wangyu- / tinyfecVPN

A VPN Designed for Lossy Links, with Build-in Forward Error Correction(FEC) Support. Improves your Network Quality on a High-latency Lossy Link.
MIT License
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specify IP address for client and server? or select subnet mask? #65

Open syadnom opened 5 years ago

syadnom commented 5 years ago

I'm seeing that the server and client are basically only going to select IP addresses out of a /24, but only use 2.

for example, if you set to, the addresses will be for server and for client. if you set, you still get and

Can the subnet size be specified here so that entire /24 ranges aren't used up for the ptp links?

wangyu- commented 5 years ago

The IP address assigned by tinyfecVPN is only for convenience. You can assign any address manually to the tun device with ifconfig/ip command.

For example, check this article:

Once you assgined an IPv6 address to the tun device, it works directly without the need to let tinyfecVPN know. Its same for IPv4.

If you dont like the IP address assigned by tinyfecVPN, just delete the old adress and assign a new address manually. For latest version, there is also a --manual-set-tun option; once used ,tinyfecvpn wont assgin an IP address by default (so that you dont need to delete).