wangvisual / autoarchive

A Thunderbird extension that can move or archive your mails based on rules.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Some mails and some sub folders not copied #41

Open micksulley opened 9 years ago

micksulley commented 9 years ago

I have a mail folder WorkStuff, with several levels of subfolder. I have a rule - Action = Copy Source Folder = imap://....WorkStuff Scope = hierarchy Destination Folder = mailbox://nobody@Local Folders/Archive/WorkStuff Age = 0

AutoArchive has created some but not all of the subfolders under WorkStuff and for some of the subfolders which are created the mails are not copied over. I have looked in the Error Console and there are no errors or warnings listed.
Some subfolders have been created correctly and all the mails copied across, I cannot see any obvious logic to why some work and some don't. I have rebooted a couple of times and that did not seem to make any difference. I enabled Dry Run and tried that, it gave an empty summary. I then copied a new mail into one of the source subfolders and tried Dry Run again, that produced a summary that looked OK for the new mail and the ones that were missing, so I ran it for real. There were several pop up boxes that said - Exception - Caught exception, reference path....
but they didn't stay on the screen long enough to read them. The Error Console has loads of messages but no errors or warnings.

Any ideas?


wangvisual commented 9 years ago

Please enable 'show verbose information in error console' of 'advanced settings' for this addon, then open 'error console' by 'Tools' => "Error Console".

Then click 'run now' and Please find the logs shown in the error console and post here

BTW, Did the sub folders have blank characters in the name?

micksulley commented 9 years ago

I already had verbose on and couldn't see anything in the error console. There were several folders with spaces in the names, but that didn't line up with the ones that had problems, however I renamed them all to remove spaces and tried again. I am now seeing a few errors in the log -

Timestamp: 08/08/14 14:25:44 Error: 2014-08-08 14:25:44 autosyncActivities ERROR onDownloadCompleted: TypeError: this._syncInfoPerFolder[folder.URI] is undefined Source File: resource:///modules/gloda/log4moz.js Line: 693

Timestamp: 08/08/14 14:25:44 Error: this._syncInfoPerFolder[folder.URI] is undefined Source File: resource:///modules/activity/autosync.js Line: 300

They are repeated 4 times. Also Awesome Auto Archive does not seem to complete, I have left it running for hours and I still have a Stop Now option at the top.

micksulley commented 9 years ago

Any ideas on this? Is there any other information that I could provide?

wangvisual commented 9 years ago

You should send me messages in error console generated by AAA, like:


micksulley commented 9 years ago

OK, there is a lot of it, I have selected the bits that look relevant. Awesome Auto Archive startup... 2014-08-19 22:04:07.458 rules: Array

2014-08-19 22:04:39.053 All FolderLoaded 2014-08-19 22:04:39.055 Searching imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// imap:// with AND (status,isn't,) 2014-08-19 22:04:39.500 Total 5679 messages hit 2014-08-19 22:04:39.500 skipReason: [object Object]

wangvisual commented 9 years ago

duplicate (number) 3936 exceed (number) 1643 3936 messages already exists in target folder 2014-08-19 22:04:39.500 will copy 100 messages, total 6.80M bytes

It seems you have set the limitation for only process 100 messages per run, please set it to 0 or bigger number first in advanced settings.


micksulley commented 9 years ago

I have changed the limit to zero and run again. I now see some error messages -

Timestamp: 20/08/14 10:24:12 Error: 2014-08-20 10:24:12 autosyncActivities ERROR onDownloadCompleted: TypeError: this._syncInfoPerFolder[folder.URI] is undefined

Source File: resource:///modules/gloda/log4moz.js Line: 693 Timestamp: 20/08/14 10:24:12 Error: this._syncInfoPerFolder[folder.URI] is undefined Source File: resource:///modules/activity/autosync.js Line: 300

wangvisual commented 9 years ago

The error is still from autosync, not from AAA.