wangjwchn / AImage

An animated gif & apng engine for iOS in Swift. Have a great performance on memory and cpu usage.
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Slows down entire app: suggestions? #27

Open s2imon opened 7 years ago

s2imon commented 7 years ago

Hi, I'd like to inquire about the app's performance in general. I understand it slows down the view it's in, but it currently seems to be affecting the entire app (I have an iCarousel running in the main View). I have a single apng sitting in my SettingsViewController and display it in the footer view of the table. It's loaded with imageview.APlay();. Do I need to somehow use iamgeview.AStop(); in order for it not to affect the rest of the app? I understand this is a noob question, I'm just slightly confused by how slow the entire app has become all of a sudden.

Thanks a bunch!