wangyu- / udp2raw-multiplatform

multi-platform(cross-platform) version of udp2raw-tunnel, which supports Windows/Mac/BSD natively. Client-Only at the moment.
MIT License
645 stars 146 forks source link

waiting for a use-able packet to be captured #34

Open Sirius2016 opened 4 years ago

Sirius2016 commented 4 years ago

遇到问题,请大佬帮忙看下: \Device\NPF{C04A58A7-4D06-4F4E-833B-0B2B3CE33833}: [no ip found]; NdisWan Adapter [2019-12-27 20:15:52][INFO]using device:[\Device\NPF{A32C3629-5834-44A2-9D87-B01B3F7B75F9}], ip: [] [2019-12-27 20:15:52][INFO]waiting for a use-able packet to be captured [2019-12-27 20:15:53][INFO]waiting for a use-able packet to be captured [2019-12-27 20:15:55][INFO]waiting for a use-able packet to be captured [2019-12-27 20:15:56][INFO]waiting for a use-able packet to be captured [2019-12-27 20:15:58][INFO]waiting for a use-able packet to be captured [2019-12-27 20:16:00][INFO]waiting for a use-able packet to be captured

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haohetao commented 2 years ago
