wangzilongri / SoybeanProject4741

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Peer Review from Adam Wang (yw287) #6

Closed adamwhat closed 7 years ago

adamwhat commented 7 years ago

The problem itself is really impactful and I am curious about the result and the reasoning process behind.

3 Things I like:

  1. You clearly stated your objective and you worked with real word data to solve real-world problems.
  2. The data is very diverse, containing both small scale (experimental) and large scale (regional data).
  3. The dataset contains not only numerical and categorical data but also geographic coordinates and potentially weather data.

3 Things I noticed:

  1. You did not state the structure of the data. Since I don't have the access to the dataset without signing up, it would be difficult for other peer reviewers to take a look at your data first.
  2. You did not state how to process and normalize the data to solve the messiness and normalized the unique data types such as latitude and longitude.
  3. You may state the hypothesis upon examining your data.