wangna62691 / PacBio_Assembly

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PacBio_assemble_lab #1

Open wangna62691 opened 7 years ago

wangna62691 commented 7 years ago

record link to evaluation script

record exact command used to submit job,

qsub -q rcc-30d -l mem_total=8g -pe thread 4 ./
qsub -q rcc-30d ./
qsub -q rcc-30d ./

record GitHub revision of script used,

check in the mummerplot & report.tsv

write brief summary interpreting mummerplot and evaluating Canu assembly quality


The assemble results have linearised the circular chromosome in different places, we see that all are consistent with the reference. Because Ecoli is circular DNA, it has a random mapping start point, so it has breakage in the assemble result.