wanghaisheng / tiktoka-studio-uploader

Schedule and Publish contents erverywhere.Bulk auto video upload and Scheduling & Publishing Effortless for You & Your Entire Team. batch headless upload all major social networks using this ultimate social media scheduler. Fret less, save time, and generate more leads!
MIT License
274 stars 52 forks source link

proposed video metajson for youtube #59

Open wanghaisheng opened 1 year ago

wanghaisheng commented 1 year ago



No response

Example URLs


{ "title": "my test title", "description": "my test description", "tags": ["test tag1", "test tag2"], "privacyStatus": "private", "madeForKids": false, "embeddable": true, "license": "creativeCommon", "publicStatsViewable": true, "publishAt": "2017-06-01T12:05:00+02:00", "categoryId": "10", "recordingdate": "2017-05-21", "playlistIds": ["xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"], "playlistTitles": ["my test playlist"], "language": "fr", "monetization": {"allowed": true}, "location": { "latitude": 48.8584, "longitude": 2.2945 }, "locationDescription": "Eiffel Tower", }

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wanghaisheng commented 1 year ago

is there a way to pass an argument to activate monetization for uploaded video? "monetization": {"allowed": true}

wanghaisheng commented 1 year ago

the title could by default be the specified file name if there is no title is on the command line AND none is in the json file?

wanghaisheng commented 1 year ago
  "uploadSetting": {
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    //"go next after uploading success",
   // "go next after processing success",
   // "go next after copyright check success",
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    //上传过程自动录制视频 供调试用
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  "videos": [
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      "title": "my test title private draft",
      "description": "my test description",
      "thumbnail": "/Users/wenke/github/tiktoka-studio-uploader/tests/1/sp/1-001.jpg",
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      // # 2-Increase strictness
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      // # 4-Disable comments

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        "Turning tiny",
        "Radiation blast"
      "video_path": "/Users/wenke/github/tiktoka-studio-uploader/tests/1.mp4",
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      "title": "instant publish my test title",
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        "Radiation blast"
      "video_path": "/Users/wenke/github/tiktoka-studio-uploader/tests/1.mp4",
      "age": 29,
      "title": "scheduletopublish_at_specific_date my test title",
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      "age": 29,
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