wangjksjtu / arxiv2notionplus

Chrome/Safari/Firefox extension for clipping arXiv articles to Notion.
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integration to arxiv2notion #1

Closed denkiwakame closed 6 months ago

denkiwakame commented 2 years ago


Hi, I'm an original author of and happened to know this repository today. I'm really impressed that this repository has done the major todos of the original repository, solid work. Thank you!

I have been busy for working on some other research projects and, it's embarrassing, have left these todos for a loooong time on this extension (as in

I would like to ask you if you're interested in merging these enhancements to the original repository (as pull requests). After releasing the arxiv2notion, which was originally my personal toolkit, I found that there exists more potential users and demands for this extension than I expected. While we can also plan to release this extension on Chrome Store, the users may be a bit confused if they find multiple versions (e.g. arxiv2notion / arxiv2notion+ / arxiv2notion++...).

It would be appreciated if I could welcome you as a core maintainer of arxiv2notion (will add acknowledgment for you on README). No worries that I still can review and commit codes when I have some time. I'm also considering to move the namespace of arxiv2notion to a group like this ( in the future.

Could you provide your opinion on this ?

wangjksjtu commented 2 years ago

Hi @denkiwakame, Thanks for reaching out and the awesome arxiv2notion project!! I created this repo just for convenience and my personal use case as I imagine it might take a longer time to iterate over the PR/review procedure and more communication costs. Glad to know that you are aware of this work and also active in communication!

I totally agree with the plan to integrate these new features arxiv2notion and release a unified version for users. Specifically, there are the TODO items for us

I will allocate some time for the first item after the deadline for neurips (1 month left) ;) Or feel free to merge/move new features to your original repo (this repo is also under MIT) if you want to do it earlier. Does this plan sound good?

Thanks again for reaching out, I am pleased to become a member/maintainer for this project. In general, I feel this tool is simple yet super helpful for the researchers who are using Notion to organize/track the literature. Nice initial work!!

denkiwakame commented 2 years ago


Thank you so much for your prompt response! have invited you as a collaborator to . Here are my thoughts. I'd appreciate if you can give me your opinion on these points when you have enough time. Good luck with your NeurIPS submission :+1:

1) creating PRs for merging arxiv2notionplus

To me, whichever is OK. Fortunately, (a). will not become such a big change in this case. After merging, I will create a changelog and release the new version by tag. ​

2) who to do these PRs

I will allocate some time for the first item after the deadline for neurips (1 month left) ;) Or feel free to merge/move new features to your original repo (this repo is also under MIT) if you want to do it earlier. Does this plan sound good?

3) release on the Chrome store

4) move the namespace of arxiv2notion to a group (side topic)

Thanks again for your commitments and kind communication, you can reply when u have time.

denkiwakame commented 6 months ago

Dear @wangjksjtu,

I sincerely apologize for the long time since we last contacted. Due to personal reasons, I haven't had enough time to maintain the extension. However, I have finally resumed maintaining it. I wanted to inform you that several features (authors, comments, and date properties) have been merged into arxiv2notion I have also refactored parts of the code you added. Please take a look to review what has changed.

Your contribution is now listed in the original repository: Thank you once again for being a user of my extension and for your contribution to reorganize the documentation.

I have also submitted a review request to the Chrome Store.

As long as the original extension is served under the MIT License, you can still distribute arxiv2notion plus. However, you cannot overwrite my copyright for this extension. You can add your own copyright notice in addition to mine. The biggest contribution of arxiv2notionplus is the improvement of documentation; more than 90% of the extension's code is still written by me. I would appreciate it if you could keep my copyright notice (c) 2022 denkiwakame in the LICENSE.

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2022 denkiwakame

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

**The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.**
wangjksjtu commented 6 months ago

Thanks so much for the follow-up and great integration!! Also, apologize for not having time for this project. I have changed the license as you suggested. Thanks again for creating this tool for the community ;)