wang-bin / fvp

Flutter video player plugin for all desktop+mobile platforms. download prebuilt examples from github actions.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
126 stars 20 forks source link

华为平板FDR-A03L,Android5.1.1,CPU Qualcomm MSM8939,FFmpeg视频画面绿色的 #94

Closed yemin82 closed 1 month ago

yemin82 commented 1 month ago
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:26.595: registerVideoPlayerPlatformsWith: {video.decoders: [FFmpeg, FFmpeg]}
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:27.148: 0.27.0 (git ff3fc35) - Multimedia Development Kit. Copyright (c) 2016-2024 WangBin(QtAV author) <wbsecg1 at>
I/flutter (13252): Build for: Android21/22.0.0 ARMv8 AArch64; Clang17.0.2 ( d9f89f4d16663d5012e5c09495f3b30ece3d2362)GCC4.2.1; libc++170000 NDK26.3.11579264; 07:24:12 May 27 2024
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:27.150: global option: d3d11.sync.cpu = 1
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:42.301: 72367318 player367439362480 create(
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.376: default 0x558d2f3640 new FrameReader...
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.377: Registered audio backends: AudioTrack OpenSL null
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.377: OpenSL extensions: ANDROID_SDK_LEVEL_22
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.379: default 0x558d1c5cf0 new FrameReader...
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.380: Registered audio backends: AudioTrack OpenSL null
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.381: OpenSL extensions: ANDROID_SDK_LEVEL_22
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.382: 0x558d11c5e0 player.Player()
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.382: 0x558d11c5e0 player.onEvent(1, 0x7f94659140)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.383: 0x558d11c5e0 player.onStateChanged(1)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.385: 0x558d11c5e0 player.onMediaStatus(1)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.388: 0x558d11c5e0 player property: video.decoder = shader_resource=0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.389: 0x558d11c5e0 player property: avformat.strict = experimental
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.390: 0x558d11c5e0 player property: avio.protocol_whitelist = file,rtmp,http,https,tls,rtp,tcp,udp,crypto,httpproxy,data,concatf,concat,subfile
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.391: 0x558d11c5e0 player property: avformat.rtsp_transport = tcp
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.392: 0x558d11c5e0 player.setDecoders(video, [FFmpeg, FFmpeg])
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.393: video decoders: "FFmpeg", "FFmpeg"
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.395: video decoders: "FFmpeg", "FFmpeg"
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.396: 0x558d11c5e0 player.setMedia(
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.396: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state: 0=>0=>0, 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.397: default0x558d2f3640 stop, current state: 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.397: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state: 0=>0=>0, 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.398: default0x558d2f3640 stop, current state: 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.398: 0x558d11c5e0 player.prepare(0, ..., 1282)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.399: 0x558d335ab0 MediaControl.prepare(0, ...)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.399: default 0x558d2f3640 FrameReader.start(0, ...)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.400: default 0x558d2f3640 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0=>0X2
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:43.419: 936512759 player367439362480 onMediaStatus: MediaStatus(noMedia) => MediaStatus(+loading)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.425: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state: 0=>0=>1, 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.426: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state: 0=>1=>1, 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.426: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 request to pause 1, loaded: 0.
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.427: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state: 0=>1=>2, 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.427: start frame reader thread: 367432890432default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state requested: 2, current: 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.428:
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.429: FFmpeg/Libav runtime 5e45c27-avbuild
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.430: Selected avutil runtime version: 58.29.100 (build: 58.29.100), license: LGPL version 2.1 or later
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.432: global option: ffmpeg.configuration = --extra-version=avbuild --disable-doc --disable-debug --disable-static --enable-shared --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-mediacodec --enable-jni --disable-vulkan --disable-v4l2-m2m --disable-indevs --enable-indev=android_camera --disable-outdevs --disable-postproc --ar=llvm-ar --ranlib=llvm-ranlib --nm=llvm-nm --strip=llvm-strip --target-os=android --arch=arm64 --enable-cross-compile --cross-prefix=aarch64-linux-android- --pkg-config=pkg-config --cc=clang --extra-ldexeflags='-Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-z,nocopyreloc -pie -fPIE ' --enable-lto --enable-pic --extra-cflags='-Wa,--noexecstack -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fstack-protector-strong -ffast-math -fstrict-aliasing --target=aarch64-none-linux-android21' --extra-ldflags='-Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now --sysroot /usr/local/lib/android/sdk/ndk/26.2.11394342/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64//sysroot -fuse-ld=lld -rtlib=compiler-rt --target=aarch64-none-linux-android21' --enabl
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.432: av_dict_set0x7f8d413c34
I/flutter (13252): mdk.WARNING: 20:15:43.434: Failed to create io for url. io: 0x0, open: 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.435: Selected avformat runtime version: 60.16.100 (build: 60.16.100), license: LGPL version 2.1 or later
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.435: av_muxer_iterate0x7f8d3cad74
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.436: default 0x558d2f3640 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0X2=>0X2
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.436: before avformat_open_input. io: 0x0()/pb: 0x0, url:
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.437: FFmpeg/Libav runtime 5e45c27-avbuild
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.440: [FFmpeg:hls] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.440: [FFmpeg:hls] Opening '' for reading
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.441: [FFmpeg:hls] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.443: after avformat_open_input. pb: 0x558d104f30, iformat: 0x7f8d4fc1d0, context flags: 2097152, input format flags: 49664
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.453: unsupported avformat options:  rtsp_transport=tcp
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.454: supports 205 ffmpeg sw pixel formats. unsupported: uyyvyy411 x2rgb10be x2bgr10be p212be p212le p412be p412le gbrap14be gbrap14le
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.454: Format: hls, range: 1462 +2872417ms, bitrate: 66, size: 0
I/flutter (13252): Programs:
I/flutter (13252):  Program id 0
I/flutter (13252):  Metadata:
I/flutter (13252):   variant_bitrate: 0
I/flutter (13252):  Video:
I/flutter (13252):  track 0  stream#0, range: 1483 +0ms, frames: 0
I/flutter (13252):   codec: h264 tag: 0X1B profile: 100 level: 40, yuv420p, bpc:8, bpp:12(8,8,8), channels:(1,1,1), map: 0 1 2 0, bitrate: 0, 1920x1080, fps: 24, bframes: 2, primaries: BT709, trc: BT709, matrix: BT709, range: Limited
I/flutter (13252):   extra data(43): 00 00 01 67 64 00 28 AC D9 40 78 02 27 E5 C0 5A 80 80 80 A0 00 00 03 00 20 00 00 06 01 E3 06 32 C0 00 00 00 01 68 EB E2 4B 22 C0
I/flutter (13252):   Metadata:
I/flutter (13252):    variant_bitrate: 0
I/flutter (13252):  Audio:
I/flutter (13252):  track 0  stream#1, range: 1462 +0ms, frames: 0
I/flutter (13252):   codec: aac tag: 0XF profile: 1 level: -99, sample size: 0/0, block align: 0, frame_size: 1024, f32p stereo(2) @48000Hz, bitrate: 0
I/flutter (13252):   Metadata:
I/flutter (13252):    language: und
I/flutter (13252):    variant_bitrate: 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.455: 0x558d335ab0 prepared callback is invoked
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.717: default 0x558d2f3640 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0X2=>0X4
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:43.718: 936512759 player367439362480 onMediaStatus: MediaStatus(+loading) => MediaStatus(+loaded)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.728: ***buffering progress 0%***
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.729: default 0x558d2f3640 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0X4=>0X14
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:43.730: 936512759 player367439362480 onMediaStatus: MediaStatus(+loaded) => MediaStatus(+loaded+buffering)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.732: ++++++++++++BUFFERING START++++++++++++
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.745:
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:43.752: 936512759 player367439362480 onEvent: reader.buffering -  - 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.766: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state: 0=>2=>1, 1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.767: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 update state: 0=>1
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:43.772: 936512759 player367439362480 onPlaybackStateChanged: PlaybackState.stopped => PlaybackState.playing
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.773: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state: 1=>1=>2, 1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.775: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 update state: 1=>2
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:43.776: 936512759 player367439362480 onPlaybackStateChanged: PlaybackState.playing => PlaybackState.paused
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.777: starting decode loop thread mdk.vdec0@367434462560
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:43.778: 936512759 player367439362480 onEvent: -  - 1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.779: video stream#0 starting decoding loop from decoder index 0...
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.780: creating video decoder: FFmpeg...
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.781: starting decode loop thread mdk.adec1@367433539440
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.782: opening video decoder: FFmpeg...
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.783: opening ffmpeg video decoder: h264
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:43.784: 936512759 player367439362480 onEvent: -  - 1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.785: audio stream#1 starting decoding loop from decoder index 0...
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.786: creating audio decoder: auto...
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.787: opening audio decoder: FFmpeg...
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.788: opening ffmpeg audio decoder: aac
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.789: AVCodec.Audio[aac.] decoder: 1 Single threads
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.790: aac f32p, stereo @48000Hz
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:43.791: 936512759 player367439362480 onEvent: - FFmpeg - 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.792: ***buffering progress 95%***
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:43.792: 936512759 player367439362480 onEvent: reader.buffering -  - 95
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.793: audio stream#1 sending 1 invalid AOT frame @1.462000s. seeking: 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.794: 0x558d335ab0 1st audio frame @1.462000
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.794: 0x558d335ab0 seek end audio frame @1.462000 seek_pos_: -1, sync_ao_ 1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.795: Selected avfilter runtime version: 9.12.100 (build: 9.12.100), license: LGPL version 2.1 or later
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.795: AudioRenderer format: f32, stereo @48000Hz, requested: f32p, stereo @48000Hz
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.795: AudioRenderer format changed and reinitialize
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.796: OpenSL ERROR@281 (*cfg)->SetConfiguration(cfg, ((const SLchar*) "androidPerformanceMode"), &perf_mode_, sizeof(SLint32)) : 0X2
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.797:
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.798: Java_com_mediadevkit_fvp_FvpPlugin_nativeSetSurface
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.798: Rendering thread @367435626608
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:43.799: 0x558d073db0 start RenderLoop
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.065: 0x558d4ad080->PlatformSurface::Event::NativeHandle: 0x0>>>0x7ff0733594
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.067: getVideoOutContext 0x0 => 0x558cdec950. vo count: 1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.067: auto mdk::VideoPresenter::VideoPresenter()::(anonymous class)::operator()(PlatformSurface *) const: 0x0=>0x558cdec950 RenderAPI.type: 1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.074: createRenderContext of RenderAPI::Type 1 from surface 0x558d4ad080 with extra native res 0x0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.076: ThreadLocal<bool>::Data::Data() thread: 367435626608
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.078: T *ThreadLocal<bool>::get() const allocate and initialize ThreadLocal data
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.080: ThreadLocal<UGL::opengl::Context::Config>::Data::Data() thread: 367435626608
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.080: T *ThreadLocal<UGL::opengl::Context::Config>::get() const allocate and initialize ThreadLocal data
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.082: SL_IID_PLAYBACKRATE Range0: [500, 2000]/0 cap: 400
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.084: Using audio backend: OpenSL
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.085: creating internal shared offscreen context for type: EGL|OpenGL|OpenGLES
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.086: creating EGL context from window: 0x0 with shared context: 0x0 extra: 0x0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.087: select gl api resolver for EGL|OpenGL|OpenGLES
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.088: ThreadLocal<std::function<void *(const char *)>>::Data::Data() thread: 367435626608
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.089: T *ThreadLocal<std::function<void *(const char *)>>::get() const allocate and initialize ThreadLocal data
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.090: dso.load: libEGL.sotest: true
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.091: 0x558d335ab0 ao opened: 1, reopen: 1, bad ao: 0. valid: 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.092: AVCodec.Video[h264.] decoder: 5 Frame threads
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.092: unsupported avcodec options:  shader_resource=0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.093: h264 1920x1080  yuv420p
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:44.093: 936512759 player367439362480 onEvent: - FFmpeg - 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.094: decode stored recovery packets: 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.094: test load result 0x7fb0b5d1e8***buffering progress 100%***...
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.095: default 0x558d2f3640 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0X14=>0X124
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.096:
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:44.097: 936512759 player367439362480 onMediaStatus: MediaStatus(+loaded+buffering) => MediaStatus(+loaded+prepared+buffered)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.101: ++++++++++++BUFFERING END++++++++++++
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.103:
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:44.103: 936512759 player367439362480 onEvent: reader.buffering -  - 100
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.105: initialize EGL display from eglGetDisplay()
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.106: Try to create context for OpenGL ES 3
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.107: h264 codec pixel format list: (expected yuv420p)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.107: yuv420p (selected)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.108: yuv420p using avcodec software decoder...
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.109: creating EGL context from window: 0x558d878570 with shared context: 0x558cd88980 extra: 0x0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.109: select gl api resolver for EGL|OpenGL|OpenGLES
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.109: initialize EGL display from eglGetDisplay()
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.110: Try to create context for OpenGL ES 3
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.116: ThreadLocal<UGL::opengl::platform::GLContext *>::Data::Data() thread: 367435626608
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.117: T *ThreadLocal<UGL::opengl::platform::GLContext *>::get() const allocate and initialize ThreadLocal data
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.128: ++++++++++onContextCreated(surface 0x558d4ad080, ctx 0x558d4b5150)+++++++++++
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.129: getVideoOutContext 0x7ff0733594 => 0x558dc75d40. vo count: 2
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.129: PlatformSurface::Event::Resize 1920x1080
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.130: 0x558d11c5f0 setVideoSurfaceSize(1920x1080, 0x7ff0733594)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.131: PlatformSurface::Event::Resize 1920x1080
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.132: 0x558d11c5f0 setVideoSurfaceSize(1920x1080, 0x7ff0733594)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.140: video stream#0 sending 1 invalid AOT frame @1.483333s. seeking: 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.140: 0x558d335ab0 1st video frame to render @1.483333s, sync time: 0.080000
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.141: VideoRenderer clear buffered frames
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.142: 0-track seek end video frame @1.483333 seek_pos_: -1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.142: 0x558d335ab0 1st video frame to render @1.483333s, sync time: 0.080000
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:44.142: 936512759 player367439362480 onEvent: video - size - 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.143: VideoRenderer WxH=1920.000000x1080.000000 1920.000000x1080.000000, frame: 1920x1080
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.143: update transform 2d. scale: (1.000000, 1.000000), orientation: 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.144: m: mat<4, 4>(
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.144: 1  0  0  0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.145: 0  1  0  0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.145: 0  0  1  0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.146: 0  0  0  1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.146: )
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.146: select gl api resolver for EGL|OpenGL|OpenGLES
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.147: ThreadLocal<std::unordered_map<const void *, std::unique_ptr<UGL::opengl::Context>>>::Data::Data() thread: 367435626608
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.147: T *ThreadLocal<std::unordered_map<const void *, std::unique_ptr<UGL::opengl::Context>>>::get() const allocate and initialize ThreadLocal data
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.148: new Context object 0x558cc916b0(0) for native context handle 0x558de1bc50
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.148: ctx->api_: 0x558dc77310
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.149: probing gl context... native: 0x0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.149: select gl api resolver for EGL|OpenGL|OpenGLES
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.149: EGL_VERSION: 1.4 Android META-EGL
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.150: EGL client extension is not supported
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.150: EGL_VENDOR: Android
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.151: EGL_CLIENT_APIS: OpenGL_ES
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.151: resolving gl common functions...
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.152: select gl api resolver for EGL|OpenGL|OpenGLES
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.152: using opengl api resolver: EGL
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.153: probing gl client context... major_: 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.153: GL_VENDOR: Qualcomm
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.154: GL_RENDERER: Adreno (TM) 405
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.155: GL_VERSION: OpenGL ES 3.0 V@100.0 AU@  (GIT@Ie228694f41)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.156: GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.00
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.156: EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer EGL_ANDROID_presentation_time EGL_ANDROID_recordable EGL_EXT_create_context_robustness EGL_KHR_create_context EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_lock_surface EGL_KHR_wait_sync GL_AMD_compressed_ATC_texture GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_AMD_program_binary_Z400 GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_debug_label GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_EXT_robustness GL_EXT_sRGB GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_NV_fence GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_OES_element_
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.157: gl.TexImage2D(0x0DE1, 0, gp.internal_format, 64, 64, 0, gp.format, gp.type, nullptr)  GL ERROR (502) @test_red_depth257
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.157: gl.TexImage2D(0x0DE1, 0, gp.internal_format, 64, 64, 0, gp.format, gp.type, nullptr)  GL ERROR (500) @test_red_depth257
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.158: OpenGL Context thread: 367435626608
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.159: OpenGL ES3.0 No profile, EGL140, GLSL300
I/flutter (13252): Features PBO: 1, UBO: 1, RG texture: 1, 16bit texture: 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.159: resolving gl extensions...
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.160: select gl api resolver for EGL|OpenGL|OpenGLES
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.160: using opengl api resolver: EGL
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.160: context version: 300
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.161: extension resolved: glMapBufferOES
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.161:
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.162: gl api resolved. thread@ 367435626608
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.162:
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.162: 0x558cc916b0/0x558de1bc50 Context::setLocalData local data 0x558dd9ba90 for key: 0x1. size: 1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.163: 0x558cc916b0/0x558de1bc50 Context::setLocalData local data 0x558dd9c090 for key: 0x2. size: 2
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.163: 0x558cc91ad0mdk::GLVideoRenderer::Private::Renderers::Renderers()
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.164: 0x558cc916b0/0x558de1bc50 Context::setLocalData local data 0x558dc86bf0 for key: 0x0. size: 3
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.164: unknown, bpc:0, bpp:0(), channels:(), map: 0 0 0 0 => yuv420p, bpc:8, bpp:12(8,8,8), channels:(1,1,1), map: 0 1 2 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.165: bpp 2, bpc: 8. gl texture parameters:
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.165:     R8 |   RED | UNSIGNED_BYTE
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.165:     R8 |   RED | UNSIGNED_BYTE
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.166:     R8 |   RED | UNSIGNED_BYTE
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.166: texture created: 1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.167: plane linesize 0: padded = 1920, effective = 1920. theoretical plane size: 1920x1080. coordinate crop: 1.000000
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.167: texture created: 2
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.168: plane linesize 1: padded = 960, effective = 960. theoretical plane size: 960x540. coordinate crop: 1.000000
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.168: texture created: 3
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.169: plane linesize 2: padded = 960, effective = 960. theoretical plane size: 960x540. coordinate crop: 1.000000
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.169: crop_w=1.000000=>1.000000
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.170: frame color: BT709 BT709 BT709 Limited. gamma: 2.200000, signal peak: 1.000000
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.170:  -
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.171: output color: BT709 UNSPECIFIED RGB Full. gamma: 2.200000, signal peak: 1.000000
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.171: rgb primaries matrix: mat<3, 3>(
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.172: 1  0  0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.172: 0  1  0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.172: 0  0  1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.173: )
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.173: scale: 1.000000, color transform: mat<4, 4>(
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.174: 1.16438  0  1.79274  -0.972945
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.174: 1.16438  -0.213249  -0.532909  0.301483
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.175: 1.16438  2.1124  0  -1.1334
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.175: 0  0  0  1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.176: )
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.176: EQ: mat<4, 4>(
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.177: 1  0  0  0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.177: 0  1  0  0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.178: 0  0  1  0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.179: 0  0  0  1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.179: )
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.180: shader id: 2305
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.180: dump UBO layout:
I/flutter (13252): align @offset +size /stride address name ~ path: type -> parent
I/flutter (13252): 16@0 +64/16 0x558dd9dc98 u_colorMatrix ~ u_colorMatrix: mat4 -> 0x0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.180: texture 0: 1920x1080
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.181: texture 1: 960x540
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.181: texture 2: 960x540
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.182: material changed: 0x0 => 0x905
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.182: planar: 1, alpha: 0, texture 2d: 1, external: 0, rg semi-planar: 0, 16=>8: 0, xyz: 0, yuv sampler: 0, generic packed yuv: 0, cocgsy: 0, primaries diff: 0, trc: 1=>1, tone map: 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.183: bind attribute: a_Position => 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.183: bind attribute: a_TexCoords0 => 1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.184: UBO ConstBuffer: 0/4294967295
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.184: uniform locations:
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.185: u_Texture0: 2
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.185: u_Texture1: 3
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.186: u_Texture2: 4
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.187: u_Matrix: 0, u_TexMatrix: 1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.187: build glsl elapsed: 29404us
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.188: creating vbo...
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.189: creating vao...
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:44.190: 936512759 player367439362480 onEvent: - 1st_frame - 1483
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.190: 0x558d11c5e0 player.setLoop(0)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.191: setLoop(0), now 0/0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.191: 0x558d11c5e0 player.setVolume(1.000000, -1)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.192: 0x558d11c5e0 player.set(2)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.193: 0x558d335ab0 virtual void mdk::MediaControlPush::setState(PlaybackState)@1066 requested state 2=>2, current state 2. status: 0X124
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.193: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 request to pause 1, loaded: 4.
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.194: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state: 2=>2=>2, 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.195: 0x558d11c5e0, 1026, ...)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.196: 0x558d335ab0-MediaControl::seek(pos: 60000, flag:0X402 +FromStart). now: 21
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.197: default 0x558d2f3640-FrameReader::seek(60000, 0X402)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.198: default 0x558d2f3640 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0X124=>0X1A4
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:44.199: 936512759 player367439362480 onMediaStatus: MediaStatus(+loaded+prepared+buffered) => MediaStatus(+loaded+prepared+buffered)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.200: 0x558d2f3640 default FrameReaderImpl::seekTo(60000, 0X402 #1)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.200: seekTo(60000) found video stream#0 packet at -3 in [1.900000, 5.816000] s
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.201: seekTo(60000) found audio stream#1 packet at -3 in [1.483333, 5.493333] s
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.201: virtual int64_t mdk::PacketIOWrapper::seek(int64_t, SeekFlag)@596 seek target(from 1462): 60000ms, flags: +FromStart. now: 5.515311
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.202: default 0x558d2f3640 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0X1A4=>0X1A4
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.203: Seek start. target time: 61462000 avseek flags: 1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.203: Seek end
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.204: 1 packets is read after seek. read more to get target pts
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.204: [FFmpeg:hls] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.205: 0x558d11c5e0 player.set(1)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.205: 0x558d335ab0 virtual void mdk::MediaControlPush::setState(PlaybackState)@1066 requested state 2=>1, current state 2. status: 0X1A4
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.206: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 request to pause 0, loaded: 4.
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.207: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state: 2=>2=>1, 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.207: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state requested: 1, current: 2
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.208: video stream#0 AOT frame is sent
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.208: video stream#0 is seeking #1... got flush pkt. flush decoder and  drop frames until seek target 61.4580s...
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.209: invalid video frame @-1.000000
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.210: ***buffering progress 0%***
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.210: 0x558cd9c438 filter graph:
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.211: +-----------+
I/flutter (13252): |    src    |default--[48000Hz fltp:stereo]--swr:default
I/flutter (13252): | (abuffer) |
I/flutter (13252): +-----------+
I/flutter (13252):
I/flutter (13252):                                           +---------------+
I/flutter (13252): swr:default--[48000Hz flt:stereo]--default|      dst      |
I/flutter (13252):                                           | (abuffersink) |
I/flutter (13252):                                           +---------------+
I/flutter (13252):
I/flutter (13252):                                            +-------------+
I/flutter (13252): src:default--[48000Hz fltp:stereo]--default|     swr     |default--[48000Hz flt:stereo]--dst:default
I/flutter (13252):                                            | (aresample) |
I/flutter (13252):                                            +-------------+
I/flutter (13252):
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.212: default 0x558d2f3640 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0X1A4=>0X194
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:44.214: 936512759 player367439362480 onMediaStatus: MediaStatus(+loaded+prepared+buffered) => MediaStatus(+loaded+prepared+buffering)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.216: ++++++++++++BUFFERING START++++++++++++
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.217:
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:44.219: 936512759 player367439362480 onEvent: reader.buffering -  - 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.220: >>>>>>>>1st audio frame (after seek) rendered: 1, ao: 1477, a: 1462, delta: 15 +0.021333
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.221: audio stream#1 AOT frame is sent
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.222: 0x558d11c5e0 player.setPlaybackRate(1.000000)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.225: seeking media's position is 60000=====
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.279: seeking media's position is 60000=====
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.378: seeking media's position is 60000=====
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:44.525: [FFmpeg:hls] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.HtmlWidget.FINE: 20:15:47.247: Building body...
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.356: Custom styles for SPAN: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.594: Custom styles for SPAN: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.628: Custom styles for SPAN: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.664: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.677: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.706: Registered br for BR tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.707: Custom styles for BR: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.715: Custom styles for SPAN: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.720: Custom styles for SPAN: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.729: Custom styles for SPAN: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.734: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.738: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.744: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.747: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.751: Registered br for BR tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.752: Custom styles for BR: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.756: Custom styles for SPAN: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.761: Custom styles for SPAN: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.765: Custom styles for SPAN: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.772: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.775: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.781: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.784: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.790: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.793: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.799: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.801: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.807: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.809: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.819: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.822: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.828: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.831: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.836: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.839: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.856: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.859: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.865: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.868: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.873: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.875: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.880: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.882: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.892: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.894: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.899: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.901: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.907: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.909: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.914: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.916: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.923: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.925: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.933: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.935: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.941: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.944: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.949: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.952: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.956: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.959: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.965: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.967: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.975: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.978: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.983: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.985: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:47.992: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:47.995: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.001: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.003: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.009: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.013: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.018: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.021: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.026: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.028: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.033: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.036: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.040: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.042: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.047: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.049: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.057: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.060: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.070: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.075: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.080: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.083: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.088: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.090: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.094: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.096: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.100: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.102: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.108: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.112: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.116: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.119: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.124: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.126: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.132: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.134: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.138: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.140: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.146: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.148: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.155: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.157: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.162: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.165: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.170: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.172: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.176: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.178: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.181: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.183: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.187: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.189: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.196: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.198: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.203: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.206: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.210: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.212: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.217: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.219: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.223: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.225: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.229: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.231: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.237: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.239: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.244: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.246: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.253: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.255: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.259: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.261: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.265: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.267: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.273: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.276: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.280: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.282: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.287: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.289: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.294: Registered a[href] for A tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.296: Custom styles for A: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.300: Registered br for BR tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.301: Custom styles for BR: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.305: Custom styles for SPAN: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.310: Custom styles for SPAN: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.316: Custom styles for SPAN: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.321: Registered br for BR tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.322: Custom styles for BR: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.326: Custom styles for SPAN: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.331: Registered br for BR tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.332: Custom styles for BR: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.338: Custom styles for SPAN: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.343: Registered br for BR tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.344: Custom styles for BR: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.348: Custom styles for SPAN: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.352: Custom styles for SPAN: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.358: Registered br for BR tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.359: Custom styles for BR: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.363: Custom styles for SPAN: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.369: Registered br for BR tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.370: Custom styles for BR: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.374: Custom styles for SPAN: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.378: Registered br for BR tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.379: Custom styles for BR: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.383: Custom styles for SPAN: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.391: Registered br for BR tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.391: Custom styles for BR: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.399: Custom styles for SPAN: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINEST: 20:15:48.402: Registered br for BR tag
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.CoreBuildTree.FINE: 20:15:48.403: Custom styles for BR: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7), text-decoration: none}
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.Flattener.FINEST: 20:15:48.463: Added root--text widget
I/flutter (13252): fwfh.HtmlWidget.FINE: 20:15:48.481: Built body successfuly.
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.853: 1 packets is read after seek. seek result pts: 63.566667s, requested: 61462ms
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.855: default 0x558d2f3640 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0X194=>0X114
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:48.857: 936512759 player367439362480 onMediaStatus: MediaStatus(+loaded+prepared+buffering) => MediaStatus(+loaded+prepared+buffering)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.858: seek_drop_non_video_: 61458 ms, seek_wait_frame_: 0...
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.859: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state: 2=>1=>1, 1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.860: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 update state: 2=>1
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:48.862: 936512759 player367439362480 onPlaybackStateChanged: PlaybackState.paused => PlaybackState.playing
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.865: audio stream#1 is seeking #1... got flush pkt. flush decoder and  drop frames until seek target 61.4580s...
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.866: invalid audio frame @-1.000000h264 codec pixel format list: (expected yuv420p)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.867:
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.868: yuv420p (selected)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.869: yuv420p using avcodec software decoder...
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.870: #1/1 audio seek_done: 1, seek_wait_frame_: 0/1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.871: audio stream#1 sending 1 invalid AOT frame @63.499333s. seeking: 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.873: 0x558d335ab0 seek end audio frame @63.499333 seek_pos_: 60000, sync_ao_ 1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.874: >>>>>>>>1st audio frame (after seek) rendered: 1, ao: 63514, a: 63499, delta: 15 +0.021333
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.875: ***buffering progress 10%***
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.877: audio stream#1 AOT frame is sent
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:48.878: 936512759 player367439362480 onEvent: reader.buffering -  - 10
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.880: ***buffering progress 29%***
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:48.881: 936512759 player367439362480 onEvent: reader.buffering -  - 29
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.883: ***buffering progress 37%***
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:48.884: 936512759 player367439362480 onEvent: reader.buffering -  - 37
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.886: ***buffering progress 75%***
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:48.887: 936512759 player367439362480 onEvent: reader.buffering -  - 75
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.891: ***buffering progress 79%***
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:48.893: 936512759 player367439362480 onEvent: reader.buffering -  - 79
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.895: ***buffering progress 100%***
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.896: default 0x558d2f3640 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0X114=>0X124
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:48.897: 936512759 player367439362480 onMediaStatus: MediaStatus(+loaded+prepared+buffering) => MediaStatus(+loaded+prepared+buffered)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.900: ++++++++++++BUFFERING END++++++++++++
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:48.901:
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:48.902: 936512759 player367439362480 onEvent: reader.buffering -  - 100
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.021: #1/1 video seek_done: 1, seek_wait_frame_: 0/0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.022: video stream#0 sending 1 invalid AOT frame @63.566666s. seeking: 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.023: VideoRenderer clear buffered frames
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.024: 0-track seek end video frame @63.566666 seek_pos_: 60000
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.025: video stream#0 AOT frame is sent
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.026: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 #1 seekComplete 63566
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.026: default 0x558d2f3640 FrameReader::update MediaStatus 0X124=>0X124
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.028: default FrameReader 0x558d2f3640 callbacks 0, seeking 0 flag 0, seekComplete#1 @63566
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.631: 0x558d11c5e0 player.set(2)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.632: 0x558d335ab0 virtual void mdk::MediaControlPush::setState(PlaybackState)@1066 requested state 1=>2, current state 1. status: 0X124
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.632: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 request to pause 1, loaded: 4.
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.633: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state: 1=>1=>2, 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.634: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state requested: 2, current: 1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.635: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state: 1=>2=>2, 1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.636: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 update state: 1=>2
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:49.636: 936512759 player367439362480 onPlaybackStateChanged: PlaybackState.playing => PlaybackState.paused
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.638: 0x558d11c5e0 player.set(1)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.639: 0x558d335ab0 virtual void mdk::MediaControlPush::setState(PlaybackState)@1066 requested state 2=>1, current state 2. status: 0X124
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.640: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 request to pause 0, loaded: 4.
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.641: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state: 2=>2=>1, 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.642: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state requested: 1, current: 2
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.643: 0x558d11c5e0 player.setPlaybackRate(1.000000)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.644: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state: 2=>1=>1, 1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.645: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 update state: 2=>1
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:49.648: 936512759 player367439362480 onPlaybackStateChanged: PlaybackState.paused => PlaybackState.playing
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.768: [FFmpeg:hls] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.973: 0x558d11c5e0 player.set(2)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.975: 0x558d335ab0 virtual void mdk::MediaControlPush::setState(PlaybackState)@1066 requested state 1=>2, current state 1. status: 0X124
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.976: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 request to pause 1, loaded: 4.
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.977: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state: 1=>1=>2, 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:49.978: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state requested: 2, current: 1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:51.228: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state: 1=>2=>2, 1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:51.229: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 update state: 1=>2
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:51.230: 936512759 player367439362480 onPlaybackStateChanged: PlaybackState.playing => PlaybackState.paused
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:51.263: 0x558d11c5e0 player.set(1)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:51.265: 0x558d335ab0 virtual void mdk::MediaControlPush::setState(PlaybackState)@1066 requested state 2=>1, current state 2. status: 0X124
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:51.266: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 request to pause 0, loaded: 4.
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:51.267: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state: 2=>2=>1, 0
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:51.268: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state requested: 1, current: 2
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:51.269: 0x558d11c5e0 player.setPlaybackRate(1.000000)
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:51.270: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 state: 2=>1=>1, 1
I/flutter (13252): mdk.INFO: 20:15:51.271: default FrameReader0x558d2f3640 update state: 2=>1
I/flutter (13252): fvp.FINE: 20:15:51.273: 936512759 player367439362480 onPlaybackStateChanged: PlaybackState.paused => PlaybackState.playing
yemin82 commented 1 month ago


yemin82 commented 1 month ago

Custom styles for BR: {color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7) 和这些有关系么,我没就是默认的注册没搞其它

wang-bin commented 1 month ago


yemin82 commented 1 month ago

registerWith 是否可以提供一个方法反注册,或参数,就是不用fvp,相当于一个开关,fvp不行我就用官方的

wang-bin commented 1 month ago


import 'package:video_player_android/video_player_android.dart';
import 'package:video_player_avfoundation/video_player_avfoundation.dart';

          if (Platform.isIOS || Platform.isMacOS) {
          } else if (Platform.isAndroid) {


wang-bin commented 1 month ago


wang-bin commented 1 month ago


registerWith(options: {
   'tunnel': true
wang-bin commented 1 month ago

试下最新的代码,再调一次registerWith(options: {'platforms': ['windows', 'macos', 'linux']}); 就能切回官方实现(platforms里去掉android, ios)

yemin82 commented 1 month ago

试下最新的代码,再调一次registerWith(options: {'platforms': ['windows', 'macos', 'linux']}); 就能切回官方实现(platforms里去掉android, ios)


yemin82 commented 1 month ago


yemin82 commented 1 month ago

网上找到有人同样问题有提到: 解码后还需要经过yuv2rgb和scale,需要注意的是ffmpeg的解码有消隐区的说法,即QCIF的图像其linesize不是176而是192,如果你发现解码后图像呈绿色,需用img_convert()转一下(目的格式也是PIX_FMT_YUV420P)

wang-bin commented 1 month ago

你试试registerWith(options: {'tunnel', true});。自动切做不到,这个是全局的,而且必须手动调,flutter就是这么设计的

wang-bin commented 1 month ago

网上找到有人同样问题有提到: 解码后还需要经过yuv2rgb和scale,需要注意的是ffmpeg的解码有消隐区的说法,即QCIF的图像其linesize不是176而是192,如果你发现解码后图像呈绿色,需用img_convert()转一下(目的格式也是PIX_FMT_YUV420P)


wang-bin commented 1 month ago

你可以装个mpv-android 对比看看画面是否正常

yemin82 commented 1 month ago


wang-bin commented 1 month ago

sw就是ffmpeg 软解,hw是硬解,mpv sw颜色正常?

wang-bin commented 1 month ago


yemin82 commented 1 month ago

sw就是ffmpeg 软解,hw是硬解,mpv sw颜色正常?


yemin82 commented 1 month ago


:copy=1 一样刷新率低,感觉安卓平台可以放弃了,安卓9的设备也不算太差了,用系统的安卓5的设备都还是很流畅

wang-bin commented 1 month ago


yemin82 commented 1 month ago


yemin82 commented 1 month ago



wang-bin commented 1 month ago


wang-bin commented 1 month ago

你可以试下vlc,设置->高级里强制开启opengl es2,如果也卡说明不是程序问题了 2201716954456_ pic