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Business Book Notes

Personal MBAThe Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman

RATING: 10/10

A short but comprehensive guide on all there is to know about business. If you want to learn the fundamentals of business, start with this book.

All Marketers Tell Stories

All Marketers Tell Stories by Seth Godin

RATING: 9/10

My favorite Seth Godin book. I feel this is his magnum opus on marketing. Perhaps his most misunderstood book (originally titled “All Marketers are Liars), It breaks down the importance of creating a story around what you sell, whether that be a product, service, or yourself. Like most of Godin’s books, it’s a quick read. If you’re a fan of Seth, but have not checked this out, you are in for a treat.

Personal MBA

Essentialism by Greg McKeown

RATING: 9/10

One of the best books on time-management / clarifying life choices. Essentialism keeps illustrating the value of focus and cutting out all distractions.

Advertising Secrets of the Written Word

Advertising Secrets of the Written Word by Joseph Sugarman

RATING: 9/10

An amazing guide to copywriting. Several people and websites have recommended this book as the go-to copywriting book and it delivers. Expensive to buy, but a super useful resource for writing well and learning persuasive copy.

Anything You Want

Anything You Want by Derek Sivers

RATING: 9/10

A very quick read by CD Baby founder Derek Sivers who chronicles his business and life lessons. A small little book that packs a lot of punch; one of my favorite books on entrepreneurship.

To Sell is Human

To Sell is Human by Dan Pink

RATING: 8/10

Dan Pink exploring the power of selling in our lives, both professionally and personally.

Purple Cow

Purple Cow by Seth Godin

RATING: 8/10

A close contender for my favorite Seth Godin Book. Purple Cow breaks down how you’re product must be remarkable (a purple cow) in order to spread. Godin gives numerous examples of companies that have created companies built around a purple cow and how they have become successful. An excellent book on making sure you’re creating a spreadable product (or business) from the start.

Power Negotiating

Secrets of Power Negotiating by Roger Dawson

RATING: 8/10

Master negotiating and sales advice. If you’ve felt like you got less in a deal than you hoped for, want to gain the confidence to negotiate for more, and sell more in life, I highly recommend this book.


Maverick by Ricardo Semler

RATING: 8/10

The Amazing story of Semco, a Brazilian machines company that completely restructured their workplace by ditching the Henry Ford style of management for giving great autonomy to workers. Through constantly adapting to change, Semler shows how to give power to employees and have management get out of the way.

Blue Ocean Strategy

Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne

RATING: 8/10

A systematic way to analyze and disrupt markets, creating uncontested market space aka a Blue Ocean. Somewhat academic in language and has a “corporate” feel, but the strategy as a whole makes this a noteworthy read.

Ad Contrarian

The Ad Contrarian by Bob Hoffman

RATING: 8/10

Traditional marketing is dead! Social Media is King! – This is the advice ad man Bob Hoffman rejects in this book, ignoring the cult of social media marketers claiming its the future of advertising. Instead, it’s a book of well tested advertising principles that have existed throughout history, not a fad of the moment–ignoring such jargon like “branding” being an action instead of a result of great products and services.

101 Ideas About Advertising

101 Contrarian Ideas About Advertising by Bob Hoffman

RATING: 8/10

A complement to the Ad Contrarian. The basic philosophy of this book: We don’t get them to try our product by convincing them to love our brand. We get them to love our brand by convincing them to try our product.” Nuff said.

Common Sense Marketing

Secrets from the Lost Art of Common Sense Marketing by Brad Antin and Alan Antin

RATING: 8/10

Common Sense marketing contains 12 overlooked “secret” ways to improve your marketing. The tone is very conversational and feels like a friend is talking to you. The authors were proteges of marketing guru Gary Halbert. An overlooked book that’s highly useful.


Culturematic by Grant McCracken

RATING: 8/10

An exploration of the culture change from Reality TV, Burning Man, Starbucks’ Third Space, Pie Lab, to the Old Spice Man Commercial. This book does a great job of making sense how and whey we got to our current culture combined with practical how-to advice. With a general theme urging for continual experimentation and constantly asking “what if…” Culturematic offers a sobering view culturally of where we are going and how to thrive in uncertain times.

Trust Me I'm Lying

Trust Me I’m Lying by Ryan Holiday

RATING: 8/10

A look behind the scenes of how the modern day media system works. The first half gives the tactics of media manipulators, while the second half explains the consequences of how damaging these tactics have been. Despite being a media manipulator himself, I feel he still stays on the “ethical” side of these dark arts. It’s a book sure to piss off many. I knew modern media was corrupt, but not to the extent laid out in this book. Highly Recommended.

Against the Odds

Against the Odds by James Dyson

RATING: 8/10

The crazy story of James Dyson and his super-human persistence getting his revolutionary Vacuum to market. A super inspiring story for instilling the want to make things and fight industry giants like great inventors from the past.

Small Giants

Small Giants: Companies that Choose to Be Great Instead of Big by Bo Burlingham

RATING: 8/10

A Book that profiles companies that choose to remain small, despite the external pressures to become big. I found this book most useful for an alternate angle on what it means to be an entrepreneur and how you can create happiness for yourself & the world through entrepreneurship without losing your mojo.


Unlabel by Marc Ecko

RATING: 7/10

The autobiographical story of how Marc Ecko built Ecko Clothing, his rise, struggles, losing his way, and lessons learned. My favorite part of this book was learning about Marc trying to hang out with celebrities/become some mega huge Ralph Lauren type clothing company, losing his way, and then becoming authentic to who he really is.

Who Do You Want Your Customers to Become

Who Do You Want Your Customers to Become by Michael Schrage

RATING: 7/10

The title says it all: Who Do You Want Your Customers to Become?–All business, marketing, and design decisions should stem from this foundational question. Includes numerous examples throughout. The book is short and to the point. How Business books should be.

How to Win at the Sport of Business

How to Win at the Sport of Business by Mark Cuban

RATING: 7/10

Mark Cuban on kicking ass at Business.

The Education of Millionaires

The Education of Millionaires by Michael Ellsberg

RATING: 7/10

How to get a REAL World Self-Education in today’s society with a large entrepreneurial focus. A great book on Networking tips alone. A bias towards marketers/infopreneur/techie case study examples–but nonetheless a solid read.

Body and Soul

Body and Soul by Anita Roddick

RATING: 7/10

The amazing journey of Anita Roddick, founder of the Body Shop. Written in 1991, Anita details her journey into social entrepreneurship and her status quo challenging principles ahead of its time even today. The book is 40% focused on business and 60% on her biographical story with many chapters devoted to body shop’s social causes involvement. A great insight into a go-with-your-gut entrepreneur.

Anyone Can Do It

Anyone Can Do It by Duncan Bannatyne

RATING: 7/10

The biographical story of Duncan Bannatyne, the guy from the Dragon’s Den. I knew little about him before reading except he got a later start in entrepreneurship. A great look into a millionaire who didn’t have contacts, money, expertise, or a USP —he just hustled and was ambitious. Some of the later chapters wean a bit, but overall highly recommended.

Fashion Label

How to Set Up & Run A Fashion Label by Toby Meadows

RATING: 7/10

While this is a good primer into the business of fashion 101, it is very very mainstream, meaning if you into bootstrapping, this book will leave much to be desired. Innovative this book is not. It’s more of a primer of how business has been done, will be done, and will continue to be done. A good book for challenging conventions.

100 Startup

The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau

RATING: 6/10

A beginners book to the vast world of beginning an online based business today. An inspiring book more than anything with numerous case studies of people who have began low overhead businesses. Would have liked more depth, but if you are new to information marketing or online businesses, this book is a good start.

Growth Hacker Marketing

Growth Hacker Marketing by Ryan Holiday

RATING: 6/10

A primer on Growth Hacker Marketing–with marketing baked into companies using analytics and social metrics to grow a company without spending money.

Method Method

The Method Method by Eric Ryan and Adam Lowry

RATING: 6/10

The Story and Principles of how Method came to be. A Great Story of how two individuals disrupt the giants of the cleaning product industry and the insanely emotional hard work that goes into it. A valuable book for navigating the world of retail and what big business “2.0″ looks like.

Jobs War

The Coming Jobs War by Jim Clifton

RATING: 6/10

The World Gallup Poll found what the whole world wants is a good job. This book is a frightening look at where the United States stands economically and the daunting measures it will need to take to continue it’s leadership position for another 30 years. With a huge focus on the call for more entrepreneurs, some of the prescriptions seem a bit simplistic and overlook the question of should GDP be growing indefinitely or is being the GDP leader the primary goal of a country.

Publishing for Profit

Publishing for Profit by Thomas Woll

RATING: 5/10

A basic book outlying creating a small publishing company.

wanghaisheng commented 5 years ago

Life Book Notes

The Geography of BlissGeography of Bliss by Eric Weiner

RATING: 10/10…READ: August 11, 2011

NPR Journalist Eric Weiner searches across the globe for what makes the happiest countries happy and unhappy countries unhappy. A great book for thinking outside America’s metrics for success.

So Good They Can't Ignore You

So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport

RATING: 10/10…READ: September 11, 2012

This book ditches conventional career advice of “follow your passion / dreams / calling,” in favor of working right, building up career capital (skills), and cashing them in for greater opportunities. In other words, passion comes as a result of a strong work ethic.

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams

RATING: 10/10…READ: October 30, 2013

Unconventional strategies from the creator of Dilbert for success in life from career, relationships, diet, fitness, and more. The big idea, ditch goals, embrace systems.

Seeking Wisdom

Seeking Wisdom by Peter Bevelin

RATING: 9/10…READ: July 30, 2011

A Field-Guide To Life. Seeking Wisdom details the common misjudgments we make and how we can improve our thinking and mental systems with much insight from Warren Buffett and Charles Munger.

Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

RATING: 9/10…READ: September 3, 2011

A book that reads like a wise old grandfather imparting knowledge upon you. A great book on developing an attitude and mental framework for life.


Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

RATING: 9/10…READ: December 14, 2013

How to benefit from risk and uncertainty (Black Swan events) by making yourself what Taleb calls Antifragile. A great book espousing the virtues of partaking in opportunities with more upside than downside, becoming a doer versus academic theorizer, and living a simple, but robust life. The book is a lot to take in and feels rant-y, but has deeply altered my thinking.

Man's Search for Meaning

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Emil Frankl

RATING: 8/10…READ: October 16, 2011

A man’s search for meaning during and after life in the concentration camps. A quick, but powerful read on how to find meaning when everything is taken away from you.

Origins of Virtue

The Origins of Virtue by Matt Ridley

RATING: 8/10…READ: September 16, 2012

Using biology as his guide, Matt Ridley demonstrates how we had virtue before religion, cooperation before government, and trade before capitalism. This book breaks down the many misconceptions regarding individualism and society and our role in it, delving into incentives for human interaction and division of labor.

Improv Wisdom

Improv Wisdom: Don’t Prepare, Just Show Up by Patricia Ryan Madson

RATING: 8/10…READ: October 1, 2013

Improv wisdom takes the fundamentals of improv and applies those fundamentals to everyday life. A book that moves away from the 3,5, 10 year plan and helps readjust you to just going with the flow and taking positive actions without knowing where they are going to lead.


Play by Stuart Brown

RATING: 8/10…READ: November 16, 2013

A book that helped me realize life is not all about productivity and how starved for play I really was. This book helped me refocus my priorities to doing things because I genuinely enjoy them versus doing something for some monumental impact, productivity, or status seeking.

Education of the Will

Education of The Will by Jules Payot

RATING: 8/10…READ: September 24, 2012

Educationalist Jules Payot distills in this book how to form a hardy mind–a mind devote of laziness. Again and again Payot emphasizes continual work, continually testing our will which will bring us the life we desire. From avoiding trivial matters and lazy friends, not scattering our attention, and persistence, this book cuts through the bullshit and stands out far above the productivity blogs of today.

Will Power and Work

Will Power and Work by Jules Payot

RATING: 8/10…READ: September 30, 2012

Jules Payot’s follow up to the Education of the Will. Will Power and Work lays out more precise strategies for developing will power and productivity techniques. From Time Management to What to Read and How to Study, it is a productivity book from a much deeper angle.

Present Shock

Present Shock by Douglas Rushkoff

RATING: 8/10…READ: April 18, 2013

An exploration of the “Always On” economy. Rushkoff breaks down our addiction to the always present moment and instant gratification culture over the long term, deep thinking work necessary for meaningful interactions. A great look at the evolution of technology and how we can slow down in a rapidly changing society.

You Are Not a Gadget

You Are Not a Gadget by Jaron Lanier

RATING: 8/10…READ: August 2, 2011

A humanistic perspective on the direction technology is taking us & what we can do about it. Lanier rejects the singularity argument by prominent technologist such as Kevin Kelly; this work is a contrarian view to such thoughts. A great book that not only dissects our problems, but offers solutions as well.

Amusing Ourselves to Death

Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business by Neil Postman

RATING: 8/10…READ: September 24, 2013

Written in 1985, Amusing Ourselves to Death advocates deep reading over TV and quick news tidbits. It’s a book that still is relevant today with the information overload of the internet. A great breakdown of media, its uses and consequences.

The Dip

The Dip by Seth Godin

RATING: 8/10…READ: May 10, 2010

A book about quitting the wrong stuff and sticking with the right stuff. It’s a book about intense focus on mastery. A short pleasurable read; a book I pick up every so often for a kick in the ass.

Folks this Ain't Normal

Folks, This Ain’t Normal by Joel Salatin

RATING: 8/10…READ: November 11, 2011

A book that reminds me of how far detached from the food system I really am. Every bit as shocking as Food Inc. and then some. It’s a call for a return to “normal,” adapting to biological life systems as nature intended. A great book not only for detailing farming and the injustices, but looking at how distorted are reality really has become culturally.

Truth Imagined

Truth Imagined by Eric Hoffer

RATING: 8/10…READ: April 24, 2012

The short autobiography of “longshoreman” philosopher Eric Hoffer. Hoffer, a migrant worker and obsessive reader, recaps the people and stories prior to writing the best selling book the “True Believer.” It is an interesting tale of a drifter who no matter where he went put service and a positive attitude first. In a technology & white collar driven world, this book is a refreshing perspective from a very smart blue collar worker.

Showing Up

Showing Up by Stratton Horres & Michala Perreault

RATING: 8/10…READ: July 1, 2012

Showing up is a an actionable personal growth book that features a series of in-depth, long (multi-day) exercises to make you question every aspect of your life–from your belief in God, personal beliefs about yourself, belief about others, etc. Based on the teachings and wisdom of ancients–From the Egyptians to Jesus–if you go through the exercises, you will have a new outlook on yourself and life.

Emerson Selected Essays

Emerson Selected Essays by Emerson

RATING: 8/10…ADDED: AUGUST 30, 2014

The analysis of life, culture, philosophy, and more by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

5 Elements of Effective Thinking

The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking by Edward B. Burger & Michael Starbird

RATING: 7/10…READ: September 26, 2013

Practical mental frameworks for effective thinking and overcoming cognitive biases. A great book for learning how to learn the fundamentals of any subject and relentlessly focusing on them.

101 Ideas About Advertising

The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton

RATING: 7/10…ADDED AUGUST 29, 2014

A great book on epigenetics and how thoughts and environment affect genetics.

The Book

The Book by Alan Watts

RATING: 7/10…READ: November 8, 2012

Basically this book breaks down the entire universe, the entirety of existence, and dealing with our egos. That sounds like a load of bullshit, but Watts makes some really good arguments and definitely changed how I see the world.

Thinking Big

The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

RATING: 7/10…READ: September 7, 2011

If you find yourself stuck, this book will open up possibility once again. THINK BIGGER. MUCH BIGGER. A book that mirrors/compliments Think and Grow Rich.

The Effortless Life

The Effortless Life by Leo Babauta

RATING: 7/10…READ: May 15, 2013

A quick read by Leo Babauta of Zen Habits. Slow down. Reduce your need for accomplishment and always trying to live in the future. Stop doing shit you don’t want to do and start focusing on the shit you do want to do.

The Fred Factor

The Fred Factor by Mark Sanborn

RATING: 7/10…READ: July 12, 2011

A great motivational book. The Fred Factor details the life and work Lessons from Fred, a Postman who turned an ordinary job into the extraordinary. If you’re bored at your job and looking for meaning in your life or work, start here

The Deep Self

The Deep Self by John Lilly

RATING: 7/10…READ: May 26, 2013

Written by John Lilly, this book explores his theory of consciousness and the history and techniques of using the float tank. Some of the principles are dated, but nonetheless a fascinating read and highly useful information for using float tanks.


ReModel: Create mental models to improve your life by Joshua Spodek

RATING: 7/10…READ: December 2, 2012

A book about challenging your beliefs. Most helpful tip, beliefs are helpful to the extent they help you. Contrarian advice and interesting mental frameworks.

Die Empty

Die Empty by Todd Henry

RATING: 6/10…ADDED: AUGUST 29, 2014

How to step out of your comfort zone and unconventional strategies on passion and career.

Measure Your Life

How Will You Measure Your Life by Clayton M. Christensen

RATING: 6/10…READ: June 8, 2012

How Will You Measure Your Life aims to give you ways of thinking about your career and relationships in regards to living a happy life. While the lessons are useful, the language/length of the book could have reduced, as simple concepts are made more complicated than needed. With that said, it is still a good book for questioning your line of thinking as it relates to happiness.

Start with Why

Start with Why by Simon Sinek

RATING: 5/10…READ: July 7, 2012

This book is an extension of Simon Sinek’s TED talk. The core concept of the book is we should question WHY we do what we do. Despite a great TED talk, this book is very redundant. If you watched the TED talk, you’ll find little more added information beyond it.