wangjiegulu / RapidFloatingActionButton

Quick solutions for Floating Action Button,RapidFloatingActionButton(RFAB)
Apache License 2.0
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Implement a label for the big button #8

Open lolobosse opened 8 years ago

lolobosse commented 8 years ago

Hi there,

I'm using your lib and I fond it pretty cool :+1: . However, I'd like to know if there is a simple way to place a label to the big button which will only be visible when the view is expanded.

I tried to add a View to your RFLayout but because you override it's measure in the onMeasure() it doesn't fit at all. :cry:

Do you have an idea to do it?


wangjiegulu commented 8 years ago

I glad you like it, but it unsupported yet. Modify source code and you may achieve it. Enjoy it :-)