Thanks for you great paper and great data.
I have two question about your paper, I would appreciate If you can give me some clue.
1. In CCPD dataset, most of the License plate have same province, how do you reduce the big data bias in training?
2. In table VI, you compared with other algorithms,
How do you get the accuracy with other algorithms, such as [13]Moran? retraining with CCPD or just use the pretrained model?
[13] Canjie Luo, Lianwen Jin, and Zenghui Sun. Moran: A multi-object rectified attention network for scene text recognition. Pattern Recognition,
90:109–118, 2019
If it is only for the CCPD test set, because their province distribution is basically the same, direct training, but if you want to be practical, then you have to synthesize a large number of fake license plates from other provinces to supplement the training set.
It is necessary to retrain MORAN with the CCPD training set.
Hi @wangpengnorman ,
[13] Canjie Luo, Lianwen Jin, and Zenghui Sun. Moran: A multi-object rectified attention network for scene text recognition. Pattern Recognition, 90:109–118, 2019
Thanks Meixitu