESUBMIT
W/Adreno-ES20(12232): <core_glTexImage2D:501>: GL_INVALID_OPERATION
W/Adreno-ES20(12232): <core_glTexImage2D:501>: GL_INVALID_ENUM
I/MDK.AndroidSurfaceBuffer(12232): context change: 0x0=>>0x558e65a0d0
I/MDK.AndroidSurfaceBuffer(12232): try to detach previous SurfaceTexture
E/HAL     (12232): hw_get_module_by_class: lib loaded: /system/lib64/hw/
E/HAL     (12232): hw_get_module_by_class: lib loaded: /system/lib64/hw/
V/ACodec  (12232): replaced oldest buffer #4 with age 2 (0x0/0x558dd75490 stored in 0x7fac331080)
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling fillBuffer 2877715952
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXFillBufferDone 2877716272 time 63650000 us, flags = 0x00000210
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXFillBufferDone 2877716112 time 63691666 us, flags = 0x00000010
V/ACodec  (12232): [] onOMXEmptyBufferDone 0xab7d54e0
V/ACodec  (12232): [] calling emptyBuffer 0xab7d54e0 w/ time 64441666 us
V/ACodec  (12232): MetaDataBuffersToSubmit=0 portMode=RESUBMIT
W/Adreno-ES20(12232): <core_glUseProgram:1577>: GL_INVALID_OPERATION
F/libc    (12232): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x0 in tid 12501 (Thread-907)
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Build fingerprint: 'HUAWEI/FDR/HWFDR:5.1.1/HuaweiMediaPad/FDR-A03LC233B016:user/release-keys'
Revision: '0'
ABI: 'arm64'
pid: 12232, tid: 12501, name: Thread-907  >>> com.example.diyplayer <<<
signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0
    x0   0000007f8d433270  x1   0000000000000000  x2   0000007f840b7ba0  x3   0000000000000000
    x4   000000558dd01fb0  x5   000000558dd0ffb0  x6   0000000000000000  x7   0000000000000000
    x8   0000000000000000  x9   0000007fb06a9048  x10  0000000000000000  x11  0000000000000001
    x12  000000558d0bfb30  x13  0000000000000001  x14  3f80000000000000  x15  0000007fa02aaacc
    x16  0000007fa031e638  x17  0000007fb08b7e20  x18  0000000000000000  x19  000000558e56f910
    x20  000000558d2043a0  x21  0000007f8d4293d8  x22  0000000000000001  x23  0000007f840b7ba0
    x24  000000558dcf9040  x25  000000558dc14040  x26  0000007f840b7350  x27  0000000000000000
    x28  0000007f840b7ba0  x29  0000007f840b7390  x30  0000007f8d3b89e0
    sp   0000007f840b7300  pc   0000007f8d3b89f4  pstate 0000000060000000
    #00 pc 00000000001499f4  /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/
    #01 pc 00000000001482cc  /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/
    #02 pc 000000000013d0a4  /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/
    #03 pc 0000000000143d0c  /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/ (_ZN3mdk3abi13VideoRenderer6redrawEv+5332)
    #04 pc 0000000000142130  /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/ (_ZN3mdk3abi13VideoRenderer4drawEv+2044)
    #05 pc 00000000000fed88  /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/ (_ZN3mdk3abi6Player11renderVideoEPv+44)
    #06 pc 000000000012d1c4  /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/
    #07 pc 000000000019df54  /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/
    #08 pc 000000000019db04  /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/
    #09 pc 000000000019d680  /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/
    #10 pc 000000000019d494  /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/
    #11 pc 00000000000190e0  /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+52)
    #12 pc 00000000000153f0  /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+16)
Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_04
W/AudioTrack(12232): releaseBuffer() track 0x558dd54020 disabled due to previous underrun, restarting
Lost connection to device.

wang-bin commented 1 month ago


********** Crash dump: **********
Build fingerprint: 'HUAWEI/FDR/HWFDR:5.1.1/HuaweiMediaPad/FDR-A03LC233B016:user/release-keys'
#00 0x00000000001499f4 /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/
#01 0x00000000001482cc /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/
mdk::abi::OpenGLVideo::render(float const*)
#02 0x000000000013d0a4 /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/
mdk::abi::GLVideoRenderer::draw(mdk::abi::VideoFrame const&)
#03 0x0000000000143d0c /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/ (_ZN3mdk3abi13VideoRenderer6redrawEv+5332)
#04 0x0000000000142130 /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/ (_ZN3mdk3abi13VideoRenderer4drawEv+2044)
#05 0x00000000000fed88 /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/ (_ZN3mdk3abi6Player11renderVideoEPv+44)
#06 0x000000000012d1c4 /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/
mdk::abi::VideoPresenter::VideoPresenter()::$_0::operator()(UGS::PlatformSurface*, void*) const
decltype(std::declval<mdk::abi::VideoPresenter::VideoPresenter()::$_0&>()(std::declval<UGS::PlatformSurface*>(), std::declval<void*>())) std::__ndk1::__invoke[abi:v170000]<mdk::abi::VideoPresenter::VideoPresenter()::$_0&, UGS::PlatformSurface*, void*>(mdk::abi::VideoPresenter::VideoPresenter()::$_0&, UGS::PlatformSurface*&&, void*&&)
bool std::__ndk1::__invoke_void_return_wrapper<bool, false>::__call<mdk::abi::VideoPresenter::VideoPresenter()::$_0&, UGS::PlatformSurface*, void*>(mdk::abi::VideoPresenter::VideoPresenter()::$_0&, UGS::PlatformSurface*&&, void*&&)
std::__ndk1::__function::__alloc_func<mdk::abi::VideoPresenter::VideoPresenter()::$_0, std::__ndk1::allocator<mdk::abi::VideoPresenter::VideoPresenter()::$_0>, bool (UGS::PlatformSurface*, void*)>::operator()[abi:v170000](UGS::PlatformSurface*&&, void*&&)
std::__ndk1::__function::__func<mdk::abi::VideoPresenter::VideoPresenter()::$_0, std::__ndk1::allocator<mdk::abi::VideoPresenter::VideoPresenter()::$_0>, bool (UGS::PlatformSurface*, void*)>::operator()(UGS::PlatformSurface*&&, void*&&)
#07 0x000000000019df54 /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/
std::__ndk1::__function::__value_func<bool (UGS::PlatformSurface*, void*)>::operator()[abi:v170000](UGS::PlatformSurface*&&, void*&&) const
std::__ndk1::function<bool (UGS::PlatformSurface*, void*)>::operator()(UGS::PlatformSurface*, void*) const
#08 0x000000000019db04 /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/
UGS::RenderLoop::update()::$_0::operator()() const
decltype(std::declval<UGS::RenderLoop::update()::$_0&>()()) std::__ndk1::__invoke[abi:v170000]<UGS::RenderLoop::update()::$_0&>(UGS::RenderLoop::update()::$_0&)
void std::__ndk1::__invoke_void_return_wrapper<void, true>::__call<UGS::RenderLoop::update()::$_0&>(UGS::RenderLoop::update()::$_0&)
std::__ndk1::__function::__alloc_func<UGS::RenderLoop::update()::$_0, std::__ndk1::allocator<UGS::RenderLoop::update()::$_0>, void ()>::operator()[abi:v170000]()
std::__ndk1::__function::__func<UGS::RenderLoop::update()::$_0, std::__ndk1::allocator<UGS::RenderLoop::update()::$_0>, void ()>::operator()()
#09 0x000000000019d680 /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/
std::__ndk1::__function::__value_func<void ()>::operator()[abi:v170000]() const
std::__ndk1::function<void ()>::operator()() const
#10 0x000000000019d494 /data/app/com.example.diyplayer-2/lib/arm64/
UGS::RenderLoop::start(bool)::$_0::operator()() const
decltype(std::declval<UGS::RenderLoop::start(bool)::$_0>()()) std::__ndk1::__invoke[abi:v170000]<UGS::RenderLoop::start(bool)::$_0>(UGS::RenderLoop::start(bool)::$_0&&)
void std::__ndk1::__thread_execute[abi:v170000]<std::__ndk1::unique_ptr<std::__ndk1::__thread_struct, std::__ndk1::default_delete<std::__ndk1::__thread_struct>>, UGS::RenderLoop::start(bool)::$_0>(std::__ndk1::tuple<std::__ndk1::unique_ptr<std::__ndk1::__thread_struct, std::__ndk1::default_delete<std::__ndk1::__thread_struct>>, UGS::RenderLoop::start(bool)::$_0>&, std::__ndk1::__tuple_indices<>)
void* std::__ndk1::__thread_proxy[abi:v170000]<std::__ndk1::tuple<std::__ndk1::unique_ptr<std::__ndk1::__thread_struct, std::__ndk1::default_delete<std::__ndk1::__thread_struct>>, UGS::RenderLoop::start(bool)::$_0>>(void*)
#11 0x00000000000190e0 /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+52)
#12 0x00000000000153f0 /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+16)
Crash dump is completed
yemin82 commented 1 month ago
