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restful api - http 状态码规范 #24

Open wangpin34 opened 5 years ago

wangpin34 commented 5 years ago

很多 restful guide book 都给出了 http 状态码规范,基本规则如下。


Code Name What does it mean?
200 OK All right!
201 Created If resource was created successfully.
400 Bad Request 4xx Client Error
401 Unauthorized You are not logged in, e.g. using a valid access token
403 Forbidden You are authenticated but do not have access to what you are trying to do
404 Not found The resource you are requesting does not exist(including parent resource does not exist)
405 Method not allowed The request type is not allowed, e.g. /users is a resource and POST /users is a valid action but PUT /users is not.
409 Conflict If resource already exists.
422 Unprocessable entity Validation failed. The request and the format is valid, however the request was unable to process. For instance when sent data does not pass validation tests.
500 Server error 5xx Server Error. An error occured on the server which was not the consumer's fault.

如果觉得以上状态码不能更具体的表述情况(某些业务中非常详细的返回信息),不建议另外找一个冷门的状态码来使用,一般更通用的做法是,在返回数据中包含额外的code 和 message,来表述具体情况。

 "code": "",
 "message": ""

设计 code 要有一定的规划,比如,对某个功能相关的错误设置相同前缀的 code,例如: 前缀 100

100200 user doesn't exist
100201 user data not valid 
100202 user account is not activited for preceed

比较复杂的错误代码设计,可以参考 oracle dbms。但通常,我们自己的微服务达不到这样的复杂度,所以,适可而止