wangxiao5791509 / TNL2K_evaluation_toolkit

Towards More Flexible and Accurate Object Tracking with Natural Language: Algorithms and Benchmark (CVPR 2021)
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How can I get precision plots? #5

Closed lawpdas closed 3 years ago

lawpdas commented 3 years ago

When I set norm_dst=true, ranking_type='AUC', it can generate Norm.Prec plots and Succ. plots, which are the same as the plots of your paper. But Prec. plots is different, when I set norm_dst=false, ranking_type='threshold'. The score of SiamRCNN is 0.528 in your paper, but I got 0.561. However, I found that the score of Ours is the same as that reported in your paper. error_OPE_threshold_error

wangxiao5791509 commented 3 years ago

@lawpdas Thanks for your feedback. Can you add my wechat and discuss on this issue for detail? my wechat is wangxiao5791509.