wanghaisheng / tiktoka-studio-uploader

Schedule and Publish contents erverywhere.Bulk auto video upload and Scheduling & Publishing Effortless for You & Your Entire Team. batch headless upload all major social networks using this ultimate social media scheduler. Fret less, save time, and generate more leads!
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C:\tiktoka-studio-uploader-playwright>python examples/ #87

Open yibingchaoyue opened 1 month ago

yibingchaoyue commented 1 month ago



C:\tiktoka-studio-uploader-playwright>python examples/ start to check Tiktoka Studio requirements whether intalled start to check Tiktoka Studio requirements whether playwright intalled Tiktoka Studio requirements-playwright have intalled install all type browsers

[INSTALL_PYDEPS] Attempt 'step1' -> Run 'playwright install'

[INSTALL_PYDEPS] SUCCESS for process 'step1'

CompletedProcess(args="playwright codegen -b firefox --proxy-server socks5:// --lang 'en-GB' --save-storage=fastlane-cookie.json", returncode=1, stdout=b'', stderr=b'Error: NS_ERROR_PROXY_CONNECTION_REFUSED\nCall log:\n \x1b[2m- navigating to "", waiting until "load"\x1b[22m\n\n') failed to save cookie file:b'Error: NS_ERROR_PROXY_CONNECTION_REFUSED\nCall log:\n \x1b[2m- navigating to "", waiting until "load"\x1b[22m\n\n'

无法获取cookie 进行不到下一步了

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yibingchaoyue commented 1 month ago


wanghaisheng commented 1 month ago

你把要访问的 换成 这种试下能开不 我看是代理连接异常 访问不了youtube页面