wangvisual / autoarchive

A Thunderbird extension that can move or archive your mails based on rules.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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No destination folders shown in settings. #116

Open boscharun opened 5 years ago

boscharun commented 5 years ago

When trying to add a copy rule, clicking the destination folder doesn't show any folders. Using thunderbird 60.7.1. Please help. image

chrober commented 5 years ago

I am experiencing the very same problem. Not sure when it started, it seems to be related to a Thunderbird upgrade. I recently found out my mails have not been archived anymore. By checking the Awesome Auto Archive options I found out the destination folders are not displayed anymore!

However, checking the extensions.awsome_auto_archive.rules in TB's Config Editor I do see the proper dest attributes there. Nevertheless, as said before neither the Awesome Auto Archive config editor displays these nor does the archiving work!

I am currently using TB 60.7.2. Using Awesome Auto Archive 0.9beta from GitHub instead of the offcial 0.8 did not help.

dmshimself commented 5 years ago

I have the same issue - TB 60.7.2 as well

elhennig commented 5 years ago

Same here on Linux using TB 60.8.0

SeagramFR commented 5 years ago


Same issue with Awesome Auto Archive (AAA) 0.8 with ThunderBird (TB) on Windows 10, currently 60.8.0 32bits (with auto update set).

My ISP was sending me "quota warning" alerts, so I was puzzled and checked TB contents and AAA settings and behaviour.

In the "Advanced settings" tabs of AAA options, I click on "Show verbose information in error console" checkbox, but I haven't seen any error in the TB console. Everything seems to go smoothly, it just does nothing. Just one weird thing: why is it necessary to check connections with mail servers before proceeding? What if the user does NOT want to fetch recent messages from server before archiving? Some log lines are:

[...] 2019-08-02 18:51:45.363 this.rules: Array / 0 (object) [object Object] | + enable (boolean) true | + action (string)'archive' | + src (string)'mailbox://my.account@pop.isp.tld' | + dest (string)'mailbox://nobody@Local%20Folders/___Archives/my.account%40pop.isp.tld' | + from (undefined) undefined | + recipient (undefined) undefined | + subject (undefined) undefined | + tags (undefined) undefined | + age (number) 180 | * 2019-08-02 18:51:45.409 Running rule archive mailbox://my.account@pop.isp.tld with filter { age => 180 } 2019-08-02 18:51:45.414 needCheck mail server: my.account@pop.isp.tld 2019-08-02 18:51:45.414 downloading emails for server my.account@pop.isp.tld 2019-08-02 18:51:45.415 Checking if server server11 on line using pop3://my%2Eaccount@pop.isp.tld:995/ 2019-08-02 18:51:45.615 OnStopRunningUrl: server server11 2019-08-02 18:51:45.616 pop3://my%2Eaccount@pop.isp.tld:995 OK 2019-08-02 18:51:45.616 All servers checking done, has bad server? : false 2019-08-02 18:51:45.616 No need to updateFolder mailbox://my.account@pop.isp.tld 2019-08-02 18:51:45.616 All FolderLoaded 2019-08-02 18:51:45.631 Searching mailbox://my.account@pop.isp.tld with 2019-08-02 18:51:45.632 Total 0 messages hit [...] 2019-08-02 18:51:45.636 skipReason: [object Object] / duplicate (number) 0 |+ exceed (number) 0 |+ cantDelete (number) 0 |+ deleted (number) 0 |+ srcLocked (number) 0 |+ destLocked (number) 0 |+ flaged (number) 0 |+ unread (number) 0 |+ tags (number) 0 |+ cantArchive (number) 0 |+ offline (number) 0 2019-08-02 18:51:45.636 autoArchiveService closeAllFoldersDB 2019-08-02 18:51:45.636 close msgDatabase for mailbox://my.account@pop.isp.tld 2019-08-02 18:51:45.636 Proposed to change 0 messages, 0 bytes 2019-08-02 18:51:45.637 auto archive done for all rules, set next 2019-08-02 18:51:45.637 Archie: Nothing done 2019-08-02 18:51:45.639 Will wakeup @ 02/08/2019 19:51:45

If AAA is not fixed quickly on this, it is useless, and I will remove it. Too bad.

chrober commented 5 years ago

If AAA is not fixed quickly on this, it is useless, and I will remove it. Too bad.

I hope it will get fixed (soon)! I am not aware of any alternative which could replace AAA for my needs.

SeagramFR commented 5 years ago

Hi, @chrober

I am afraid I don't know of any alternative either. Back to manual archiving? :-(

chrober commented 5 years ago

Back to manual archiving? :-(

I am already back here, manual archiving is what I currently do. But it is no fun at all, it is a totally stupid task. It would be awesome if my computer would automatically maintain my e-Mail archive. Actually, that is what I have my computer for -- relieving me from stupid tasks.

SeagramFR commented 5 years ago

Hi, @chrober

I totally agree with you, that's what a computer is made for: perform stupid and tedious tasks ... once human has properly specified what is expected, which is often the longest part of it ;-)

First thing first, I may spend some time looking at the logs and the code and understand what goes wrong and what is to be fixed?

More on this later,

quenton89 commented 5 years ago

The quick workaround (if its not already noted, did not see it) is to apply the change, close the window and re-open the archiver window. You can then select the folder - nuisance? perhaps, but the add-on is too useful to not use the workaround.

dmshimself commented 5 years ago

I cannot get that to work - the windows opens up a second time with the entry for the destination folder still disabled. Was there a particular sequence you used to get this to work?

chrober commented 5 years ago

The quick workaround (if its not already noted, did not see it) is to apply the change, close the window and re-open the archiver window. You can then select the folder - nuisance? perhaps, but the add-on is too useful to not use the workaround.

This workaround does not work for me. What changes do you make before you press the "Apply" button? How do you close the window? With what TB version and under which OS is this supposed to work?

quenton89 commented 5 years ago

Sorry - I had hoped it would work for everyone, I have been using it for months now.

Just to be sure, the steps I go through to add a new item are ...

dmshimself commented 5 years ago

For me on TB 60.8.0 I can follow your method as long as long as Move is selected, but when I bring the windw back and change Move to Archive, the ability to select a destination folder is removed

michaelminarcz commented 4 years ago

I have the same problem. TB 60.9.0 (64-bit) on MAC. Destination folder is empty, so I can't select the destination folder.... does anyone solve it?