wangqr / Aegisub

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[Bug] Edit Box Can't Display Correctly #54

Open WhiredPlanck opened 4 years ago

WhiredPlanck commented 4 years ago

OS: Arch Linux DE: KDE Plasma 5.19.1 Fonts DPI: 120

Just like this, I can't edit anything in the box, and it usually just show a part of the background program screen. Screenshot:

wangqr commented 4 years ago

Can you provide the version of aegisub, and wxgtk?

WhiredPlanck commented 4 years ago

Can you provide the version of aegisub, and wxgtk?

Oh yes, I use the aegisub-git in AUR, which also maintained by you (Aegisub 9010-master-6f546951b, pkgver=3.2.2.r407.6f546951b). wxgtk

WhiredPlanck commented 4 years ago

Can you provide the version of aegisub, and wxgtk?

And I also noticed that the original edition also has this problem on my system, it may be a common issue ……

wangqr commented 4 years ago

aegisub-git is also from the original repo, not this fork. If it is a common issue, can you try install wxgtk3-dev, wxgtk-common-dev(this will upgrade wxWidgets from 3.0.x to 3.1.x) and rebuild aegisub?

WhiredPlanck commented 4 years ago

aegisub-git is also from the original repo, not this fork. If it is a common issue, can you try install wxgtk3-dev, wxgtk-common-dev(this will upgrade wxWidgets from 3.0.x to 3.1.x) and rebuild aegisub?

OK, I will give it a try. Reply with the result soon ~ : )

wangqr commented 4 years ago

I cannot reproduce this issue on my testing machine. If upgrading wxWidgets does not solve this issue, I suggest the following debugging procedure:

  1. Try build the wxWidgets sample, see if that also have the same issue:

    git clone
    cd wxWidgets/samples/stc
    WX_CONFIG=wx-config-gtk3 make -f makefile.unx
    • If it renders normally, then this is a Aegisub issue. Let me know here.
    • Otherwise, continue to step 2:
  2. Install and run SciTE, see if that also have the same issue.

WhiredPlanck commented 4 years ago

aegisub-git is also from the original repo, not this fork. If it is a common issue, can you try install wxgtk3-dev, wxgtk-common-dev(this will upgrade wxWidgets from 3.0.x to 3.1.x) and rebuild aegisub?

Sorry …… It took a long time for my computer to build wxgtk3-dev and wxgtk-common-dev. But it works. Now the edit box is available. Thank you for your help ~

WhiredPlanck commented 4 years ago

I cannot reproduce this issue on my testing machine. If upgrading wxWidgets does not solve this issue, I suggest the following debugging procedure:

1. Try build the wxWidgets sample, see if that also have the same issue:
git clone
cd wxWidgets/samples/stc
WX_CONFIG=wx-config-gtk3 make -f makefile.unx
* If it renders normally, then this is a Aegisub issue. Let me know here.

* Otherwise, continue to step 2:

1. Install and run [SciTE](, see if that also have the same issue.

* If SciTE renders normally, then this is a wxWidgets issue. You can report it at

* Otherwise, this is a Scintilla/SciTE issue. You can report it at

Wow, great ~ But installing wxgtk3-dev and wxgtk-common-dev can fix this issue on my machine now. Maybe this suggestion will help others. Thanks for your help again! ~

WhiredPlanck commented 4 years ago

aegisub-git is also from the original repo, not this fork. If it is a common issue, can you try install wxgtk3-dev, wxgtk-common-dev(this will upgrade wxWidgets from 3.0.x to 3.1.x) and rebuild aegisub?

Emm, I removed wxgtk3-dev, wxgtk-common-dev yesterday, and installed non-dev wxgtk and Aegisub original edition, I found the edit box is still normal. I'm really confused ……

注意到你似乎是国人,那就用中文再描述地清楚些。我把开发版 wxgtk 换回非开发版以及换回官方版 Aegisub,编辑框依旧是正常的,真的有点奇怪。这是为什么呢?我想回来探讨下,以后要是在新系统或者别的情况下,有没有比较清真的解决办法 ……

WhiredPlanck commented 4 years ago

aegisub-git is also from the original repo, not this fork. If it is a common issue, can you try install wxgtk3-dev, wxgtk-common-dev(this will upgrade wxWidgets from 3.0.x to 3.1.x) and rebuild aegisub?

Emm, I removed wxgtk3-dev, wxgtk-common-dev yesterday, and installed non-dev wxgtk and Aegisub original edition, I found the edit box is still normal. I'm really confused ……

注意到你似乎是国人,那就用中文再描述地清楚些。我把开发版 wxgtk 换回非开发版以及换回官方版 Aegisub,编辑框依旧是正常的,真的有点奇怪。这是为什么呢?我想回来探讨下,以后要是在新系统或者别的情况下,有没有比较清真的解决办法 ……

The only thing I know for sure is that the edit box is definitely not working properly on the Arch (at least on my machine) that hasn't been installed for very long. 我唯一能肯定的是,在刚安装好没多久的 Arch 上(至少对于我来说)编辑框是不正常的 ……

wangqr commented 4 years ago

我把开发版 wxgtk 换回非开发版以及换回官方版 Aegisub,编辑框依旧是正常的,真的有点奇怪


WhiredPlanck commented 4 years ago


我不太记得了,当时编译了很久,我最后安装的时候也没仔细注意 ……

WhiredPlanck commented 4 years ago


我是选择安装完删除 makedepends 的,此外应该没有别的了 ……

WhiredPlanck commented 4 years ago

我最近找到了一些其他线索,但是不够精准。因为我是 KDE 桌面,Qt 系桌面和 GTK 应用的相容性没 GNOME 那样贴和。我最近更换了 GTK 主题,发现很多 GTK 应用的界面都比之前好上不少。所以主题可能也是导致问题的可能之一,只是这权重有多大,暂时无法衡量 ……

WhiredPlanck commented 4 years ago

我最近找到了一些其他线索,但是不够精准。因为我是 KDE 桌面,Qt 系桌面和 GTK 应用的相容性没 GNOME 那样贴和。我最近更换了 GTK 主题,发现很多 GTK 应用的界面都比之前好上不少。所以主题可能也是导致问题的可能之一,只是这权重有多大,暂时无法衡量 ……

这个问题我是在反馈 Audacity 的界面问题时候发现的,因为换了个 GTK 样式主题之后,原来的问题消失了 50% …… 顺便吐槽一下 KDE 默认给 GTK 分配的微风主题真是难看得很 ……