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scene text competition #76

Closed wanghaisheng closed 6 years ago

wanghaisheng commented 6 years ago

OCR的国际权威评测平台 ICDAR(International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition)竞赛

在上一期中我们介绍了我们团队在OCR的国际权威评测平台ICDAR(International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition)竞赛里所取得的佳绩,我们当时在ICDAR的互联网图片(Born-Digital Images)数据集上的两个任务(文本定位和单词识别)上都取得国际领先。最近,我们在ICDAR竞赛的另一个核心数据集:对焦自然场景图片(Focused Scene Text Images),也取得突破。以下详细介绍。

2.1 对焦自然场景图片里的文本定位任务比赛(Task1-Text Localization, ICDARFocused Scene Text Images)

Focused Scene Text Image是用相机对准自然场景存在的文本拍摄得到的图像,这些文本包括海报、交通标志、告示牌、橱窗、店铺名称、衣服、铭牌等物体上的字符,文本定位任务就是确定图像中文本行的准确边界。该任务的训练集229幅,测试集233幅。由于自然场景中的文本定位和识别是OCR领域中的一个重要的研究方向,有一些研究机构和个人公布了自己收集和标注的数据集,通过搜集这些公开的数据集获得图像1560幅,作为补充训练集。在训练网络时,对训练集用了多种手段做了数据增强,实际训练集扩充到20000幅左右。我们的最新模型在该任务上取得了第一名的佳绩,如下图所示。

图3. 对焦自然场景图片里的文本定位任务比赛排名(


图4. 部分文本检测结果

2.2.对焦自然场景图片里的单词识别任务比赛(Task3-Word Recognition,ICDAR Focused Scene Text Images)

Focused Scene Text Image单词识别任务需要在文本图像中抠出单词区域,四个边界向外扩展4个像素点,构成数据集,训练集848幅,测试集1095幅。在训练网络时,使用外部数据集约900万幅。采用CNN提取图像特征,采用RNN学习序列关系,并加入Attention机制以改善RNN的性能,进行识别。我们的最新模型在该任务上取得了第一名的佳绩,如下图所示。

图5. 对焦自然场景图片里的单词识别任务比赛排名(


图6. 部分单词图像

2.3.互联网场景图片里的文本定位任务比赛(Task1-Text Localization,ICDAR Born Digital Images)


图7. 互联网图片文本检测任务上的排名(

2.4.互联网场景图片里的单词识别任务比赛(Task3-Word Recognition,ICDAR Born Digital Images)


wanghaisheng commented 6 years ago ICDAR2017 Competitions

We are pleased to announce that the ICDAR2017 will organize a set of competitions dedicated to a large set of document analysis problems. You are cordially invited to participate to this scientific event that will be a very good opportunity to objectively compare the quality of algorithms on different categories of challenges. You will find below the different categories of competitions, and the URL of their respective website, that will allow you to get all the required information for participating: Category: Handwritten Historical Document Layout Recognition

cBAD: ICDAR2017 Competition on Baseline Detection
ICDAR2017 Competition on Layout Analysis for Challenging Medieval Manuscripts
ICDAR2017 Competition on Historical Book Analysis

Category: Historical Handwritten Script Analysis

ICDAR 2017 Competition on the Classification of Medieval Handwritings in Latin Script
ICDAR2017 Competition on Historical Document Writer Identification (Historical-WI)
Competition on Multi-script Writer Identification Using LAMIS-MSHD and CERUG Databases

Category: Character/Word Spotting

Competition on Query-by-Example Glyph Spotting of Southeast Asian Palm Leaf Manuscript Images
Handwritten Keyword Spotting Competition

Category: Handwriting Recognition

ICDAR2017 Competition on Handwritten Text Recognition on the READ Dataset
ICDAR2017 Competition on Information Extraction in Historical Handwritten Records

Category: Document Image Binarization

ICDAR2017 Competition on Document Image Binarization (DIBCO 2017)

Category: Document Recognition (Layout analysis & Text Recognition)

ICDAR2017 Competition on Recognition of Documents with Complex Layouts – RDCL2017
ICDAR2017 Competition on Recognition of Early Indian Printed Documents – REID2017
ICDAR2017 Competition on Page Object Detection

Category: Document Reconstruction

Smartphone-captured Document Image Reconstruction from Multiple Views

Category: Post OCR Correction

ICDAR2017 Competition on Post-OCR Text Correction

Category: Robust Reading Competitions

ICDAR2017 Competition on Reading Chinese Text in the Wild (RCTW-17)
ICDAR2017 Robust Reading Challenge on COCO-Text
ICDAR2017 Robust Reading Challenge on Text Extraction from Biomedical Literature Figures (DeTEXT)
ICDAR2017 Robust Reading Challenge on Omnidirectional Video
ICDAR2017 Robust Reading Challenge on Multi-lingual Scene Text Detection and Script Identification – RRC-MLT

Category: Text in Video

ICDAR2017 Competition on Arabic Text Detection and Recognition in Multi-resolution Video Frames
Competition on Video Script Identification

Category: Forensics

Competition on File Type Identification

Category: Miscellaneous Competitions

ICDAR2017 Competition on Multi-font and Multi-Size Digitally Represented Arabic Text
wanghaisheng commented 6 years ago

wanghaisheng commented 6 years ago

wanghaisheng commented 6 years ago 别人整理的数据集 截止日期 2015年 Datasets List

From TC11

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NOTICE: TC11 datasets will be soon moved to the new Web portal at This page will remain available but will not be updated from January 2015 onwards.

Datasets -> Datasets List

Last updated: 2015-001-23

See the datasets sorted according to the Journal / Conference they first appeared in.


Complex Text Containers

Scene Text

Machine-printed Documents

Graphical Documents

Mixed Content Documents

Handwritten Documents

On-line and Off-line



Software and Tools

wanghaisheng commented 6 years ago