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Nitro vs Bare Metal? #11

Open wangyinfeng opened 6 years ago

wangyinfeng commented 6 years ago

However, it was the C5 instance, released just this month, that was first to offload the entire EC2 stack -- from networking and storage to management, security and monitoring -- onto dedicated hardware. Developed using technology AWS acquired in 2015 when it purchased Annapurna Labs, the C5 marked the debut of the "new EC2 hypervisor," DeSantis said.

wangyinfeng commented 6 years ago



DPDK is a one time benefit, NIC throughput is still growing faster than CPUs are adding cores or than cores are getting faster – the trendline is not good over time (100G? 200G? 400G?)

wangyinfeng commented 6 years ago

In early2015, Amazon acquired Annapurna Labs, and the C5 instance is the first instance to use the new hardware and custom ASIC they developed. This new ASIC is where the AWS hypervisor runs, leaving almost all of the CPU and RAM capacity available to run workloads.

Amazon also developed a new hypervisor to run on this hardware — the Nitro hypervisor — built from the ground-up using KVM components

And whatever we do build with commercial hardware and products will never match the breadth and depth of the AWS services.

wangyinfeng commented 6 years ago


Nitro之所以先實現網路功能,Peter Desantis解釋,因為網路功能是EC2服務中負載最大的一項服務,也是最能凸顯VM效能的基礎架構功能。


C5是AWS第一個完全將EC2軟體層放入Nitro硬體層的實例,也因此,原本在EC2主機上的Hypervisor虛擬層軟體可以更為輕量化,改採用了新的Nitro Hypervisor軟體。
