wangpeng407 / ReporterScore

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An error occurred while running the sample file (运行示例数据时报错了 #4

Open kuangzhuoran opened 2 years ago

kuangzhuoran commented 2 years ago

After downloading the software, you will use the data contained in the folder, which will also report an error 通过git clone下载完,用文件夹里面自带的KO.rela.xls和group.list运行,也会报错

my command: perl -MList::Util=sum -lane'$.==1 && print ; $.==1 && next; sum(@F[1..$#F]) == 0 && next; print ' KO.rela.xls > non-zero-KO.rela.xls Rscript caculate_reporter_score.R --group group.list --abund non-zero-KO.rela.xls --type pathway --outdir try

here is the error : 报错长这样: $ Rscript caculate_reporter_score.R --group group.list --abund non-zero-KO.rela.xls --type pathway --outdir try Error in combn(unique_group, 2) : n < m Calls: -> combn Execution halted

wangpeng407 commented 2 years ago


kuangzhuoran commented 2 years ago

您好!谢谢回复 就是软件自带的两个文件,当然用我自己的数据也一样会报错,我觉得可能不是输入文件的格式问题 另外在引用的时候是引用这篇文章吗“"Dynamics and Stabilization of the Human Gut Microbiome during the First Year of Life"” 9a68fb57a1fd915c2654ab27cedff60



wangpeng407 commented 2 years ago


Yelin112 commented 4 months ago

可能是因为unique_group生成时level()内部的变量不是因子类型 更改为 unique_group <- levels(as.factor(kodt$Group))