wangshisheng / NAguideR

NAguideR: performing and prioritizing missing value imputations for consistent bottom-up proteomic analyses
MIT License
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cannot save results with imputed values => column names are not defined #3

Closed ihorrible closed 1 year ago

ihorrible commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone! I get an error when I tick "Customize the proteomic criteria or not?" at step 4 " Results and assessments":

Translated from Russian => Warning: Error in h: error in evaluating the 'x' argument when selecting the method for the 'as.matrix' function: unspecified columns selected

128: stop 127: [.data.frame 124: [C:\Users\iataraskin\Documents\R\win-library\4.1\NAguideR\NAguideRapp/app.R#2548] 108: accpprank4out 105: exprFunc [C:\Users\iataraskin\Documents\R\win-library\4.1\NAguideR\NAguideRapp/app.R#3136] 104: widgetFunc 103: :: htmlwidgets shinyRenderWidget 102: func 89: renderFunc 88: renderFunc 84: renderFunc 83: output$accpprank4 2: shiny::runApp 1: NAguideR_app

But if I tick "Customize the classic criteria or not?' there is no error.

I don't really understand how the selection of classic or proteomic criteria affects the results ? E.g. if for classic criteria the best method is impseqrob and for proteomic criteria the best method is bpca then can I choose bpca in 1.1 Select one method and tick classic criteria in 2.1?

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wangshisheng commented 2 years ago

Hi ihorrible,

What is the species of your data? Please note, NAguideR mainly supports Human data for the proteomic criteria.

Actually, you can choose any one criteria for your data, as they evaluate the results from different respects. Please read our paper and the supplementary notes:


ihorrible commented 2 years ago

Hi ! I have a human data. If I select one criteria it will also lead to another error ...