wangp / bower

A curses terminal client for the Notmuch email system
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test_process failing on Alpine Linux #89

Closed craftyguy closed 2 years ago

craftyguy commented 2 years ago

I recently packaged bower on Alpine Linux, and now the test_process test is failing with "unexpected output"

I patched the test to show the expected output at the end for comparison, both are in this file:


There's a difference. From what I understand (I don't know mercury..), the test appears to be writing 64K bytes to a pipe and reading it back from the other end.

This test did pass in the CI[1], so it's a little confusing as to why it's failing on the build servers[2]


I'm not really sure how to proceed with debugging this further, so if you have any advice it would be greatly appreciated.

wangp commented 2 years ago

I wasn't able to reproduce it in a Alpine 3.13 chroot. I'll test it in a VM some time. Perhaps it's specific to aarch64.

craftyguy commented 2 years ago

No, not specific to aarch64, it's failing on x86/x86_64 too.

This was run on Alpine Edge (the rolling release)

wangp commented 2 years ago

There is a bug in the rev program on Alpine Edge (or perhaps deeper down).

alpine:~/bower/tests# wc -c input.txt 
260 input.txt
alpine:~/bower/tests# rev < input.txt | wc -c

I've attached the input file. Do you mind reporting it to the Alpine developers? input.txt

craftyguy commented 2 years ago

ah interesting! I don't mind reporting it, thanks for tracking it down to this.

craftyguy commented 2 years ago

Looks like a bug in busybox. util-linux from works. (I tried to propose a fix here, but I'll work with the upstream busybox folks on it..

Thanks again for the help with this.