wangxiang1230 / OadTR

Code for our ICCV 2021 Paper "OadTR: Online Action Detection with Transformers".
MIT License
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TVSeries anno link #35

Closed ManuBenavent closed 5 months ago

ManuBenavent commented 10 months ago
          > Hi,

Could you please provide the label set of TVseries dataset. The actions have less duration. I hope to align with your setup in this dataset.

Hi, thanks for your attention to OadTR. You can get anno files and preprocessing file Here.

Originally posted by @wangxiang1230 in

hi, thanks for your amazing work! When I opened the download link with anno files and preprocessing file, it displayed the message: "Gone! The record you are trying to access was removed from Zenodo. The metadata of the record is kept for archival purposes. Reason for removal: Spam record, removed by Zenodo staff." Could you please provide the download link again?

wangxiang1230 commented 10 months ago
          > Hi,

Could you please provide the label set of TVseries dataset. The actions have less duration. I hope to align with your setup in this dataset.

Hi, thanks for your attention to OadTR. You can get anno files and preprocessing file Here.

Originally posted by @wangxiang1230 in #5 (comment)

hi, thanks for your amazing work! When I opened the download link with anno files and preprocessing file, it displayed the message: "Gone! The record you are trying to access was removed from Zenodo. The metadata of the record is kept for archival purposes. Reason for removal: Spam record, removed by Zenodo staff." Could you please provide the download link again?

Hi, thanks for your attention. The annotation files for TVseries dataset is here.