wangkebin / personalvoice

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app: TypeError: Descriptors cannot not be created directly. #1

Open wangkebin opened 2 months ago

wangkebin commented 2 months ago

Env: WSL2 - Ubuntu 22.04, VSCode, Python 3.12.4. Issue: When trying to execute app in Jupyter Notebook with python 3.12, the hupyter kernel crashes. Then I started Jupyter Notebook via web with: jupyter notebook --no-browser --ip --port 8888
and got the following error: TypeError: Descriptors cannot not be created directly. Googled it and found: Add specific version protobuf following it and the issue was gone.

!pip install protobuf==3.20.3


  1. Use python 3.9
  2. Use protobuf 3.20.3
wangkebin commented 2 months ago


Use python 3.9 Use protobuf 3.20.3