wangxiang1230 / OadTR

Code for our ICCV 2021 Paper "OadTR: Online Action Detection with Transformers".
MIT License
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label question #7

Open zstarN70 opened 2 years ago

zstarN70 commented 2 years ago

Hello, you have a tensor size of 22 in the label you gave me. Would you please say what does 22 mean? Which one is the background?

wangxiang1230 commented 2 years ago

Hello, you have a tensor size of 22 in the label you gave me. Would you please say what does 22 mean? Which one is the background?

Hi,the category label is commented as "THUMOS14_class_index": ["Background", "BaseballPitch", "BasketballDunk", "Billiards", "CleanAndJerk", "CliffDiving", "CricketBowling", "CricketShot", "Diving", "FrisbeeCatch", "GolfSwing", "HammerThrow", "HighJump", "JavelinThrow", "LongJump", "PoleVault", "Shotput", "SoccerPenalty", "TennisSwing", "ThrowDiscus", "VolleyballSpiking", "Ambiguous"], "0" ([1,0,0,...,0]) is the background, and so on.